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Everything posted by Animedragon

  1. A nice hot cup of hot chocolate, just the thing for a slightly chilly morning.
  2. Evangelion is a good series. It'll be interesting to know what you thought of the final two episodes.
  3. Welcome aboard. Pull up a cushion, or a chair if sitting on the floor isn't your thing, and make yourself at home.
  4. In Golden Time the MC has a fairly serious type of mental breakdown.
  5. Welcome aboard. Pull up a cushion, or a chair if sitting on the floor isn't your thing, and make yourself at home.
  6. I finished watching BanG! Dream It's MyGo!!!!! today. Like the previous three series this one is about a group of high school girls who form a band. Unlike the previous series some of the members of the band were members of a band that broke up under rather disagreeable circumstances, and they haven't really got over the break-up. This leads to quite a bit of conflict between the new band's members and this series focuses more on the relationships between the band members than the band actually playing. In one way this is a good thing as it makes for an interesting storyline, however, I would have liked to have seen more of the band in concerts because the few songs they performed had really good lyrics. I'm rather hoping that there's a second series of this because it ended rather abruptly, but overall it's a decent series, although probably not one to watch as an introduction to the BanG! Dream franchise.
  7. I think you're right. It's often said that dogs have owners but cats have servants.
  8. I've had a quick play with one of the AI programs and it generated some interesting pictures based on the words I typed in, but I don't really think I could 'claim' them as my own work. To my mind it's not all that different to raiding Google images for picture elements and combining them into something 'new', it's ultimately just stealing someone else's work. As a photographer I'd be a bit put out if I discovered someone was using parts of my photos to create their own pictures, I'd be more that just 'put out' if I was a professional photographer and earned my living taking and selling photos.
  9. When does a sailor take up least room in his ship? When he sleeps on his 'watch'.
  10. It was certainly a hard time. Fortunately some distributors switched to offering box sets, either as half or full series sets. Although the financial outlay in one hit could be substantial , but at least it avoided the long waits between disk releases.
  11. It's a curious thing about dubs, back in the days of VHS Western distributors said they would only release dubs because they were less expensive to produce than subs. When DVDs come out quite a few series were released as sub only, and when asked why there was no dubbed version they said that subs were less expensive to produce.
  12. There's an old saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" . But in one sense I can see where you're coming from. I see posts on here saying how wonderful a series is and I wonder why anyone would want to watch it. I guess it's a case of each to his, or her, own.
  13. This is why I wait until the whole series is available on CR before I start watching it. I had enough cliff-hanger anguish back in the old days when tapes/DVDs were released at roughly one month intervals. (On VHS you got only 2 eps per tape, DVDs usually had 4, but often the 1st disk had 5)
  14. Yesterday evening I rewatched the Yuru Camp Movie, which was excellent those girls certainly enjoy their camping, cooking and hot springs! I was also interesting to see them creating a camp site rather than visiting one. I know I've said this before, but I really like it when a movie of a series continues the story rather than does a rehash of the TV series, that always seem to me to be a waste of good a movie production budget. Anyway... After I'd watch the movie I went back to Crunchyroll's home page where I spotted that they'd added Makoto Shinkai's latest film Suzume to their list that very day. So of course this evening I just had to watch it. After Your Name I found Weathering With You a bit of a disappointment, not that I thought it a bad film I just felt it somehow missed the mark. But Shinkai is right back on form with Suzume, it's an amazing film with an engaging storyline, beautiful artwork and animation and a good cast of believable characters. I'm definitely going to get the Blu-ray release of this film.
  15. I've now finished watching series 2 of Yuru Camp. A absolute gem of a series carrying on the highly enjoyable camping and cooking exploits of the five girls as they explore the natural beauty of the Japanese landscape. I'm really pleased that there's going to be a third series sometime next year.
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