Maybe it's because I had a very difficult upbringing (not necessarily a bad one) that's led me to appreciate life at a certain pace. My parents pretty much raised me to earn things outside of necessity. I still remember when I bought my very first cellphone. A simple, red flip phone; nothing special. Just one example of feeling ecstatic for the ability to achieve. I was very grounded to reality as a kid, and it helped me gain adaptability in the long run. There were so many problems I was able to solve by pulling up the sleeves and tinkering around in. This mentality carried over to all aspects of my life and I've found content and a sense of purpose in what I do. These days I live a relatively normal life but I continue to use my do-it-yourself experience in all sorts of creative mediums. When I used to find myself thinking "why can't I have that?" and it's in the realm of possibility to create, I'll more likely go for it and try. As for celebrities and other such people, I hold no malice or jealously. They do them but honestly, the lifestyle looks exhausting. Even traveling here and there for the best getaway vacations looks tiresome. All of the people, all of the noise. No thanks! Right now life and enjoying it with good company is the best and greatest feeling on Earth.
And I have a bad track record with social media. Sometimes it gets to be too much and half of the time I don't like what I see or read.