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Everything posted by efaardvark

  1. Not a big fan of Ozzy but Dio was ok...
  2. So now we here in the southwest US are having to choose between water or electricity.  Over in Utah they said they're going to be stopping the water flow out of Lake Powell because if they don't then they'll have to shut down the Glen Canyon hydro plant there as well.  Lake Powell water levels are currently at 3527ft and they have to shut down Glen Canyon at 3,490ft.  Here in S. California we get a lot of power from Lake Mead's "Hoover" dam - which is downstream from Powell on (what used to be) the Colorado river - but Mead is itself already at the 1050ft the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation says is needed to keep the generators going there and we're already past the January peak in rainfall.  (And every foot drop in water level has already meant 6MW less electricity for the grid even before we get to full stop on the turbines.)  The Hyatt power plant in northern Calif. was shut down from August to January last/this year due to low levels in Lake Oroville but at least then we still had flow on the Colorado river keeping Glen Canyon and Hoover going.  With Powell shutting its outflow gates so early this year it is only a matter of time before water and power both become hard to find around here.  It looks like they're prioritizing electricity for now but either way it seems this summer is going to be "Bad" around here.  Word of advice for anyone looking to move to S. California - or anywhere in the US southwest really... don't.  At this rate we're going to wind up like Venezuela.  😱

  3. Somehow wound up on a tiger-team to troubleshoot/fix James Webb telemetry latency issues they've had since launch.

    You know that old gag where everyone lines up and then someone asks for volunteers and everyone but one slow guy takes one step back.  I *think* that's what happened.  Either that or I was volunteered in a secret meeting that I wasn't invited to.   Either way... just shoot me now.  😭🔫

  4. I just did that a couple months ago. Important yes, and not cheap. Fortunately not often either. <knock on wood>
  5. Went over to the "SAF" - spacecraft assembly facility - today at lunch & saw NISAR being built in the bay. 


    Also saw the color-by-numbers version of the first picture of another planet from space, and the crayons that were used to color itFun bit of history on display there. :D 



  6. I would agree that it isn't -the- greatest. I wouldn't even say it is the best Miyazaki/Ghibli. It is very good however. What makes it even better still (IMHO) is the fact that it is a great intro piece for anime virgins. It is the sort of anime that you generally don't have to worry about watching with your non-anime friends when your turn comes to select the movie-night title.
  7. Went to and got a new lid... .. and a set of shot glasses..
  8. Went to visit mom in memory care / assisted living for mom-day dinner and a movie so.. exhausted, at least mentally.
  9. Goofing off in mc. Assaulted an outpost with ender perls and a rocket launcher.. .... which resulted in an endermite following me home. I trapped it in a boat and named it "Ralph". I have a base in the nether that is in a warped forest and constantly surrounded by endermen so If I get some time I might use Ralph as bait in an exp farm.
  10. OP MC? That's pretty much all of them isn't it? Magic High School, Wise Man's Grandson, Bofuri, Demon Lord Retry, Mushoku Tensei, Cautious Hero, Land of Leadale, Strongest Sage and Weakest Crest... the list is long. A couple of the current ones appear to fall into that category as well, though I haven't seen enough of any of them to know for sure. I'd put most - maybe all - isekai in that category, especially lately. Give that genre a try.
  11. Saw a Radeon 6600XT for less than $400 today. $370 actually, after rebate. Only problem was it was an MSI board & I'm not a fan of their gfx cards as they tend to run hot and as a consequence are loud and don't last (as) long. Still, at least the price is going in the right direction. Another hundred bucks and it'll only cost what my ancient RX 480 cost me about 5 years ago. (At the time I thought that over $250 for a gfx card was crazy but looking back I have to admit that I certainly got my money's worth out of it. If I'd bought a cheaper card I'd likely have been a lot less calm about GPU prices over the last few years. I mean, sure I'd have liked a better card, but the 480 has enough performance that even now it is still quite serviceable as long as I don't go crazy and try something silly like 4k or 1440p at "ultra" settings. At 1080p HD it works fine even for gaming.)
  12. Moonfall. Where to even start? Like 2012, only less real? In spite of being billed as science fiction, this one didn’t just require one to suspend disbelief. No, for this one had to stuff it in a pillowcase, fill it with rocks, tie it off, and throw it in the river. Yes, that bad.
  13. That one was stupid, but I did enjoy it as well. I won’t judge if you won’t.
  14. I like being alone. I have control over my own shit. Therefore, in order to win me over, your presence has to feel better than my solitude. You're not competing with another person, you are competing with my comfort zones. — Horacio Jones

  15. Saw that NetoYome was on Crunchy so I clicked it. I've seen it before and I really just wanted to enjoy a couple scenes of Ako being anti-normie again without watching the whole thing but I kinda got sucked in. Might still drop it but it does have its moments.
  16. I used to play D&D a lot back in the day. (I mean, what would you do if there were no computers, or internet? Never mind smartphones, we didn't even have pocket calculators! ) For about 4 years - until the end of HS - paper-and-pencil RPGs like D&D were a twice-weekly thing with my local gaming crowd. Sometimes also miniature/tabletop wargames. Then came graduation and everyone went their separate ways pursuing jobs, college, and other annoying adulting activities. These days we could have kept it together online but back then there wasn't a 'Net so that was kind of the end of it. But I actually still have the original 3-book (softcover) boxed set for D&D from TSR, plus the expansion booklets, Greyhawk, Blackmoor, Eldritch Wizardry, and Gods, Demi-Gods, and Heros. I got in trouble with my homeroom teacher in middle school (or "junior high" as they called it back then) for the cover of Eldritch Wizardry.
  17. Welcome to AF, and welcome back to anime.
  18. That might take a bit of dedication and/or more than one or two sessions to catch up. It's a pretty active topic. Not that I'm complaining you understand.
  19. I agree. Not only that but public schools here in the US are paid for attendance, not education, so troublemakers can’t be dealt with in any way that removes them from the class. Even if you do try something like suspension, the parents come back with, “well what am I supposed to do with them?” Basically schools are a weird form of publicly subsidized daycare. If you manage to get any sort of education out of the deal then that’s likely more attributable to the parents and teacher(s) conspiring against the system than because of.
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