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Status Updates posted by XII360

  1. been so busy with studying that i barely play games -- even mobile gacha games (which we all know, or atleast old users know that i abuse allot >.>)


    also, gonna confess to some girl (that's my junior in hospital) next, idk when, and by confess, i mean, ask for her number : D

    she might get the hint xD, at worst, ill be rejected, which is what im expecting, at best she will accept, and then, idk wtf to do beyond that point lmao


    im only planning on the failure path, couse i know i might fail (though, i feel i have like, 50% chance this time ?, compared to my last love that is)


    well anyway, only time will tell~ couse i mean, for now, i prioritize studying on review center for my board exams > helping juniors out > sleeping in house > playing games


    oh and, ill ss the thing i ordered for that group next time (next time is when the order arrives), wasted 1.8k php for it, but i feel its worth it, since we get a sort of "group bond" (even though im finished in internship, and technically aint part of hospital/group anymore xD)

    they still count me in though, so thats a plus sign 

    i just feel sorry for them, since they lack man power, that's why i help out when i notice them having low man power -- and im doing nothing, like tomorrow


    they gonna be so toxic tomorrow, and i would help...but...

    review center sched tomorrow happens, so shiz happens bruh



    TLDR: 1.) ima confess to some qt in near future

               2.) gun give my juniors a keychain gift 

                3.) review center is sh*t couse i cant play games as much as i used too -- much less use the PC as often q-q

    1. Seshi


      Good luck! I really hope you get to go on a date with your hot junior 😜

  2. My ml ken looks....strangely wierd

    And girly...almost as if...his not ml ken

    1. XII360


      oh, and, ill probably be taking a week break from my study stuff

      my boards got delayed more, so, being sad about it and all, im just gonna take a week break

      playing, drawing, etc etc


      currently, playing borderlands 3 with BFF, will probably draw while his away on work though ;o

  3. im over-studying/over working my self

    jesus christ x_x

    and its not helping that im being bugged about wanting to ask qt out ...

    ughhhh why must i fall inlove at such a crucial time ?!?!


    just reject me when i ask you out, so i can focus more after being sad for a few days >___<


    or accept my proposal, that would make me really happy too

    1. LonelyPoet


      Watch 90s shows that makes me feel better. 


  4. gonna finish shinjuku story today on FGO, and then beat the living sh*t outa that ghost monk on sekiro, then i can proceed to draw and or finish my corvo mask project >.>...

    1. brycec


      Don’t beat up the ghost. That’s no fun. decapitate it and let it see it’s body fall onto the ground, before crushing its body with your foot. 🤣

  5. internship starts @ monday, and itll take 3 days of my life away from computer, being in hospital-area, its gonna most likey, be very toxic

    send help, maybe chloride so i can bleach myself

    i also bought my tools, mainly 4 boxes of gloves, and 2 box of mask, couse lets face it,

    i can leave mask on for whole day, but gloves will be removed time to time and i wont be able to reuse them >.>

    oh and bought an easier to use torniquet, now all i need is to actually learn how to find a hard-to-find-vein, and im all set

    to bad im also stuck in the CC section, i-im not good at clinical chemistry x_x

    gotta study, this is my last 6 months, gambatte, ryu-kun/xii-kun~!

    1. brycec


      Good luck.

      Do not be afraid to turn in higher ups for doing something wrong.

  6. so be me, be drawing AF-chan

    be take however long it toke me since i last drew AF-chan a break, mainly focus study

    come back see this


    what the hell was i doing again >.>

    ...should scrap this and redo a new posture, probably

    1. XII360


      2 hours of netflix and chill and she shows you this face


      i-i cant even >.>, what am i doing lmao, this isnt even suppose to go like this jesus christ ryu

      well, atleast it aint a ahegao or anything <.>

      lewding af-chan is bad, like realll bad lmao

      especially since its a loli --- A LEGAL LOLI




      so translation; we have classes tomorrow, study those things on 2nd sentence

      and my expression is character's face


      oh well, time to study i guess, 

  7. WARNING; sh*tton of words ahead, and maybe possible bad english? couse i mean, i just wrote stuff based on what happened, i dont wanna proof read this either >.>

    just check TLDR if you dont wanna read it all xD


    so i couldn't confess to her with words, mainly couse it was a night duty, and she was window, and i was somehow invited to help ER couse they lack man power there, (but so did INPX), so i told the leader "sure, until other guys arrive ill help out here"

    so around first 4 hours of duty, i ended up being in ER, being slightly toxic, after that, the "late ins" interns arrived, only problem was, thats when the real toxic arrived, (e.g patient after patient)

    and then doctors kept following up something, the staff got a bit mad at the intern's, so i semi sped myself up on duty, she got mad couse all the interns in ER was mass warding, while she was left alone in the ER lab 

    when i heard that, i stayed in ER longer and decided to do most of the things fastly (e.g update PC log sheet, charged new patient tests, etc)

    basically i toke window role, which is my most hated role in internship...

    but i had the fastest writing speed, so i could update it 10x faster than anyone (only problem being, its so hard to f*cking read their hand writings >.>)


    so fast forward to 3am, toxicity finally subsided, and i was able to ditch to go to where i really wanted to -- INPX where waifu at <3


    only to be slapped by morning pick stuff, and so many people in there that i cant get a moment of her time (+/- she was toxic, so i didn't wanna disturb her for my stooped reasons)


    in the end, i went morning pick with a junior who wasn't confident in extraction, was slow af and stuff, and

    basically, everything about me when i was just starting out >.>

    though i told her ill do the rest, after teaching her proper collection on ARD bottles (couse ill collect morning pick faster if im going at it alone)

    give take i needed to hurry too, couse it was 5am, and i had like 6 extractions, and 12? HGT/CBG (glucose test)

    ended up finishing them all by 6:30am, and gave her the samples to less toxify her


    after which it was benign-ish for me, like regular, checking trashbins for sharps and pranking new interns that im a "staff" or "a girl" (couse i brought a wig that day, to fool INPX window, and act like a patient -- she saw right through me though, and told me that "the exit is that way" 

    i was like

    the f*ck ?! how did you know ?

    "gut feeling" - qt junior 2019


    so yea, in the end, i couldn't confess to her by words; butttttt

    i ordered everyone gifts, hers having a special extra one, and i wrote everyone letters (including hers)

    outside, i wrote "dont open it with people around"

    inside, i wrote i liked her, and the other was me going asdjfhsdfhsajfh couse i was cringing >.>


    so yea, other's saw, and was like "yieeeeeee" and others were "how does she get two ?" (couse i only gave one to everyone)

    and i was just like "yknow "winkwink""

    she incidentally smiled which made my day even though i was 24hours + awake now (couse i went from review center, then home, then straight to night duty >.>)


    so yea, TLDR;

    1.) confessed to qt by letter/gift, but she has yet to log in since, so idk her answer yet, im expecting to get rejected though if its taken this long, (which could hint she's avoiding me? and probably doesn't wanna make me sad?)


    2.) couldn't get to study yesterday, due to over fatigue, lack of sleep, body ache from over working, etc


    3.) i ended up going all night duty, when my initial goal was to just give her gift, and ditch home by 10pm


    "thats about it; ryu is out, gun go kms after this incident ._."

    1. Seshi


      From what you said the interaction seemed to go well. Not embarrassing at all, because you played it off cool. And she laughed. So... that’s usually a flirty thing, and a good sign. 

      Anyway, if things don’t work out, you at least tried. You didn’t waste away your time wondering if she liked you, and never giving it a shot, because you did. Good for you 😊

  8. 231231231231231213.thumb.jpg.60cfc0f68dbcdf1f376c8979b6e3ec09.jpgjust gonna leave this here


    now idk wtf to do ...


    1. XII360




      though i guess ill just sleep this depression off, soo

      naito~, tomorrow i gotta get back to normal and study hard

      if i can ugh, sozzz


  9. just got contacted by the hospital i intern'ed at


    ara ara~

    looks like ryu-kun is getting a job soon~

    my mom/dad is so happy right now >.>

    1. Tefutakato


      Congratulations buddy! 

  10. aced my exam, with not flying colors, but with moderate score, doesnt matter couse i barely studied it, so SUCK IT AHA~!


    though, to be honest, even if i failed, at worst my grade would be around 2.50 or something, but since its still at 1.75...i can go ahead and not care for finals, couse, at worse itll be 2.75 >_>



    though, knowing me, id probably still study, even if its just skimming through, i somewhat have a overpowered memory ever since i started meditating and jogging >.>


    also, today was somewhat toxic, maybe its couse i was awake 27hours >.>

    i mean kinda sucks i couldnt extract blood from that 7month old baby...and show of to my junior <.>

    now that i think about it, i could have extracted blood BELOW hematoma'ed area, i blame being awake for 27hours on that part, i clearly was not in the right mind tsk

    give take, she's like me, but semi better, she's scared of extracting on kids, makes me wanna protecc her, especially since she a qt >.<

    oh and im reminded, someone centrifuged IODINE, rather than blood, they sure f*cked that one up, but no harm was done, sooo~


    obligatory inspirational song,

    for some reason, this song is hitting me hard, especially knowing how much i used to act, being alone and shiz

    give take, undertale is still fap, #genociderouteisbrutal


    1. Beocat


      You are such a gentleman.  Please keep that protective of women quality. It is good to still see these days. :)


      And congrats on passing! I'm hoping to take an exam in a little over a month's time. Just had my first real estate classes Sat and Sun and the exam is going to be super hard. Most fail it >_< Anyways, the math I'm good on considering my background (my fellow classmates say my opinion on the math difficulty or lack thereof doesn't count lol) but the terminology is going to be tough. Gonna make flashcards and study Tuesdays through Thursdays till the class ends and I take the exam lol. I have no excuse not to study. What else can I do during the week when I'm off?  Wish me luck!


      And I attended my first class Saturday on 3 hours of sleep and it was most all definitions. I feel your befuddlement 😵

  11. be me, be school, be study, be pass quizzes couse, even i dont know how


    cool classmmate shows this, i go NANI ?!






    dont do this to me fgo, you know i love you, but dont you dare cockblock my favorite character

    dont do it


    since i started the game she was all i was after, fgo you better not f*ck this up for me

    ahhh this is bad for me, we get kuro for free (aka chocolate/one in front page), BUT NOT ILLYAAAA

    doesnt matter what happens, if i get illya, im insta grailing her to lvl 100, dont care, doing it for her

    1. XII360


      >"but x-kun, its just illya, you cant be that hyped"


      yea well, i was so hyped at just <hearing> this news, that i went and jogged twice as long as i usually jogged -- and i barely felt tired while jogging compared to how i usually jog half way then walk and jog

      literally had 3x energy this jogging >.>

  12. welp, bad news

    they are looking for lab tech

    and thus, my work there is done

    back to job hunting *.*

    1. Tefutakato


      That sucks, don’t give up hope to finding work. I believe you’ll find something nice soon.

  13. We done boiz


    *Ez 4yrs* as my cool friend posted xD


  14. Toke some shots of where im at atm, 

    Pretty much a big vet place, couse my good boi is somewhat not feeling well

    Bright side

    Im still studying here, after i finish some fgo stuff






    1. Myouya




    please wait, while i calm down





    1. XII360



      i cant stop, laughing, someone,help,me,

      SHES A 5th GRADER RYU, STAPH (ryu, as in, ME)


      so i wont lie, its been an hour, but i still feel like im dreaming

      im not sure if im lucky, for i got her on my first draw,

      or unlucky, for not getting her again after using 60 tickets

      WHAT LUCK DO I HAVE ??!?!?!


  16. image.thumb.png.eb2c4c4b25fb90da9e9410ec1982a303.pngbeen drawing mimi expressions for project i planned to do since...forever


    but im drawing it really, really, really


    slowly >.>

    mainly couse i keep getting derailed <.> [read; distracted]

    also had runny nose today, so i focused all my energy on healing up

    i need to be fully healed for when i work, dont wanna be prone, and then swab probable/assumed covid patients ~.~

  17. wonder what shift i am today, if its inPx. ward, id be busy at early morning, but around 8-ish, i can relax and watch anime

    ...after i finish my gacha games, and burn out my AP and do the sidequests and etc

    have yet to start on "happy sugar life" couse, well, yknow, last R3 InPx, i-i sort of, had to play FGO all night, to finish some events,

    the AP burn (energy) was 10, and i had like 150, and battles dont take 10 seconds to finish, so i sorta, toke all day to finish it >_>


    though today, AP burn is 40, so i just gotta farm 3x, and then im good to go.....


    though, both of those are mainly for daily log in now, and maybe dailies, maybe

    depends on my mood really >.>


    now for the long awaited, OBLIGATORY POST SONG~!~!~

    should really, have more balls to post these kinds of stuff, been somewhat, having doubts on my post's again

    i bet its cause of that "judas incident" >.>

    i has trust issue's again lmao, that's hella funny, for some reason >.>

    1. Geano


      I have been listening to this so over, and over again way to much. :) Its a goodie though.

  18. so it would seem that

    while i was busy in work yesterday

    my account was hacked/compromised

    not sure how this happened, but luckily nothing major happened


    seems he changed my name to bad ones (which i never knew had powers to change name)


    and also i guess

    delete my favorite animes?

    idk ima investigate ~.~

    remember to change your PW to avoid hackers like that!

    no life's, amirite guys


    edit: upon talking with the other admins (mainly wedgy-sempai)

    it would seem my yahoo accounts are compromised

    and thus i have decided to

    btfo yahoo and go to gmail >.>

    screw yahoo, its 1990's

    we gmail now boys

    (also my gmail isn't compromised it would seem)


    big thanks to @Wedgy for giving me this link to know how badly compromised i was, jesus

    1. leinwandname


      One easy internet privacy tip is; use multiple email accounts. So that you have one email account for every lets say 4 or 5 websites (if you don't have many accounts one email per account would even work) so if one gets compromised you don't have to change the email settings for so many websites. The maintainance of this many emails accounts is actually fairly easy, if you use some kind of desktop email app that lets you read email without a traditional browser (like thunderbird). For example, I use newsboat (for the command line on linux) that allows me to merge the emails of multiple accounts, so I only have one (local) password to read the email of all of my email addresses.

      Use different email providers (I often use protonmail and tutanota, though also have some outlook email addresses as throwaway accounts). Doing all that once takes some time but is neither hard nor actually that complicated.

  19. just woke up, and its still february 14, and not february 15

    man this is balls, and feels bad man

    obligatory song post i guess ;_;


    1. Geano


      Same thing happened to me went to bed about 10 hours ago.

  20. almost done with my artwork for contest, just felt like stopping for today couse...

    screw drawing hands >.>

    im gonna go play some E7 >.<

    tomorrow im getting ditzy (dizzy) and i find this fap :)

    for now, its time to DARK SOUULLLSS (three)

    1. Seshi


      Yes you need your rest after all, take care of that dear drawing hand 🤣

  21. Tomorrow is last day of review center !

    So far, based on scores i get on exams, i feel confident ill pass this time, compared to first time (50-90/200), i always get 50-70% now (100-150/200),

    With the exception on parasitology, seems to have been my lowest in the review center, following isbb (cant remember, but i didnt get 50%, rather 40% ?)


    Eitherway ima keep studying to pass boards this march xD


    Also bought some jackets, couse, jacket is laif for a hikikomori

    I cant be the only one who feels naked, when im not wearing one outside, right ?

    I feel protected when i wear a jacket outside (like how a kid feels protected hiding in their blanket xD)

    Also UV light protection, muh skin needs to be protected after allll >.<


    Started playing arknights too, not fully focused on it, im still 100% studies, but its a fun tower defense game so far, i get the kancolle vibe, but with tower defense mechanism rather than no control on shipfus

    Also no permanent sinking/death if you push through (they should do a mode like this, it would add more pressure >.>....)



    1. Illusion of Terra

      Illusion of Terra

      keep at it dude, only a month or two left and then hopefully you'll have passed those exams!

  22. This is what ive experienced whole day 

    Except, more slipping through tiny car gaps at god damn light speed speed =_=

    Funny thing is, throught that time i just played fgo >.>

    Jeeus christ, 48mb for 20 seconds tho, good thing my data is 2gbs >.>

    1. XII360


      Edit: its now raining, my phone may be water proof, but my earphones aint >_>



    AND 18TH

    LMAO im effed

    1. Illusion of Terra

      Illusion of Terra

      man, you should still give it a try right?

  24. thanks for the follow~ and stuff~ i guess ?! ;o

  25. i have been away for a loonng time

    without you my friend

    oh ill tell you all about it when i see you again


    its been a loooong day

    from where we have been, and ill tell you all about it when i see you again

    when i see you againnn


    and yea

    pretty much doing 3 jobs, maybe it can reach 4, though the rest (being 2 of them) are just side lines >.>

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