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Everything posted by Ohayotaku

  1. I don’t know how accurate of a translation it is, but it made me lol the first time & still makes me smile
  2. Olivia (The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs)
  3. I just noticed Gokudo on the favorite anime section of your profile. THAT’s a title I haven’t thought about in a long time 🤣 


  4. I watched both seasons of it. It’s not your typical sports anime as it centers on adult players instead of highschool or collegiate. It’s also not very action oriented, focusing more on the mechanics & strategic elements of the game but also slice of life. The drama & interactions can be different too, with a focus on trying to build a career in baseball (making the most of the opportunities that come your way, trying to minimize injuries & keeping in mind that your career as an active player is likely short). There are instances of young talented characters who cut there careers short with stupid mistakes, but also veterans with a long career who never actually made much of an impact. There is humor in it too, though. I can see a lot of people getting bored of it or being turned off by the artstyle, but as someone with an interest in baseball I found it enjoyable enough & definitely a departure from the norm.
  5. Welcome Don’t worry about it. Not a particularly large active group at the moment, but people here are friendly & accepting. If you see a topic that interests you, join right in. Or create one of your own, you just might start something. Hope you enjoy it here.
  6. Have continued to play around with MAL’s profile customization wizard & am reasonably happy with the results https://myanimelist.net/profile/Ohayotaku

    1. viruxx


      Looks good, man! That's an impressive list, too.

    2. Wodahs


      love it

      to bad im lazy and cbf doing it my self

      F... half the time i forget to add the anime to it or up date the anime to completed from watching

    3. Ohayotaku


      It’s still pretty limited in what you can do & has some bugs, but since I primarily use my phone instead of a desktop, it’s nice to have something integrated into the site itself & hopefully they’ll continue to improve things. I’ve made some attempts to interact on the forums there, but definitely prefer the feel of the community here even though it’s not overly active. 

  7. Subtitled trailer for the upcoming movie (screening Japan in November, U.S. early 2023) ANN article
  8. My mind is a distracting environment, so … yeah, explains alot.
  9. Titles: Anachronism • Earthbound Misfit • Summa cum laude of the King Kai School of Comedy I maintain this universe’s law of the conservation of energy by leading a seemingly mundane & unambitious lifestyle, thus enabling others to achieve great things
  10. yes, I actually do use this character as my online avatar/pfp sometimes (currently on MAL)
  11. Wrapping up my Spring season simulcasts: still need to watch Kaguya-sama 3’s final ep. need to catch-up on Birdie Wing (final episode Tuesday) final episode of Shield Hero 2 wednesday final episode of The Demon Girl Next Door 2 on Thursday and resumed Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie, but not sure if I’ll finish
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