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Status Updates posted by Xyro
I play Remus in this! Quite happy with how the production went, Malice was amazing to work with ^^ (Although I definately need to improve my acting, lol)
two notes!
1: Voice acting is going well! Feel free to check out my CCC account if you are curious or need a VA for something
2: If you would like to commission me for anything (Be it voice acting, or the occasional pixel sprite here and there) then go check out my Ko-Fi or message me on social media (my links are on the Ko-Fi page :D)
It's been a great time for my work-a-holic brain XD I'm just genuinely happy to be steadily making work, so I wanted to share it with y'all :3
Hope everyone is still being awesome, you glorious people, you!!! -
Whelp, signed on for my first two auditions today!
Honestly, it was a blast to do, but I do still have a lot of room for improvement. moreover, I need to stray a bit further away from old announcer voices, lol.if you wanted to check some of them out, you can on my profile here: https://www.castingcall.club/m/XyroDonatus
or I added the files on here too :3
Thank you BD
Thus-far everything's going nicely! Curently doing a dub of Doki-Doki Liturature club, which has been pretty fun, but all in all I'm still auditioning for things and getting better overall at making sure my own audio is good
(the doki doki club dub stuff can be found here if anyone wanted to listen to itThe first episode is not the quality of the whole thing, as Kat accidentally recorded it with her own volume and screen out of whack due to faulty OBS settings. But its good fun nonetheless!)
Whelp, this week already has been a pretty good tester into weather or not I actually want to go forward with trying to do VA work...
I literally adore the field. I cant help myself but wake up excited to write skits and start voicing them. And can I just say, I have had so many issues; I found listening to myself back to be a little cringe, I've struggled to find voices to fit characters, I've been unable to act out certain moods, as well as yell lines that I need to. The editing is weird and I don't quite understand exactly what I'm looking for sometimes, or why something sounds off. I need to work on my pacing, as well as my management of my surroundings. and above all else, I just need to keep practising.
Which is why I'm going to keep on at it :3
Although its only been 5 days, I've already learned about the best ways to show off work, and the do's and don'ts. And I've fudged up a bunch, which means I now have a frame of reference on what to do and how to handle myself.
And honestly, that's the best part of it all!
I'm just really excited for the future, and definitely want to do more.
Still, hope everyone doing ok, and if there are any VA's out there, please feel free to drop some advise! I would truly appreciate it, as I love your trade!
~Your benevolent cinnamon roll,
I'ma start working on some things... especially getting the badges re-designed (Some I find a bit silly compared to the rest of the ones... So expect a few re-designs soon-ish-maybe ;P)
Do you ever question weather or not a hot-dog is just a bread taco?
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@Ohiotaku post of the month
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@Wedgy rarely agreed to something that much
Whelp, gonna be buisy-buisy over the next few months, got a lot of life to re-organise and a load of goals to strive for, but I'm going to do them all, achieve them all, then come back to tell the tale
Will still be around though, so if anyone needs me, just give me a shout! ^^ -
Sorry for the lack of... Well, anything really
been super buisy what with uni work and other stuff.
Anywho, I'm going to likely be doing some more pixel art soon to post, but today I'll probably be buisy with birthday stuffs, so ya can expect to see (maybe) more from me again some time soon! (I hope. I miss posting ;-;)
Ahh, Friday the 13th....
would be scarier if it wasn't for the fact that my birthday falls on friday the 13th of october, sometimes! (Albeit, not this year though, since its the 13th of October, which is Sunday ;-;) -
Hey all, going to be dipping for a little bit, since I have a butt-load of work, uni coming up and head cold from hell.
Will still be around, just not going to be very active. Sorry ;-;
Been trying to experiment more with simple little stories made up on the fly. They aren't particularly good, but giving myself a random set of factors to work with has at least been good warm up for day-to-day writing.
Still, if anyone ever is interesting in checking them out, they are in my blog on hereLink to those like myself who prefer the easy transgression
“Sometimes, you don't realise that you're drowning,
Once you’ve become everybody else's anchor.
Even those who tell you to be yourself, will judge you for your insecurities.
Your "weakness" was never your downfall… it was your blind affection.”
~Lewis Sterge, MMaM~
Spent half of today chasing a wolf spider around my room, trying to capture the poor blighter to let it out. Judging from sheer size alone, it's definitely a lady. And she is one heck of a large lady, that's for sure.
Not got a phobia of spiders or anything, just hate waking up to a spider, around half the size of my face, SITTING ON MY FACE!
Feeling pretty miffed today, was caught in a balls-up with a legless wazzock who was being a little gobby about being minted, but it all just came out as tosh. Nothing more came of it, but it left me with the collywobbles...
....Sorry, I get stereotypical British when flustered ;-;
*Poomfs on Beanbag*
my brain is confuzzled. Really trying to think of what to write about in the Archive, since I wanna make another lesson but can't think of a decent topic... What with story writing and all, I feel brain-melted...Anyone got any ideas? or anything the want to learn about in narrative? anything at all? ;-;
When you get a day where you think to yourself that you always wanted to be somebody, but you realise now that you have to be a little more specific.
Long time no speak Metro!
How are things holding up, buddy?- Show previous comments 3 more
glad to see ya keeping up with life though bud! keep up the good work
Things have been pretty good on my end. Still writing, got a bunch of other stories on the line and the first book of MMaM nearly ready to get published, at uni and now trying to focus on learning new things.
so all in all happy wit the last year or so of work!
I challenge you to an all out Hedgehog war!
The winner....
...gets ALL the pudding cups! O_O