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Everything posted by Greeneyes

  1. Greeneyes

    Poetry Bin

    ++++Niceeeeee, I can never get deeper meanings to poetry and If I do its usually because I and guessing... I liked em tho, keep em comin!
  2. Agreed, however, I am a fan of the OP MC cliche so there is a solid 15% of me who was salty that Rimuru didn't reck Charybdis- also I'm wondering because they didn't show much detail in this part. Rimuru absorbed Charybdis's "heart" so does that mean that Rimuru got another bump of power or what?? Any thoughts? I'm a little sad there's only 5 more ep. left makes me wonder how its gonna end either big battle or cliff hanger for season 2! My actual guess would be Kimura saves the children and satisfies Shizu's regrets.
  3. Any other details you can share?
  4. Ah yes, I want to play this game, unfortunately, I don't have a ps so I'll be on PC...
  5. Hmm, getting older doesn't really bother me, I mean yea I don't want to die but say in 30-50 years I die Id be like "yea that's cool" because I live the way I want to with as few regrets as possible and doing everything I can to enjoy myself.
  6. nAa tHaTS bOKu No pICO what are you talkin abooot!?!??!
  7. Welcome to AF have a nice time!
  8. Hmm maybe Ichigo's final getsuga tenshou form:
  9. Greeneyes


    Impressive @Beocat, figured it out with less than a 5-word description.
  10. I once took a Oreo and dipped it in some milk and forgot I was dippin it and when I pulled it up the wafer was gone and it was just the frosting.... I was sad....
  11. SAMEEEE I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE. Yea the thins are the only ones I can dip in milk, the normal ones have to much frosting for me to dip with so I just take it off and put all the frosting on 1 cookie for someone.
  12. Personally I like to eat the wafer part I never liked the cream part.
  13. Personally I like Chocolate Milk using nesquik powder mix! What do you like?
  14. Welcome to AF hope you enjoy it!
  15. Welcome to the forums I hope you enjoy your time here, I guess if I had a question it would be whats your top 3 favorite anime and why?
  16. Hmm it would kind of suck because going super saiyan still strains your body.
  17. I mean like super saiyan is basically a enhancement/level-up/transformation right? so if I touch a tv what happens? do the graphics get boosted? does it change into a curved 4k tv or what? this is what I mean.
  18. I would test weather or not touching something that I previously touched made it super saiyan 2 if not that I would continue to use different parts of my body to see what parts turn things super saiyan if it was just my hands I would wear rubber gloves and hopefully the gloves stops the touch. Than selectively touch things to see the changes that occur after super saiyan transformation.
  19. I look forward to seeing it colored!
  20. Nice, can't wait to see what will be posted!
  21. Interesting, what do you mean on a budget? Like its a contest but you cant go over a curtain amount of money on the cosplay?
  22. I don't have skills to make anime wallpapers unfortunately, I am practicing tho. Its been to long for me to remember the exact inspiration, but I named it Blue Diamond Skyfall... But I like the hyperverse inspiration.
  23. Sup Sonic, Maybe you could make and eat Japanese food, learn a few words or enough to say a few sentences or Try Japanese calligraphy... Just a few ideas I have, but Ill keep thinking.
  24. Masters Meet Novices In Nagoya DANIO
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