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Everything posted by RepentantSky

  1. Haha, glad you found it. As I thought as well, it's an anime is from this year. I swear the oldest anime clip I've seen from Facebook is Assassination Classroom.
  2. Weird question, but how would you rate the quality of the animation? If it's more recent, the quality should be pretty up there, if it wasn't, it might mean it was a few years older. Although since this was from Facebook, I imagine that it was probably something that came out in the last year, which would make it easier to find.
  3. I can respect that. Really, I've never heard anyone who prefers subs give me a reason as solid as this one.
  4. Welcome to AF. Please enjoy your time here.
  5. It's not really a matter of whether or not it's allowed, so much as it that the idea might seem tempting to some people and that they might act on it.
  6. I asked AnimeFreak in their ask me anything thread, what kind of anime they would make using a character from an anime, any other anime, who is not the MC, what would the basic plot be. As a concept, AnimeFreak had a very good answer, but couldn't come up with a character from an anime to use, to match their anime idea. So I want to ask the rest of you, what would you do with this requirement? Just to make it clear, the task you are being given, is to come up with an anime concept, where a character from another anime, who is not the main character, becomes the MC in your concept, who would you use, and what would the concept be? I'll right my own a bit later, but it is getting late and I a fairly long day, so bed time for me, and I'll come up with my own sometime later in after resting.
  7. Honestly, I don't trust it. I wouldn't be at all surprised if a similar tactic was used in order to try and get people to pay a whole bunch more money, even beyond a season pass or the collectors edition of the game, to get all the content. By what may be no fault of Bungie's, the way content was done for the first one, has me far too concerned about what could happen with the second, especially since that poorly done model made the game enough of a success to warrant a sequel. I'd like it to be good, but I wouldn't want to touch it until "Year Two" content starts coming out, so that I won't get burned by a game that cares more about it's profit, than it's fan base.
  8. If someone can go to a made Cafe without the sexual ideals brought in by their existence, or least restrain themselves enough that they don't do something stupid, I'm all for it. Otherwise no, because that temptation could lead to sexual harassment, and I am not okay with that.
  9. 8 or so years ago, I slept on a couch in the living room that had a window I often left open, that faced towards the street, because there weren't enough rooms in my house for everyone living there. One night when I was about to fall asleep, I noticed a light in the sky that looked to be about as far off as I could see without looking at the stars. I didn't see it come into view, but it stayed in place for several minutes while I watched it, almost too afraid to move because I was getting an odd and unsettling feeling from it. For most of the time, it kind of felt like it had the ability to look around, but it wasn't looking at me, until it did, and stopped moving entirely. After about three or fours seconds, it zoomed off, faster than anything I'd ever seen move. My eyes couldn't follow it at all. I haven't seen it since. When I was a kid, I once got up to go to the bathroom, as little boys do, and was kind of groggy on the way back, so I was lightly rubbing my eyes as I walked back across the hallway from the bathroom to my room. Suddenly, I stopped and felt a presence floating above me, and when I looked up, I saw a little girl in the air above me, looking down at me with an intense glare. She had an older set of clothes on, probably from 1800's North America, and she simply looked at me without saying anything. I honestly don't remember what her facial expression was. I felt as though I couldn't just walk past her though, and so instinctively thought to try and send her away by praying to God to make her leave, and it worked. I found out later that I have the ability to see Angels and Demons, and that the girl who came before me that night was without a doubt one of them. While I've yet to see an Angel, it has been my belief since that there is no such things as ghosts, but that demons are instead trying to scare humans based on what we think we should see in haunted houses, graveyards and the like, in an attempt to get us to a point where the devil can tempt us to his side.
  10. I think it depends. For example if you actually live in someone's basement, or just in a room in your mother's house in general and contribute nothing to society, you are treated like a weeaboo. If you love anime a bunch, and still manage function in and be a contributor to society, it's usually fine and no one cares. If you can make a career out of your passion for anime, like a successful YouTube channel or something along that line, it depends on people general perception of anime. Fans of the medium will respect you, the rest will probably still call you a weeaboo. Welcome to North America folks.
  11. Hi there! Jokes aside, most of what everyone has already said pretty much qualifies. People who respect one another, people who can take a hit, be it physical or mental, and still stand on their own, and all that. One thing that matters most to me is kindness, not just someone being kind to me or some other random person, but someone who is kind during the worst of times, when everyone else has either become too self-absorbed, or too quick to place blame on someone for something regardless of whether or not it was their fault. The kindness, and also in a way, leadership to handle a situation like that without raising their voice, without getting angry, and who will take the time to do what's needed in the best possible way, that earns my respect. In my last job, I was basically managing my department while working in it. As such, it sometimes happened that I needed to handle a situation, and if I could it on my own, I would. I didn't yell at people to get them to say what I wanted to know, I simply asked them about what happened during whatever situation they were in, if there were multiple sides to an issue, I'd ask everyone involved, and once I had figured out what happened, and who did what, I told them what they should have done based on my own experiences and company policy, and to avoid or improve upon the issue should it come up again, even in cases where I could have gone to one of my bosses and gotten them in trouble. I think handling issues where people learn, as opposed to when they are simply punished, is better for everyone, and it's takes a lot to do that sort of thing, so anyone who can do it, has my respect, and you can't do it without being kind. Yelling doesn't help a solve a problem anymore than hating a group, whatever that group is, fixes a problem. Kindness is the way to fix things, and it's not always easy, but if done right, it is always effective.
  12. Oh is that so? Wasn't aware of that. I do hardly ever check the shop, as if I didn't make that obvious just now. Thanks for letting me know.
  13. Just an additional thought, but what if there was a way to either buy at a shop, or request by completing a goal, say an X amount of total likes where you could change your Waifu/Husbando to a character of your choosing. One thing that's always bothered me about having that character show up, is that the choices I had when signing up, we're all pretty much characters I wouldn't consider as a Waifu. I can't speak for the Husbando's, because I don't know who's there, but odds are good that unless hundreds of characters are added for both options, there will be people who will look at the character choices and not necessarily want any of them. Being able to pick your own, which could either be made as requested by someone who's willing to do it, or by simply taking a screen shot of a character might make the feature more likable for anyone who joins the forum, and doesn't like the options therein.
  14. Please be aware that threads that focus on an entire series, not a particular episode. belong in the Title Discussion forum, not the Episode Discussion one. It's not a big deal, but I will be moving threads placed in the wrong sections for clarity's sake. Now, I hate to jump into a thread and not talk about the topic at hand so my general opinion of Dragon Ball Super is, it's kind of boring and samey. Dragon Ball as a series started in the 80's and was made into the juggernaut it is in the 90's. The writing of anime of today has changed a lot since then, and I'd very much like it if DB Super would catch up a little bit, because feels outdated in the current climate of anime as a whole. If it felt like the show did when I got and watch clips back or even watch old episodes, I'd be a lot more okay with it, but it doesn't, and that kind of bothers me.
  15. That might have been true at one point, but that point was probably before you were born because it was over 30 years ago. The problem with subs, is that they have sounded the same for that long and have likely little chance of changing anytime soon, which makes them bland. There may be voice acting schools in Japan, but they might as well be all about asking people to imitate the voices they've always known growing up and repeating them for a test to see who can, and can't do that. Japanese VA work hasn't been original for far too long.
  16. The first thing you should do is contact the school and see if they'll even let you do the club in the first place. You can then ask them how long you should expect to wait to get approval for a club or if they need you to have a basic idea of what the club will be like before they even consider it. Then you'll need to ask them what kind of restrictions there are, such as if you can decorate a room used for clubs during club activities and the like. Before you can really start planning for a club, it makes sense to call and find these things. There are many reasons for a club not to be approved, and space could be one of them, so it's good to be sure about that first.
  17. As much as I like Fist of the North Star, I have to admit that the idea of touching a pressure point on the head that causes the brain to explode, and that there's one point you can touch to stop the effect, and another to remove it completely is really kind of dumb. Things that are unbelievable aren't always graphic, and while the death(s) caused by this move were violent and over the top, the concept itself is a lot harder to swallow.
  18. Serial Experiments Lain, Vampire Knight. For some movies, Perfect Blue, Doomed Megalopolis, Laughing Target.
  19. Just to be clear, threads about specific anime belong in Title Discussion, not in General anime. This forum is meant for general thoughts encompassing things like genre's, tropes, a series with several anime behind it and things like that.
  20. Right now I'm watching Boruto, Fate/Apocrypha, Konbini Kareshi, Kakegirui,Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu, Made in Abyss, Re: Creators And Koi to Uso. So that's 8 in total.
  21. For anyone watching this anime who wants to talk about it overall, or for anyone who might want to get a general idea of what it's like before watching it, here we have a general discussion thread. Personally, I think it's great so far and should be acknowledged as such. It's a beautiful world to be a part of, even just watching it, and it's not always so serious that you can't have fun with it. That to me, is the perfect kind of anime. So let us know what your impression is thus far ans as it progresses.
  22. I don't know why I didn't make an episode discussion for this last week, because it's a very simple, but very good show. It's a very interesting show where several people, including young children explore this abyss that came out of nowhere, in hope of discovering it's secrets, and it's valuables. Our main character Riko, wants to explore the depths of the abyss, despite lacking the skills to do so, so she can find out what happened to her parents who are believed to have been two of many who have died in the pursuit of exploring the seemingly endless pit. While exploring, one of Riko's friends is attacked by a monster who has the full intent of eating him. In a panicked state, Riko blows her whistle getting the monster's attention, but putting herself in danger. Just when it looked like she was going to be eaten, an attack comes from out of nowhere and saves her. She finds a robot and takes it back to the orphanage where she lives, sneaking it by the rather oppressive head. The next day, we see the young residents of the Orphanage in a class, where they are reminded of their duties and such. Riko however, desperate to go further into the abyss, begs with one of the adults in there to let her go deeper. He declines her after she had basically brought nothing back due to the monster she had encountered, that she didn't tell anyone about to try and keep the robot safe. Later that night, Riko and some other friends try successfully to revive the robot she found. However he can't remember anything about himself, or even that he is a robot. Unfortunately for Riko though, getting the robot booted up caused the power in the Orphanage to go out. She gets yelled at, and just before she's about to get caught with the robot, he uses his arms, which can be stretched out and returned to escape the building. Riko than names the Robot boy Regu, and takes him to see a sight of the abyss from a point she likes, just as the sun is about rise. Regu is somewhat interested in what she has to say, and then the episode ends with the explanation of what the Abyss is, that I gave at the start of this thread. Overall, for a single episode that's clearly not meant to be taken with the utmost seriousness, but rather just to be enjoyed, I really like it, a lot, and after this, I'm going straight into watching the second episode, because I want to see what happens next. There's something about this anime that really makes me want to play a video game version of it and any anime that makes me feel like that, is a good one for sure. I give this episode an overall rating of a 9/10. I want to see more, but I love what I've seen so far, and just look at these visuals, they are simply amazing.
  23. Talk about improvements. The first episode, if you read my recap on that one, was a mixture of slow and confusing with odd pacing issues. This episode was far more normal, and I actually remembered names this time, because they said them properly without pushing it. In this episode, we got a little more info on the past where our main protagonist, Haruki, Mishima started getting feelings for Miharu Mishiki and it starts with her reading this book to him that called the Prince Merman or something to that effect. Personally, anything and everything with an aquatic theme has my interest. After getting past that bit, we see more of Honda, Towa bothering the class rep, Mami Mihashi, (seriously what's with all the "M" names here) again like he did in the first episode, but this time he tries to be a bit more helpful. However, like the image suggests, she's still a but reluctant to accept anything from him because he's so pushy. After the school day ends. Mami and Miharu, meet up with Haruki by the convenience store again to talk to him about getting Towa to back off a bit. Unfortunately, because of the way it was handled, where Miharu makes it seem like she might want to confess feelings for Haruki, which make him incredibly happy. Still, he agrees to talk with Towa, who apparently actually does really like Mami, into calming down a bit. He agrees in a way after they fight for a bit because Towa gets on Haruki's case because he never does anything about talking to Miharu. The next day, Mami tells Towa to to stop yelling class rep, to not bother her if he doesn't need anything, and to not touch her so much, which he reluctantly agrees to. After that the episodes ends with all 4 of them walking to school. Can I just say, I really like the animation in this show, even when they show images of the past at the start of it, it looks really good, even though those kinds of moments tend to be a bit more faded or grainy to make it look like someone's looking back on it. But I mean really, look at this image and tell me this doesn't look great. The character animation is astounding. Anyways, as an overall rating to this episode, I give at an 8/10. It was much more controlled, there wasn't any pointless bouncing around, and the pace just made more sense. I'm not sure this is going to stand out as anything different, but it just might be good enough on it's own for that not to matter.
  24. I mean unless Cy and Zoop are into bi polygamy relationships, I'd be kind of at a loss on what to do.
  25. That uh, that's a 0/10 from me. I don't like Ecchi's, the comedy isn't all that great, and honestly it's a bad premise even for a comedy. H20: Footprints in the Sand
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