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Everything posted by Imogen

    1. Kohloo
    2. zoop


      Time flies when --- well, time flies.

  1. Sven Vollfied from Black Cat. Purple Monkey Dishwasher.
  2. While we're at it can we watch Frozen, too? I just love these icy movies

    1. Frost



  3. Invite over to watch Rise of the Guardians for the zillionth time.
  4. I'm also using Comcast because it's really my only option if I want gaming worthy internet where I live. Back when I lived in Wisconsin I think I had Charter and it was way better. Never went out or had problems and was very fast. Comcast is usually fast and usually works but sometimes just doesn't work for seemingly no reason and it's very annoying. Plus it's expensive!
  5. In the right setting and with the right people I'm super fangirly about pretty much all the things. I'm easily excitable and find most nerdy things at least enjoyable if not downright amazing. And when I fangirl I go with the leg pop and squee and just overall excited chattering. But those moments are few and far between. I'm very stoic most of the time because I have to be.
  6. I like Green Arrow a lot. No particular reason. In the animated movies he's almost always super hilarious and he's basically just Robin Hood. What's not to love?
  7. Considering my nick-name in High School was "Edward" because like her I was pretty androgynous and a total computer/gamer nerd, I'm going to have to go with my girl "Radical" Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV.
  8. I haven't seen the finale yet (nor the last few episodes, I think I've missed the past 2-3) so this is kinda disappointing for me to read. I haven't liked this season at all and Eren being revealed to have a new power just isn't going to make it remediable to me - especially if the season ends on a cliff hanger. I'll keep up with what ya'll say about it but unfortunately I have too many other things I could be doing than watching a show get emotional about characters I don't really care about and then trying to win me back with something cool for the character I do care about, only to leave me hanging for a year.
  9. To be honest I don't ever really think about it. If a movie seems to catch my attention I'll watch it regardless of whether it's popular and I won't watch something that doesn't look interesting even if it is considered "required viewing". That said I typically think popular anime movies are popular for a reason - due to quality of animation/voice acting/story/what have you so I suppose those are the ones I most often watch or at very least are the ones I revisit time and time again.
  10. I agreed with two others so I'm going to add another from my list of favorites. Satoshi Hiwatari from : (pictured)
  11. I haven't read all of your conversation but I wanted to chime in my two cents. I'm not religious but I believe the universe is "god" and that we are all the universe experiencing itself. I don't think anyone has a purpose than to experience the life they have. That goes for all creatures. Of course that's just the way I look at things.
  12. 1. Whats something you want everyone to have in the world? Naturally good health. Barring that - a place to call home. 2. How would you end all wars? I don't think it's possible. Even if I could possibly even consider meeting the needs of everyone I'm certain there are people who just lust for war - I suppose if we gave them a place to unleash their anger they would leave the peaceful folk alone, but for some they might only be satisfied fighting peaceful folk. 3. Whats your favorite animal? Foxes 4. Whats your favorite vehicle? 2005 Mustang Convertible 5. How do you deal with sadness? I take a walk or do some chores. Something physical. 6. Would you help someone on AF if they were depressed? I would certainly try. Anyone feeling depressed can feel free to message me any time. 7. Whats your hobby's? Gaming, cooking, cleaning, hiking/walking, exploring 8. Who's got it harder men or women? I think men for sure. I think a good life for a man is better than a good life for a woman, but I think if women fall on hard times they have an easier time getting help to get out of it while men do not. 9. Whats the best joke you have ever heard? Why don't red heads ever date? Because everyone would think they're siblings! 10. *Your own fact about yourself* I proposed to my husband!
  13. Yes! I love the glasses and that adorable smirk!
  14. Same company, so all the systems will be the same, just a new batch of people. And in my community no less. I think it'll be good since my job is building relationships and a big part of that is just being the first person someone thinks of when they need something
  15. Elated! I got the transfer I wanted so starting in August I'll get to walk to work! (and I get away from a stifling boss!)
  16. Imogen

    Your new set is so cute!

    1. Cy~


      Thank you, Imogen! :D I was inspired by @[1804:zoop] and others, haaha.

  17. I'm guessing #1 of your most recent

    1. brycec


      That's correct.

  18. I was going it with the "@" followed immediately by someone's name. I didn't really an to link it just make it clear who I was talking to. Brycec - good guess but nope! I think your answer is.... #2. 1. I have a lot of siblings. 2. I'm social because of my work. 3. I love to talk on the phone.
  19. Imogen


    I have two cats right now. And one of them is named Khufu. And I just wanted to share that he's sitting his butt in my lap with his upper half lounged across my mouse and keyboard. I just adopted him a year ago and he was brought to the shelter twice so it's so awesome to see him so comfortable. I'm very happy right now.
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