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Finished my rewatch of Golden Kamuy, so all set for season 3 to begin Monday 😁

Watched the first couple episodes of Dragons Dogma on Netflix. Seems like a subpar knockoff of Castlevania which had it’s own issues last season. Think I’m done.

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2 hours ago, RuthisianCodex said:

Currently watching School Live! and loving every minute of it :) 

That one was a downer for me.  Once I realized the situation and started thinking about it it got sort of depressing.  Especially the thing with Megumi-sensei, and the fact that the girls aren't able to get out of their precarious situation.  They're fairly stable for the moment, but the reality is that they don't have a long-term plan and they don't have the skills among them to overcome entropy in the long run.

That said I would be interested in another season.

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10 hours ago, efaardvark said:

That one was a downer for me.  Once I realized the situation and started thinking about it it got sort of depressing.  Especially the thing with Megumi-sensei, and the fact that the girls aren't able to get out of their precarious situation.  They're fairly stable for the moment, but the reality is that they don't have a long-term plan and they don't have the skills among them to overcome entropy in the long run.

That said I would be interested in another season.

There were definitely some parts where I was just like 'No Way!' but see, I mainly enjoy much darker, horror/psychological anime, so this was perfect for me. They did a masterful job of highlighting just how far the mind will go to protect itself from trauma. When I heard that this was slice of life, I almost passed it over because while I'm enjoying exploring the genre, I'm just not that interested in sugary sweet, high school life shows where everyone is adorable & nothing serious happens. I like shows that are more balanced. I don't want to be scared senseless or in tears the whole time but I also don't want hearts & flowers & endless hyper pop songs shoved down my throat either. That's where School Live! shines in my opinion. Yuki is about as adorable you could ever want but her character is so well layered, as are the other characters. Each one is more than meets the eye & you just come to appreciate all of them as as the story progresses. I would recommend this show to any & everybody. Perfect Halloween season anime. 

I am now currently watching Hell Girl & so far, I'm enjoying this one as well. 

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Watched the Noblesse prequel OVA & 1st episode of the series. Not a good sign that the OVA that was made a couple years ago & without CR’s backing was actually the more entertaining one (despite the tropes). Will give it awhile to hit it’s stride.

The other CR original supernatural series (Jujutsu Kaisen) first episode was a decent enough start, though once again lots of shonen tropes.

Finally Moriarty the Patriot seems like it will be the must promising of my recent watches.

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Just finished the 1st ep of Akudama Drive. Slow start but after about 10 minutes, pure adrenaline. More style than substance at this point, but I ‘m definitely intrigued. Seems like a cyberpunk Durarara with some Escape from New York thrown in for good measure.

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Just finished Darling in the Franxx. I am overall pretty happy as their will be another season coming. Makes me happy since the ending was fine but could have been a bit better. I am trying to not spoil anything. I will be starting Bunny Senpai Girl next. hahaha

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Watched the first episode of Gymnastics Samurai. Was prepared for the pathos as the MC is a single father (widower) & former Olympic  gymnast being told to retire, but had more humor & weirdness to it than I expected. Think I may have found another sports anime I might actually enjoy :) 

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17 minutes ago, efaardvark said:

Took a look at the first 2 episodes of the new season of DanMachi.  Looks interesting enough to put it on my watchlist.

I’m enjoying it more than I expected to.

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Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear episode 3 - wasn’t a fan initially but it’s growing on me. Yuna is OP like Maple (Bofuri) but not sweet like her :P This week’s ep gets bonus points for paying homage to the classic duck/rabbit season gag. And I’ve already seen some Goblin Slayer memes referencing this episode 😂

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Wandering Witch (The Journey of Elaina) 😮 Dang, this is turning a lot darker than I expected, though I guess that’s in keeping with a lot of folk/fairy tales. I’ve seen some people comparing the series to Kino’s Journey and think it’s a fair assessment. The visuals are impressive as well.

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Golden Kamuy season 3 - despite the fact that Sugimoto & Asirpa have been separated the whole time, I think this has been the best season yet as far as consistent quality. I think Jujutsu Kaisen probably appeals more to the typical anime fan, but for me they’re on about equal footing for anime of the season.

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Started watching the new Higurashi since I heard it follows the same arcs, but events diverge from the original. Just finished the first arc & it was decent, but have to say I prefer the original on almost every level. Though the images that accompany the new ED are just 😲 (I advise NOT viewing if you’re not familiar with the original because it’s pretty spoilery)




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Finished the 3 part  Reincarnated as a Slime academy training  arc OVA. Nothing outstanding but it gave Shizu’s students some more screen time, not to mention


Kuro/Black/Diablo from episode 24

Now just have to wait for season 2 to begin in earnest in January.

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SukaSuka, aka 終末なにしてますか?忙しいですか?救ってもらっていいですか? , aka WorldEnd: What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?

What is it with these miles-long show names? 

I have a suspicion this one is not going to end well either.  You can't just keep raising flags like this and expect something to not go very, very wrong somewhere, somehow.

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