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Subbed vs Dubbed


Sub or Dub  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. Sub or Dub

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Either one is fine with me.


However, I prefer dubs because I can watch them, regardless of whether I feel well or not.


After all, watching something subbed with a headache is not very enjoy.


Of course, I do not need to worry about font sizes or contrasts either.

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OK I don't have the time right now to read all your replies to make my answer for specific or refined but I will later but right now I prefer dubbed because as it is I am a multiTasker with lots to do but my skill I sent good enough to work on 2 monitors and read subtitles on a third and keep track of my daily life along with having to do school work. So until summer I can't make a complete decision I haven't watched enough subbed....

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I always watch subbed. For whatever reason, most of the dubs just don't seem to have the same degree of emotion in their voices as compared to the originals. Like, a lot of the time, it sounds like they are just going through the motions of reading the lines without really delivering the tone and pace needed to give my brain additional "context" for the scene. Reading the subs doesn't bother me nearly as much as the weird dubbed voice acting, so subs it is!


With that said, I really try to not degrade dubs, since I know there are some people that just can't really be bothered by subtitles. I don't look down on folks and I don't consider watching dubs to be an inferior or less authentic experience. Anime is anime - everyone should enjoy it through whatever means they prefer! :angel:

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Some dubbed series have voice actors that annoy me so most of the time I watch series subbed. One of my favorite series to watch dubbed is Assassination Classroom.

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Well, that depends on the anime. Something like Blood+ I can go either way. Beck's subbed version is unbearable. Most of the time it comes down to voice actor preference. I think the Japanese actor for Goku is abysmal and sounds like a whiny kid yelling for his mommy. Love Hina is so bad in English that I couldn't get past the first episode. Worst casting ever. People complain about the Naruto dub, but in the subbed version Sasuke sounds like he's pushing 40.

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I used to prefer dubs because I tried to watch a sub once, but I couldn't follow it very well. Though I most likely was suffering from fatigue as I don't find this to be very problematic anymore.

One of the first animes I watched with subs was Cardcaptor Sakura, which I found to have better writing then the dub did, as with the voices. Furthermore, the names of Sakura and a few other characters remained unchanged in the english dub, but the majority obtained american names. A questionable choice. I would definitely recommend the sub over the dub.

I've learnt that the movement of the lips are left untouched when an anime is dubbed, resulting in the same number of syllables having to be used, So when I watch a dub now, I can't help but think of how they worded something so as to fit the number of syllables allowed, like whenever a conjunct is added to a line.


To sum it up, I would say that subs are my preferred way to watch anime, however, every once in while I will encounter a series like Code Geass in which a lot of important things are said in rapid succession, in which case I would have to say that watching the series in english would be better.

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I voted for sub but honestly I would like if the dubs were better. Occasionally anime has slow points that I want to do chores or play Animal Crossing while I listen. But more often than not the dubbed voices are grating or just don't seem to fit either due to verbiage changes or the voice does't fit the character's look or personality at all.

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Sub is original and it's the best



Dub, if I had to describe it in one word "TRASH"



I feel like if you want help learning Japanese the subs is the way to go

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While I do agree that subbed is the definitive way to watch any anime or foreign show, I watch dubbed if I want to connect to the characters more. I mainly only watch dubbed for romance genres, and I watch subbed for anything else.


Plus, where I am learning Japanese, subbed is such an amazing tool for comprehension. I don't mean to reiterate, but subbed is better imo, I can understand why some people watch dubbed only.


Edit: I was thinking about younger audiences or ones with reading disorders, and I can totally understand why they watch dubbed.

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While I do agree that subbed is the definitive way to watch any anime or foreign show, I watch dubbed if I want to connect to the characters more. I mainly only watch dubbed for romance genres, and I watch subbed for anything else.


Plus, where I am learning Japanese, subbed is such an amazing tool for comprehension. I don't mean to reiterate, but subbed is better imo, I can understand why some people watch dubbed only.


Edit: I was thinking about younger audiences or ones with reading disorders, and I can totally understand why they watch dubbed.


It's also worth pointing out that sometimes the setting of an anime can be ruined by Japanese voices. Whoever heard of a German born and raised character speaking Japanese as a first language who isn't actually Japanese. At least English is spoken in Germany as a second language when needed. At least some of the time. Or for that matter, an alien from a planet destroyed by another alien, who didn't even meet earthlings until he tried to kill them all. Also, I mean, come on, Alucard, really who buys into that. Sometimes people speaking in Japanese goes too far against the setting they are placed in and little to nothing is done about it to try and make it convincing.

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It's also worth pointing out that sometimes the setting of an anime can be ruined by Japanese voices. Whoever heard of a German born and raised character speaking Japanese as a first language who isn't actually Japanese. At least English is spoken in Germany as a second language when needed. at least some of the time. Or for that matter, an alien from a planet destroyed by another planet, who didn't even meet earthlings until he tried to kill them all. Also, I mean, come on, Alucard, really who buys into that. Sometimes people speaking in Japanese goes too far against the setting they are placed in and little to nothing is done about it to try and make it convincing.


I completely agree with this.


Of course, I was going to add it my own post as a reply to the person you quoted saying that subtitles can have issues that dubs do not, but I may have said that earlier in the thread.

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I like subs and dubs. But have grown more accustomed to subbed anime over the years.

Having watched a lot of subtitled films before that.


Dubs are nice and the acting is quite good, for the most part.

Though I prefer the original way it was released, hence sub.


And a lot of the gags/jokes are changed in the dubs to fit.

Which sucks, because no one can do corny jokes, quite like the Japanese can heh

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Sub all the way! I feel like the Japanese voice actors put in way more effort than the english ones


That might have been true at one point, but that point was probably before you were born because it was over 30 years ago. The problem with subs, is that they have sounded the same for that long and have likely little chance of changing anytime soon, which makes them bland. There may be voice acting schools in Japan, but they might as well be all about asking people to imitate the voices they've always known growing up and repeating them for a test to see who can, and can't do that. Japanese VA work hasn't been original for far too long.

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That might have been true at one point, but that point was probably before you were born because it was over 30 years ago. The problem with subs, is that they have sounded the same for that long and have likely little chance of changing anytime soon, which makes them bland. There may be voice acting schools in Japan, but they might as well be all about asking people to imitate the voices they've always known growing up and repeating them for a test to see who can, and can't do that. Japanese VA work hasn't been original for far too long.


Hmm I'll admit I don't usually watch dubs at all anymore, but I stand behind my thoughts. Maybe part of the reason I find subbed versions more intense is since I don't speak Japanese I pick up more of the tone behind the words as I'm less distracted by their meaning.

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Hmm I'll admit I don't usually watch dubs at all anymore, but I stand behind my thoughts. Maybe part of the reason I find subbed versions more intense is since I don't speak Japanese I pick up more of the tone behind the words as I'm less distracted by their meaning.

I can respect that. Really, I've never heard anyone who prefers subs give me a reason as solid as this one.

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Another thing with the original audio track, is when characters speak english from time to time, or even in just one scene. But in the english dub, that would make no sense since they're already speaking english.

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