_Boisvert - My new favourite YT channel.... if you enjoy cryptid, eerie, unsettling, and...unknown things, this is your channel. This channel has little known about it, as it's mostly unsettling/chilling - nearly cryptid animations. I would say if you get scared easily...I wouldn't recommend this channel. It's not your typical smooth animations, it's crunchy, weird animations that make you feel like you weren't supposed to watch it, supposedly found it on a hidden part of the internet...but you didn't, it's directly on YT.
Gearisko - Another YT channel did a small dive into the channel "_Boisvert" and goes a bit more into it, explaining it more...yet is still unsure what the meaning of the channel is.
Please support both channels, and take a deeper look into _Boisvert ...As it is a splendid YT channel, and deserves more attention.