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Everything posted by Deeath

  1. My rank is at the "Veteran" stage...woop woop! 

    1. Hällregn


      Congrats on engaging with the site and making it that much more of a fun place to be. ✌️🥳

  2. Welcome to the forums my friend. Sorry to hear about the breakup - but off that sad topic, this place is positive! I'm a younger one here, only being a teenager (17), but if you ever need a friend, don't be afraid to PM! Always open for new friends! Enjoy the chaos!
  3. Currently watched the Celtics vs Golden State Basketball match on ESPN Close match, Golden State is taking the lead, but Celtics aren't far back at all, I think the Celtics can really pull this game in. Rooting for the Celtics!
  4. Absolutely love this, the dedication is immaculate! I want to actually see more of your worlds, this is actually inspiring!
  5. Tobi doodle, after hard days work at home, some drawing to soothe my gloomy soul!
  6. Currently have a list of games that I have picked up again. Far Cry 3 Rocket League Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Black Ops 3 (pretty dead game, but still has a decent amount of players!) Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker
  7. Mr. efaardvark, do you use shaders by any chance? I also noticed the texture difference..! With this mix, it makes your builds and world look gorgeous (not saying Minecraft isn't already gorgeous) but you surely have enhanced the quality of a simple world with your effort! If you do use shaders and textures, may I ask what kind? I've been dabbling in research for some to make my worlds more aesthetically pleasing, and this really hits the mark! Good stuff, Sir! *applauds*
  8. https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/gaming/overwatch-2-will-be-more-about-individual-skill-and-ability-to-carry/ar-AAXWlMI?ocid=uxbndlbing The regular Overwatch that we know and love is a team based player game, considering there are lots of communication needed, and there are plenty of in game combo ults to go around, I say this is...pretty nerve racking news. I think the team based collaboration in Overwatch is what makes the game fun, but I think relying on yourself and perhaps not your teammates will bring in...more or less toxicity? Overwatch is a pretty toxic game itself when you get into the coms, but, perhaps this will change that? So when the players themselves don't do good, maybe there won't be no blame on the other teammates..? I will say, Overwatch is an easy game with the help of teammates, and if you can carry, it's a pretty clean cut as well...but this might change the game for Overwatch 2, relying on a person's own skill rather than someone else's. Who knows, maybe this will be the legendary default we have been looking for in Overwatch...
  9. When people go to watch anime in a theatre, there are a few different kinds of people.. 1. The family who thought the cover looked cool, but had no idea what the movie was about, and decided to take their kids to see it 2. A friend group (or lone wolf) who are/is a weeb(s) 3. The parents who thought it was a new children's cartoon movie that had come out 4. Had a hangover the night before and decided just to watch anime to ease the pain 5. Basement dwellers leave the house for the first time. This is a satire list, but all in all, I quite enjoy movie theatres, but I enjoy watching anime in the comfort of my home/room without any disruption from other people. Also - I think i'm number 5 on the list...
  10. https://comicbook.com/anime/news/2022-anime-top-10-most-anticipated-preview/ What do you guys think about this? Are these anime that you are anticipating? A friend sent me this link, he's not an anime virgin, but quite a newbie to anime. He asked me the good old question "Are any of these good?" What do you guys hope for in the 2022 anime season? Anything you've been anticipating? https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-05-08/toei-announces-new-dragon-ball-super-anime-film-for-2022/.172539#:~:text= Toei Animation officially confirmed on Sunday that,in charge of the screenplay and character design. Another great find. DBZ deserves a film for 2022!
  11. Instant Ramen, with a bottle of Life Wtr.
  12. I've been playing guitar since I was 12 (i'm now 17) but the only reason why I'm so eagerly attached to my instrument, is because this was pricey and I love music. I'm crazy about the strings because i've taken care of my guitar for years now, and doing closer inspection, the strings are badly rusted. Right now I own a Stagg. And usually string changes depends on how often you play...my mother is a guitarist and has taught me things as well. Yes, you should change your strings around the 3 month mark, but it also depends on how much you play. And ever since I got out of my band (which was only just rehearsals) I stopped playing as much, so I never thought about changing my strings often. In the past, It was never a problem. Instruments are not cheap, thus why i'm crazy about any damages to my guitar that was over 900$. I like your argument, but it's valid to take into consideration the person's perspective before just throwing out comments. And assuming that people can't afford things. I am eventually getting new strings for the guitar, thanks to my grandma's boyfriend who's been playing guitar for over 35 years. From your comment, you like to assume a lot. If you want to be helpful and not come off as dickish, perhaps be less assuming. But your comment is appreciated!
  13. Goodnight everyone, i'll be ending my night by saying goodnight to my fav internet Family (you guys) and watching anime until I fall asleep. 

    See you all tomorrow. - D

    1. Ohayotaku


      Ironically, I usually need to make myself stop watching anime so I can go to sleep 😂

      But yeah, this place is definitely my online home as well as I don’t have much of a social media presence.

    2. Otaking66lives


      Goodnight, deaaath. Hope you rest well. 


      Same to you, Ohayotaku.

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