The regular Overwatch that we know and love is a team based player game, considering there are lots of communication needed, and there are plenty of in game combo ults to go around, I say this is...pretty nerve racking news.
I think the team based collaboration in Overwatch is what makes the game fun, but I think relying on yourself and perhaps not your teammates will bring in...more or less toxicity? Overwatch is a pretty toxic game itself when you get into the coms, but, perhaps this will change that? So when the players themselves don't do good, maybe there won't be no blame on the other teammates..?
I will say, Overwatch is an easy game with the help of teammates, and if you can carry, it's a pretty clean cut as well...but this might change the game for Overwatch 2, relying on a person's own skill rather than someone else's. Who knows, maybe this will be the legendary default we have been looking for in Overwatch...