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Vivi Hyuuga

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Everything posted by Vivi Hyuuga

  1. Please let us know what you think! Specifically of my recommendation.
  2. I forgot to mention Rachel and Jun! They have several different channels and they are all awesome. One of their channels is more vlog-like, another is an adventure channel where they usually go on different adventures in Japan, and then Jun has an amazing cooking channel. This is them:
  3. Jaquie from Chronically Jaquie and Mary and Peter from The Frey Life!
  4. I really do! I taught myself to bake when I was eight and was always interested in playing around with recipes so I figured out how to create my own recipes. Your curry sounds great! It's always such a comfort food. The ramen sounds like a splendid idea! Have you tried watching Jun's Kitchen on Youtube? I actually cooked some pork for dinner tonight, which is rare for me! One of the dishes I can't forget from Sweetness and Lightning that I still want to try is the sweet potato and cream stuffed crepes. Lol! I found food logic is greatly developed by copious amounts of Food Network. Though I don't watch it much anymore, because anime.
  5. That's all so cool! It's awesome that you are an engineer, coder, and graphic designer! I have an interest in all of those things, so I get really excited meeting people who can do them. And I also see you know a bunch of languages! I know sign language and am in the process of learning Swedish, and want to learn Japanese next.
  6. I just saw you also like D-Frag! The anime was so much fun, I want to read the manga. The library has it and I've gotten the first one, but haven't finished it yet since I'm reading several other long series of manga as well. Have you seen much newer anime, such as My Hero Academia? Fairy Tail? The Royal Tutor? If you like D-Frag you might like Monthly Girls' Nozaki-Kun. Vampire Knight is good if you like paranormal and Shoujo with a slightly darker edge to it. If you like sports anime Major is really good and has a lot of seasons.
  7. Thank you so much! So far the site has been really easy to navigate and figure out, and everyone is so friendly! Thank you! I see on your profile that you're also a Christain, that's awesome! And I also love Fairy Tail and My Hero Academia, they are two of my top favorites.
  8. Sounds like a good plan! Choice of anime and food? Tonight I'm doing well! After spending the morning recovering from yesterday's out-of-state doctor appointment I cleaned and was even able to make a nice dinner! I made herb roasted pork loin, sweet potatoes and apples with maple syrup, collard greens, and cornbread. While I've been catching up online and on computer work I've been watching Ouran.
  9. Rewatching Engaged to the Unidentified I'm reminded that the first time I watched this I was inspired to make scones, clotted cream, and jam (all homemade) after the characters made some. When watching Little Witch Academia (series) I made a tart after the characters discussed stealing one. The tart was a recipe I came up with, strawberry and guava topped with a dollop of whipped cream. Of course many anime have lead me to making curry. When watching Sweetness and Lightening I was inspired to make a lot of dishes, but alas I never had all the ingredients. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone else is inspired to experiment in the kitchen due to anime?
  10. I don't like it when a character is just there for sex appeal or has a lot of fan service, however, if a cat girl is done right I think they are adorable! Pretty much a combination of any character with an animal is adorable since animals are superior to people. It doesn't even have to be a girl, take Engaged to the Unidentified as an example. I wish I was a cat girl, it's why I have a cat ear headband.
  11. It will be a busy week for me, I go on a day trip tomorrow, but I'll try to watch it this week and let you know what I think! I also have several others I've gotten recommended today that I hope to watch this week.
  12. I'll be sure to get out my Python textbook to remind myself to read through it and practice! I really want to make progress, but it's so easy for it to slip my mind when there's so much other stuff to do. It really is, I love the style the artist did it in! I just added that anime to my soon to watch list, meaning I'm leaving it open in a tab until I watch it. lol
  13. I find the characters inspire me and push me to emulate the traits I admire in them. I basically spend all my birthday and Christmas money on anime. I'm often referencing and quoting anime in conversation. My sister, INTJ, says that the characters in my novel sound like anime characters and honestly I wasn't trying. I use anime as a means to spend time with my sisters. Whenever I'm stressed, such as before a doctor appointment, I'll watch an episode and it helps me destress.
  14. Well that's awesome that you know Java! It's such a popular one, it's on my to-learn list. I'm sure if you start brushing up on the others it will come back to you and won't be too difficult to relearn. It really is nice to meet others interested in it! Hopefully it will push me to make progress and start learning again. BTW, your avatar is adorable! What character is it?
  15. It's been a high pain day. Chronic illness life. I dislocated a spinal joint (I have a connective tissue disorder) and I was in bad pain and couldn't move for awhile. Even though it relocated after awhile it still really hurts and has caused me to dissociate most of the day. But I'm grounding myself which is helping. And overall I'm in a better mood now, happily enjoying Christmas music, anime, making gumbo, and enjoying AF! I've missed having a forum to participate on, and I've been wanting to have a community of anime lovers.
  16. It's such a wonderful anime! I was really happy to be able to get one of my sisters, INTJ (I refer to them by their personality types here), into it. She is my favorite too, though I always refer to her as Azunyan. Sadly I don't know much! Right when I started learning Python life got in the way. So I know bits of Python, CSS, and while it's not actually a programming language, as I'm sure you know, I also know a good bit of HTML. I want to make progress in learning it again soon. What about you?
  17. I'm terrible at keeping up with American TV and movies. Mostly because usually I'd rather be watching anime, or because I'm terrible at returning Netflix DVDs to get something new. But, I really want to see the new Spider-Man, Beauty and the Beast, and Guardians of the Galaxy! (told you I was behind) I'm mostly into sci-fi. I've been really into Moana lately. I want to rewatch the newest Star Trek movie soon, I've only seen it once since I was so upset about Anton Yelchin's death.
  18. Welcome! I'm new as well, just joined last night, but everyone has already made me feel welcome, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it here! I love New Game! Since I'm an artist, and also into programming (don't know much yet) it really inspires me. And of course, I love the characters! If you enjoy that kind of anime have you seen K-On? It's adorable with lots of happy feelings and adorable characters.
  19. That one sounds really sweet, and I hadn't heard of it! I love it when an anime can balance between being lighthearted while still dealing with serious issues.
  20. Just looked that one up, it looks cute, too! I'll have to try it out A couple others I have enjoyed are Toradora and Blue Spring Ride.
  21. So busy today! Trying to fit in anime between cooking (rice, chicken, gumbo, boiled eggs, bacon), cleaning, and packing for a day trip tomorrow. Anime makes for a perfect break from work, though! 

  22. That's always reassuring, thanks! Thank you! I'm already enjoying it, so I'm excited and looking forward to it.
  23. Really enjoyed this anime, as well! Watched it last December with my sister when we were going through a hard time and it really helped us cope. I've seen it several more times.
  24. I love this series! It's great how it deals with grief, trauma, and trying to get through bad times, as well as dealing and communicating with other people. The series kept me on my toes and would make me laugh and then cry.
  25. I'll have to look into those, I haven't seen them! Petite Princess Yucie sounds good, I love it when they focus on friendships! I know, right?! I really wish it had another season.
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