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Everything posted by efaardvark

  1. Took a trip to the middle of nowhere yesterday...


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. efaardvark


      Long drives can be fun if the scenery is interesting.  This was just boring.  3 hours out into the desert literally halfway to Las Vegas, then just after Baker hang a left and drive for another hour until you start seeing "tank xing" signs.  The first hour is Los Angeles freeways, after that it is just mind-numbing.  Like a game world where they made 3 plant models and 4 rock variants then had the terrain generator scatter them randomly 10,000 times between you and the horizon.  On the long stretches it seems like you're not even moving.  Also, by the time I got there I had Flatbutt Syndrome from sitting too long.  :D

  2. Sometimes. There’s a brief period between the winter rain (note singular) and when fire season starts when you can often find a bit of it.
  3. I actually do still have a wired rotary phone. Mostly just for my amusement when house guests want to use the phone however. I’m typing this on an iPhone 8+. (My other computers are a MacBook Air laptop and a self-built Linux desktop.)
  4. Hey hey HEY! I resemble that remark! Just because I predate the ‘Net and personal computers is no reason to get nasty. I’ll bet YOU don’t even know how to use a slide rule. Get off my lawn! ( )
  5. Hmmm.... I’m not terribly creative, but I can plot an orbit to rendezvous and then dock two spacecraft in Kerbal Space Program without using reaction control thrusters. Does that count?
  6. If you’re having trouble keeping track of the 4 Mars orbiters and 2 (soon to be 3) landers and who’s relaying data from whom, try this site:  https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/explore/mars-now/

  7. That's kind of hard to find anymore. I went looking for it a few years ago to add to my plex collection but nobody had it in stock.
  8. My old backpack finally gave up the ghost so I went and got a new one...
  9. Drinking coffee & waking up to the sights and sound so f 1911 New York City...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Illusion of Terra

      Illusion of Terra

      kinda weird to think that that's you with all those old cars in the background. you seem like a time traveler of sorts 😂 it's a great photo! You should start a blast from the past blog 😂 

    3. efaardvark


      Everyone is a time traveler.  The trick is to turn around and go back in the direction you came from.

    4. Illusion of Terra

      Illusion of Terra

      I once tried to sneak in time travel into a paper. It was something like 'given current scientific methods, it is not possible to test what would have happened if x did not take place' (it was something on 'counterfactuals'). The reviewer caught it though, and said that this was obscure (as counterfactuals are defined as not factual). Had to take it out, but I still don't think it is an impossibility.

  10. Looks like Sony won’t make it to PAX East this year either, this time over virus concerns... https://www.wcvb.com/article/2020-pax-east-gaming-showcase-opens-in-boston-without-sony/31132651 Part of the problem is all the misleading advertising that goes into games. The trailer will be an awesome cgi.. which turns out is just the best cutscene in a game with abysmal playability. Then there’s all the bugs on top of that. People definitely *should* be allowed to return games like that for a full refund at the developers’ expense. (Or better yet, don’t buy before the reviews of shipping products come out. And certainly don’t pre-order! But I digress.)
  11. New GOG policy allows for returns for any reason up to 30 days after purchase, even if you’ve downloaded, installed, and played the game. Considering that all GOG games are already DRM-free, I really hope that people don’t abuse the policy. “Don’t be that person. No one likes that person.” Indeed. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/02/gog-asks-you-to-please-not-abuse-its-expansive-new-30-day-refund-policy/
  12. Sorry, not my genre. Only one I can think of that /might/ fit would be Rosario to Vampire.
  13. That's kind of a spread-out selection there. Not sure exactly what you're after but that said I recommend you should try Trigun for starters. Maybe The Third: Girl with the Blue Eye or Aldnoah.Zero. If you liked Mushi-shi you might be interested in the Natsume Yuujinchou series. Sukitte ii na Yo or Lovely Complex or (maybe) Bokura ga Ita if you liked Kimi ni Todoke. Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna might mean you would find something like Shangri-La or Blue Gender interesting, or the more old-school Mononoke Hime or Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä. Hope that helps!
  14. Weird Al and Star Wars? Yeah, that gets a click...
  15. Finished Planet Nomads. Saved the colony ship, enabled the teleporter to Mars, saved mankind, made a bunch of money. Too bad this game isn't multiplayer. Now back to launching Kerbals. Got the 1.9 update + Breaking Ground installed. Still waiting on my mods to get updated as well however, and depending on how long that takes I may just skip it. Going to try to make some progress on my (1.8) "career" game while I can. I'd like to finish a full runthrough one last time before KSP2 comes out.
  16. What is annoying me is not being allowed to park in the “west lot” parking lot at work. This lot is about a block from my office, which is on the west side of the campus. Instead I’m now being required to park in the “east lot”, which is 2km away on the other side of the lab. I timed it this morning and it now takes me longer to walk from the parking lot to my office than to drive from my house to the parking lot. (I only live about 8 miles away as the crow flies.)
  17. Arena or battle-royal style games have never been my thing either, and by far the more popular mode for FN is that one. I do like a challenge, but in general I prefer a more laid-back approach in my leisure gaming. More PvE than PvP too. I'd actually prefer the co-op "save the world from zombies" mode of FN. (Though if I were going to go there then I'd probably pick something like 7 Days to Die over FN.) I like planning, constructing, co-operating, building on previous sessions.. that sort of thing. A story or at least background lore helps a lot too.
  18. This is awesome! Makes me want to go buy a 3d printer. (Then sanity reasserts itself. )
  19. While looking for unrelated information about my computer's motherboard I found a reference to the memory that I'm using. Apparently the batch that I'm using is good for more than the stated rating, and the post contained BIOS settings to get a ~10% performance boost. The settings seemed reasonable and my system AIO cooler gives me quite a bit of heating headroom so I gave it a try. No heat or reliability problems so far, and some quick geekbench tests did show an 8-10% overall bump in memory-related benchmarks. If I use my imagination I might even be able to see an extra few FPS while playing KSP. Not exactly earth-shaking, but I'll take it. Especially for the price.
  20. I could do it. In fact, I have done it. Just for a couple weeks I mean. I can take it or leave it, especially these days when it is mostly political BS. The problem is that most of my social network would not. My brother checks his email about every other week, but he's on FB daily. If I want a quick response then I have to use FB. Even his phone goes straight to voice-mail. Some of the younger relatives and other people I socialize with I can pretty much -only- get in touch with through things like FB or Discord as well. For me personally though.. I'm pretty old-school. I kept myself entertained long before there was an internet, or even PCs. I never understood the attraction of twitter at all. Or instagram. (Why do I need to see a picture of your lunch??) I know how to read a book or a newspaper. I can even write letters. (Like, snail-mail type letters.. envelope, stamp, etc. ) Dropping the connection to the millions of rabid monkeys on social platforms like FB or Twitter would actually be something of a relief for me tbh.
  21. Took a short ride on the hype train for KSP2..
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