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Everything posted by efaardvark

  1. Reading the KSP2 announcement.... OMG!! Nice shoutout to Shaun Esau there at the end of the trailer btw. Gives me at least a little hope that this will keep the KSP fanbase/roots in mind and not just be a monetization of the franchise by Take Two.
  2. Contemplating an upgrade/refurbishment of the solar-powered lighting on the "back forty".  (This is Los Angeles so that's in square centimeters.)  There's no AC run out there so a number of years ago I installed a solar panel, battery, charge controller, and motion-controlled LED lighting system.  It has been working pretty well, but it is showing its age.  The battery is/was lead-acid (basically a motorcycle battery) and needs replacing and the LEDs were pretty dim from the get-go.  That's what was available at the time so I'm not complaining, but these days it could be done better.  I can reuse the panel and (maybe) charge controller, but I'm thinking a new, custom-built LiFePo battery (built out of 18650s or 26650s) and some modern, bright LEDs are definitely in order.  Maybe even some RGB lighting if I want to get fancy.


  3. I often use it too. Well, on the latest Ubuntu it is called "LibreOffice", but whatever... same code base. I'm actually not a big fan of such huge, complicated apps, but it is certainly comparable to MSFT's Office suite if you're doing typical word-processing, spreadsheet, and presentation stuff. I also use tons of other "open" software. Far more I'm sure than anyone (including me) would be interested in enough to see a full list, but things like ffmpeg, imagemagick, ghostview, gimp, gcc (and the rest of the binutils), and mysql/mariadb come to mind offhand. Most of this kind of stuff comes with any recent Linux distribution as a standard install option, but it is generally available separately for windows and macs as well.
  4. Not everything on Linux is open-source. AMD has an open driver for their gfx cards (which is one reason I have an AMD GFX card), but Nvidia is still shipping their driver as a proprietary binary blob even as we speak. I've run close-source display drivers from X.org on both redhat and SuSE in the past. I've also used proprietary drivers for things like RAID cards on both Linux and BSD. The "philosophically pure" crowd would obviously want to run FOSS at all levels, and there are certainly benefits to that, but it is also certainly possible to run closed-source stuff on an open-source platform like Linux. Also, BSD unix is open, and far predates Linux. Bell Labs created BSD IN 1977(?) for mainframe hardware. Linux never ran on anything before the Intel 386 came along in '85, and really wasn't anything but Torvald's student computer science project until the 486 CPU's better memory model came along in the late 80s and made it more useful/practical as a general-purpose operating system. That's why I started with BSD, because my old Amiga 3000 used Motorola 68030 processor. The '030 had 32-bit memory addressing and a "proper" MMU that enabled things like a protected supervisor mode for the OS back when the rest of the PC world was still dealing with 16-bit memory accesses through segments and offsets and user programs that could directly access (and thus corrupt) OS memory.
  5. I've been running FOSS almost exclusively since forever. Back in my college days I bought my first computer, a Commodore Amiga 1000, which I eventually upgraded to a 3000. But then the chicken-lips company self-destructed and folded, leaving me with some very capable but orphaned hardware. I took a look at MSFT's W3.1 and Apple's System 7 - the latest and greatest commercial OSs at the time - and decided there had to be something better. Both seemed like a big step backwards from the Amiga's native OS (and hardware). Then I looked into BSD unix, and eventually found a CD containing source code for OpenBSD. It took me 2 weeks to figure out how to bootstrap the system back then, and then 3 days to compile a working kernel for my hardware, but I did it. Wonderful learning experience, and I've been a fan of FOSS ever since. Some time around the 486->Pentium transition a CD of Yggdrasil Linux found it's way into my possession and I built my first "PC" system to run it. Since then I've been running Linux as my main OS on most of my personal systems. (The exceptions being a couple Mac laptops, once Apple saw the light and switched to Darwin "underneath" their MacOS X.) Over the years I've also tried RedHat, SuSE, Ubuntu, and Manjaro at one time or another. I seem to recall I also had a couple iterations of NetBSD in there somewhere. I've actually never even owned a Windows system. Currently I'm running Ubuntu on a (AMD) 2700X CPU in a system w/32GB RAM and an "old" Radeon RX 480 GPU. Recently I got them to install some new Linux systems at work too, replacing some old Sun systems.
  6. Einstein, Newton, and Pascal are playing hide and seek. It’s Einstein’s turn to count so he covers his eyes and starts counting to 10. Pascal runs off and hides. Newton draws a one meter by one meter square on the ground in front of Einstein and stands in the middle of it. Einstein reaches 10 and uncovers his eyes. He sees Newton immediately and exclaims, “Newton! I found you! You’re it!”

    Newton smiles and replies, “No, you found a Newton over a square meter. You found a Pascal!”

    (This is the kind of thing I have to put up with at work. The offending party has been dealt with. 1f642.png )

  7. Same here.. 120+ degrees in my car in the parking lot after work today.
  8. Gotta be at work early so I really shouldn't be getting interested in anything that's liable to delay my rest but I'm checking out a gameplay 'tubie on the No Man's Sky "Beyond" update as I eat dinner and get ready for bed.
  9. Not just games and anime and manga either. First the Walmart era, then the unholy alliance of Amazon and China have pretty much killed all local shops. I have the same problem with electronics (resistors & capacitors type electronics, not cellphones and computers) and other things. I have to drive 20 miles for a decent "local" electronics store even here in the Los Angeles county metro area. There used to be a "rat shack" (Radio Shack) on almost every corner. I haven't seen a decently-stocked old-school hobby shop - models, paints, balsa wood, brass stock, etc. - around here for years either. I would love to go there someday. Not just for the otaku culture either. There's also a thriving electronics/hacker scene there as well that I could get into. I might never come back.
  10. They delivered the two new widescreen HD monitors and stacked them outside my office, but they didn't deliver the computer they're supposed to be attached to. That's just cruel.  :angry:


  11. Nothing. Haven't had any time for games in weeks. Been squeezing in a couple episodes of anime a week and a page or two of book reading here and there (the Boox is working out well), but that's about it for entertainment lately.
  12. For some reason I thought of y'all when I saw this so I jus gonna drop it.. PotatOS Lament .. and leave.
  13. Mom's been bingeing ST:TNG.  I've been playing, "I can name that episode in <x> lines".  :D

  14. Shift over at 11pm then home to sup, sh!t, shower, and shave to get back to work by 7am for another full shift. Getting too old for this kind of thing.

    1. efaardvark


      Fortunately today is only training the new guy.  I don't have to sit the ops console or pretend to be intelligent in a meeting or anything like that.  :)  

    2. Seshi


      “pretend to be intelligent in a meeting”

      ^^ relatable

  15. I'm not sure what the answer to the original question is but I've seen Suzuka and I from the description I'm pretty sure that's not it. Suzuka's (female lead) hair was blue, not orange, and Akitsuki, the male lead has black hair. There's kind of a love triangle thing going on with another miko girl, and while there's a lot of sprinting and high-jumping going on there's no pole-vaulting. No nobody gets a hurt foot either. Might be worth watching but I don't think that's the anime Wifferr was looking for.
  16. I'd recommend getting a set of flash cards and just drill. There's apps for the kana and kanji that will help with that. The kana are pretty easy, but the kanji will take quite a while, especially if you want to be able to write it. There's only 40 or so characters each in the katakana and hiragana. There's over 2500 kanji characters, most with multiple "readings". You might want to find some JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) study aids to help tackle the kanji. It groups the kanji into "levels" from most to least used. Level N5 "only" has few hundred kanji in it. That's is considered the minimum level to be proficient in Japanese but is a lot less intimidating than going after all 2500 kanji at once. If you're still interested in pursuing it after getting N5 down then you can go after the higher levels.
  17. Found another lapel pin for my collection in my mailbox today..

  18. Found out I "get" to work 2 extra days this week.  Joy.   😿 

    At least that means my weekends are back in sync with the rest of the world's.

    1. Beocat


      Lol...at least it's only 2 days and not practically the whole month. Been crazy here, like some kid kicked over our anthill and we're scrambling all over the place trying to put it back up again. I'm so tired. 


      Enjoy the weekends :) are you having to meet a deadline or did something else come up at work?

    2. efaardvark


      Kind of a combination of factors here.  Higher than average workload this year with chandryaan-2 launch and testing/training for them plus a bunch of cubes going up on the one hand.  On the other, in the last several months we've also lost 2 workers.  3 actually, one retired, one got fired, and then one of the replacements didn't work out & we had to start over.  We're a 2-position, 24/7 operation so losing two out of 8 people .. we're feeling it.  2019 has not been a good year so far.

      I talked to my boss today & he says he's hired a replacement for the replacement so there's light at the end of the tunnel.  However, even best case it'll take a couple weeks for badging, background check, and other bureaucrazy before he can even start training for the actual job, and another couple/few months after that before he's pulling his weight.


    3. Beocat


      I've been there too. We lost 5 of 9 once and it all fell apart. Right now, we did this to ourselves buying up more business than we can handle so I'm just trying to help cover shifts, give some overlap to help catch up and ending up working nearly every day. 


      I hope the new guy works out for you. 

  19. Probably kuu, since they're most interesting to me and interesting characters make for interesting anime. They tend to need good supporting characters to play off though.
  20. I've had several similar experiences. I've seen a few dubs that were ok, but my preference is to go with the sub first and only switch if there's something wrong with it. I can understand enough spoken Japanese that even then I'll typically just ignore/turn off the subtitles before I switch to the dubbed version as a last resort. In practice this means I hardly ever watch dubs.
  21. Finally had a chance to finish watching Senko-san. Now I'm bummed that it is over.
  22. I had the same kind of sense. I don't think it would be boring to date myself, but In general I'm looking for a partner in a potential date/mate, not necessarily a clone. Personalities have to be compatible obviously, and having common interests certainly isn't bad, but ideally couples should also "fill the gaps" for each other in terms of things like skills. Someone who can only do what I can do doesn't really help in that regard. Anything "I" can't do "we" can't do either.
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