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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Lol it sounded wrong to me oh my brain needs cleaning
  2. Good cause im the one hungry at the moment
  3. Ouch lol so im just in case of emergency use then
  4. You guys miss me this much lol yah i do lurk and appear then vanish im a ghost after all
  5. Hello @Sasuke though im gonna log out now
  6. Pokes you stop lurking lol

    1. Lelouch


      Me lurking naw  😂

    2. Nova


      Oh wait i was the one lurking lol

  7. Lol well that answer my question
  8. thank you What stick? @The History Kid
  9. Happy birthday sofi🎂🎁may it be a good one for you 

    1. Sakura


      Thank you very much! It's been good so far ^^

    2. Nova


      Glad to know

  10. Much better from kagakoko to Nova

  11. Depression dark mode on

    1. Seshi


      Looks nice. 

    2. Nova


      Ikr it suits me so well

  12. Until now since no net still on pretear
  13. All i can say is love my current avi so evil and for who don't know who i am its me kagakoko with new username etc
  14. *Never judge a book by its cover* *Once a cheater always a cheater*
  15. Hiya @Sofi and the rest of my good friends posting before i go to ghost mode
  16. Feels sad when i saw the news
  17. @Endynyp i can pm you and tell you why i call them snake and dog but its a long story
  18. I want to kill some snake im not talking about the animal kind
  19. I never gotten to like slam dunk even if it was so popular in my country before
  20. Miss you guys since i was away yesterday
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