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How are you in 2020?


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Now, I could make this big long thread about all that's been going on this year, going into every detail that I know, that you probably also know, but the main thing I want to talk about, is how the heck are all of you during this wild year? I know this isn't normally a topic that anyone would talk about here, but I can imagine the thing that's been keeping me from posting here since I've been back, has also had an effect on you in some regard. I just want to know, what's this year been like for you, and how are you doing with all that's happened? If this topic isn't okay here, please delete it, but I can't help but feel some of us need a place to de-stress, and I'm hoping I can give that to you here. So...the floor belongs to whoever wishes to speak. 

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Honestly my life has not changed to much apart from walking a lot has been a lot less especially in the earliest parts of this endemic. Otherwise Its just been the regular for me thankfully. 

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All things considered, I'm holding up surprisingly well. Right now, I'm mostly just going with the flow and riding out whatever wave is coming towards me. Despairing isn't really gonna help me much, so I've just been learning how to cope and make the best out of my situation.

As for positive things: I've lost 10kgs since the start of March. I've been meaning to lose weight for years, and this year was the first time I had any long lasting success with keeping my weight down. So there's that, at least. :) 

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On 7/4/2020 at 6:50 AM, crowpuppetMana said:

All things considered, I'm holding up surprisingly well. Right now, I'm mostly just going with the flow and riding out whatever wave is coming towards me. Despairing isn't really gonna help me much, so I've just been learning how to cope and make the best out of my situation.

As for positive things: I've lost 10kgs since the start of March. I've been meaning to lose weight for years, and this year was the first time I had any long lasting success with keeping my weight down. So there's that, at least. :) 

That's the one positive of COVID that I hoped more people would appreciate: with so many people off work for months at a time, all those people have more time to focus on what's important to them in their own lives.

I hope what we learn on that front gets put to good use when COVID is finally gone for good, we all could use more time for personal pursuits in our daily lives. Life in too many places revolves around work instead of our pursuit of happiness.

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I've been very fortunate so far in 2020. I haven't gotten sick & I still have my job, so those are things I am most definitely thankful for. This year has made me sit down & re-priortize my goals. I've gotten much more serious about improving my health & losing weight, I've actually begun writing my book, I've walked away from people & situations that simply aren't for me, & I'm making some big plans to do a few things I've always wanted to do once all this calms down. 

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I have high anxiety and am Autistic so I have my days where I just want everything to go back to how it was before this whole pandemic.

I try to stay away from the news, social media and anywhere else that drones on about the negative but it's difficult when it seems like everyone lives and breathes this crap.


I usually try to drown out the world with anime, video games and coloring but occasionally I go with my fiance when he travels for work so I see nothing but all the crap going on. 


The fear, the hate, the negative crap... sometimes it's more than I can take. 

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Everything's gone shitty for me. At least I'm getting paid. Can't complain for that I suppose. TwT


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On 7/7/2020 at 9:46 AM, AlwaysSearching said:

That's the one positive of COVID that I hoped more people would appreciate: with so many people off work for months at a time, all those people have more time to focus on what's important to them in their own lives.

I wish.  The first couple of months of the lockdown I was working -3- jobs.  I work in a network operations center so of course all of us were considered essential personnel and required to continue working, especially the "data controllers" who staff the NOC monitoring things keeping it all working 24/7.  Only going into the shelter-in-place order we'd just had one controller retire, and at the same time the backup contoller from the back office that we usually would have swapped in to cover that position went on medical leave for appendicitis .. and then stayed out for two more months after the surgery due to diabetes-related complications.  So I got to do my job, his job, and the retired controller's realtime support job.  😱

Then after a couple weeks of absolute madness while everyone else was getting settled into the working from home thing we managed to hire a new guy and get him badged up and background-checked well enough to allow him access to the equipment.  Then I got to put on my teacher's hat and train him up on top of the rest.

Oh, and did I mention I got a new boss somewhere in all that.  Yep.  Never rains but it pours.

It is only in the past few weeks that I've even been able to start working from home myself.  Still no time to relax however.  We've got a major event to support next week on the 14th and then another one on the 30th.

Time to focus?  I think I've heard about that somewhere.  Some mythical kind of creature, right?  Like unicorns maybe, or Sasquatch:D


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Fuckin' yikes, feels bad man. I'm glad you can at least stay home now, but you really got put through it. I hope whenever we finally come out the other side of this, we end up recognizing everyone that kept working through the pandemic, to say you got the raw end of this deal doesn't even come close.

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@Wedgy The reason you haven't seen me in so long is because I was banned off the site for reasons I'm not aware of for two years and some change, which makes me think that I was supposed to be banned for a much shorter period but someone forgot to unban me until one random day, they did. But that aside, I'm good.  

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For me 2020 and start of 2021 hasn't been great. I'm am told constantly that I need to look for positives so yes, I still have my job and I am getting paid, yes, I still have my health although I did pack on some weight but I hopefully will loose that once my job opens back up.

For me though the last year I suppose really emphasised that I don't have any real friends, and that actually I don't have all that much direction in my life. You wake up, go to work, come home cook food and then sleep and repeat. Yes over weekends you shove in the things you enjoy (watching anime, driving my car, painting my Warhammer etc) but even still, I spend far too much time in my own head worrying or thinking about these things so it hasn't gone over well. I know it sounds incredibly needy of me, but COVID really didn't do my mental health any favours, and kinda reinforced a lot of the problems I was having before anyway.

Sorry that was dumping some c**p onto this thread sorry! SO positive, I manged to get my house ready to sell (even though that has been messy), I work and get paid, I have a partner and a family who have supported me through a lot of this and shout out to them for doing that cause I'm not easy to live with 🙂

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