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What Did You Do In Gaming Today


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Leveled Valkyrie up to level 14 or reputation 4 in For Honor; also started playing Law-bringer, he sucks compared to the rest of the heroes however I still enjoy playing him. 

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19 hours ago, EnviousEnvy said:

Resident Evil 2 (PS4):

Just recently started the remake of this game. So far I've only jumped once and had a couple mini panic attacks *cries*

Just wait until VR becomes a thing.  Seat belts mandatory!  :D

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7 hours ago, efaardvark said:

Just wait until VR becomes a thing.  Seat belts mandatory!  :D

It will be a fair bit of time before VR gaming really becomes a standard. This is mostly due to price.

As far as what I did in gaming for today so far. I played a bit on the DS Mario Kart, and Alpha Sapphire. I know I am a bit late, but its pretty fun to play. I did see both of course when they came out, but still despite it being several years old as of yet it is awesome.

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Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS4)

Not very far in the game. Finally got to the mansion on the second world, lol.

Resident Evil 2 (PS4)

Just ran into my first Tyrant in the game and let me tell you,  he makes finding things and completing puzzles a pain in the rear. Grr... 

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Resident Evil 2 (PS4)

Finally got my hands on the parking permit thus made it outside of the police department (thank God because Mr. X was seriously getting on my nerves). Also doing so I ran into Ada again. Why is she always so crabby? Wonder if she is PMSing in this game. 😂

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I did not play KSP today.  :(   Last time I played I'd managed to gather a bit of science and upgrade my tech.  I've been trying to get some play time in to hire some more kerbonauts and  build a space station and a science/exploration ship, but shit keeps happening IRL.   Maybe tomorrow? 🤞

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Playing KSP again (finally!) and found a contract to take 6 passengers all over the place.  One of them even wants a solar flyby!  But of course to get paid I'd need to return her safely to Kerbin afterwords.  How do I even do that?  For over $800,000 kerbucks I'll give it a try though.  I currently only have $2.2M kerbucks, so a contract like this would be a significant chunk of change for me.

I'm thinking I could start by taking Magbald and Jendock to Minmus.  Minmus is the outer moon of Kerbin so a brief detour into solar orbit from a Minmus encounter shouldn't cost much in terms of delta-V.  It should also be possible to get the Münar flyby done (and save dV) by using the Mün for a gravity assist, assuming I get the timing right.  If I can make Magbald and Jedock happy then they'll give me over $400k right there.  That should be plenty to build the necessary rocket.  It'd be even better if I could take everyone to Minmus at once, but that'd be a BIG rocket, and way too expensive.  However, I can probably build a rocket to get just two tourists and a pilot to Minmus and back for less than $100k.

I wish I had a station built.  Having even a low-orbit station is useful for logistics in situations like this.  It is a lot more efficient to build a small rocket with limited capability than to build a single vehicle that can handle the whole mission profile.  I'd build a "passenger bus" that can barely reach a low-orbit station and return, then have another for getting everyone efficiently to and from other places.  Put the high-thrust (but low efficiency) rockets and things like the parachutes and (heavy) heat shields on the "bus".  On the other vehicle - the actual space-craft - leave off all that heavy equipment that's useless for other places and just wastes dV.  Trim it back to just low-thrust, high efficiency engines, the passenger berths, and the fuel.  (Plus "incidentals" like solar panels and communications equipment.  And the pilot of course. :) )

Hmmm.. I've been wanting to build a station anyway.  Maybe I can use the profit plus a bit of my cash on hand to put up a small station, then expand it later.  I think if I build a "passenger bus" big enough to hold a dozen kerbals and a bit of extra fuel, then leave half of it in orbit as a rendezvous and refueling point that might be the thing to do.  Then I'd build and launch the vehicle that goes to the moon(s) separately, dock it with the "station" to refuel and take on the passengers that want to go to Minmus.  Do the Minmus mission, come back to the station.  Drop off the Minmus crowd and take on the Mün passengers.  Refuel.  Do the Mün mission, come back.  Finally, transfer everyone to the "passenger bus" (the one with the heat shields and parachutes) and bring everyone back home.  Payday!  Leave the space-craft attached to the station in orbit to make future missions like this even more profitable.  Mission planning baby!




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Resident Evil 2 (PS4)

Finally reached the final boss of Leon's campaign (maybe?? Lol) Ended up rage quitting because the dang thing keeps killing me off, grr...

Kingdom Hearts III (PS4)

Half way finished with the Toybox world. Been livestreaming every time I play it thus, I have been going slow with it, lol.

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