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Everything posted by Animedragon

  1. The TV series "The Prisoner" and the "Hitch-hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy" (where both references come from) were probably a bit before your time .
  2. Oh no. Just when we thought it was safe to go outside
  3. You are Number 6. You are in The Village. We want information. Life is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so!
  4. Good idea @Sarada and @Sakura. So I tried adding some dropped shadows in various colours and sizes and thought this one worked the best.
  5. I bought myself a second tripod. Why a second one? Well a tripod is pretty much essential if you're shooting video and want to avoid camera wobbles. My main tripod is great it goes up a long way so I can film over walls and fences it's also very study, but it's also quite bulky and heavy which is not a problem when I go to a railway gala by car, but it's another story when I have to carry it a long way by public transport! This new one is slightly smaller, and more importantly it's a whole 1 Kilo lighter than the other one.
  6. Welcome to the Forum it's great to have new members join us. I hope you'll soon feel at home and enjoy taking part in the discussions and little games.
  7. It's a little bit warmer at 10C, but it's still cold and dull, it's also raining.
  8. Sleepy. I didn't have a good night and woke up late. I'm trying to work up the energy to get up out of my chair and get washed and dressed.
  9. We definitely need a and reaction emoji on here
  10. The render looks good on its own, I think you're right about the colours and the piece was too blue for that yellow shirt.
  11. Never forget that expensive camera gear does not equal great photos. It's the eye and mind of the photographer that makes great photos.
  12. I did this last night but I'm not really happy with the way it turned out, I feel that it's missing something, but I'm going to post it anyway because I spent a lot of time on it.
  13. OK, so this one's a bit different and needs a few words of explanation. The star-field background is a Photoshop Action generated image. The foreground is a part of a sand sculpture and stood about 8 feet or so tall.
  14. WOW! She's certainly spoiling you. I need a Sakura in my life to make me good dinners and chocolate chip cookies
  15. I hope you'll soon feel better. It's no fun having a cold and a stuffy head.
  16. It felt a bit warmer today, but we had some heavy rain this afternoon
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