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Everything posted by efaardvark

  1. DART launch team photo.  (I’m the guy in back with the lid.)


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kit


      Envious XD

      Mad respect for how much schooling and dedication that must have taken. It all paid off and you love your job, can't get any better than that? I don't even know you and I'm proud of you. lol

    3. efaardvark


      Thanks @Kit.  Might be changing jobs in the near future tho.  I’m currently working for a contractor but JPL/Caltech has made me an offer that looks good.  It is in integration and testing and moves me away from real-time ops but it is more in tune with my training as a systems engineer.  Benefits are better and it comes with a bigger paycheck too.

      The downside is it drops me right in the middle of GDS - ground data system - testing for all those cubesats going up on Artemis in a couple/few months.  😱  (Currently there’s one guy doing it full time and one loaner half-timer and they’re apparently not getting much sleep.  How do you schedule testing with JAXA, Goddard, and ESA in the same day and still find time to sleep?)

  2. So I was reading the wiki on the new(ish) villager/village mechanics & it sounds like the game defines a village as a set of beds within a certain distance (32 blocks?) of a "significant" block (bell, or bed) horizontally and 5 blocks vertically. That got me to wondering if you could stack villages vertically. Think of a bell in the center of a 64x64 field of beds. Then clone that and place it maybe 10 blocks above the first, then do that again for maybe 10 levels or so. We could name the construction "Aincrad". Probably call it something else less printable tho since I imagine the lag would be .. substantial with all those entities crammed in a few chunks.
  3. When the gang gets together to fight the Ender Dragon, chaos and hilarity can't be far off ... especially with this crew!
  4. Bingeing Nanamaru. Have to say it is not terribly exciting so far. (Sorry, no matter how you spin it a quiz show is not "sports".) It is giving my Japanese listening skills a decent workout however. I mean, isn't the goal of everyone watching these sorts of shows to answer the questions before the contestants?
  5. Here I was thinking that I might actually have a couple hours of discretionary time this afternoon.  Shoulda known better.  Woke up early this morning to crashing noises and found that one of our “Santa Ana” winds had made a mess of the backyard and dumped a bunch of debris in the pool overnight.  We also seem to be missing a patio chair.  Have to go knocking on the neighbors’ doors in a bit I guess. Maybe start a load of laundry first however.  Get that going while I work on coffee and breakfast.  No rest for the weary.

  6. Just applied for a job working for JPL!  I've actually been working -at- JPL for years now but as a contractor, not as a direct employee.  This will mean my paycheck comes directly from JPL.  (Well, CalTech actually since the university manages JPL as a NASA center.)  It will also mean I'll probably wind up being even more busy but it'll be pretty much the same job with more money, better benefits, and fewer contract management chiefs to deal with.  And in fact my immediate boss will probably be one of my old bosses too so that will be a nice side-benefit since I got along pretty well with him back in the day.  🤞 Really hoping I get this "lateral promotion" 🤞

    1. efaardvark


      Looks like it’ll happen.  2 interviews went well and I am currently waiting for an offer.  Should know for sure by next week.  🤞

  7. Maybe Wise Man's Grandson or Isekai Cheat Magician? If you like overpowered main characters, fantasy settings, and a bit of romance then either one should do. The only harem one I can think of offhand would be Isekai Smartphone but that one is definitely inferior to the former two. (IMHO, YMMV, etc, etc.) Sorry, that's all I got. I'm more of a fan of SF than of fantasy, and I especially don't usually go for the harem thing. TBH I'm getting pretty jaded at all the isekais as well. Once or twice was ok but I feel they've been done to death already and I really wish the industry would get over it and move on. Maybe it is just me.
  8. I'm still in binge-wait mode for this season but I have checked out a few episodes each of 86, Komi can't Communicate, The Great Jahy, Fruit of Evolution, and Faraway Paladin. (Not sure how to translate that last one.. seems like "the last Paladin" might be in order, depending on how it turns out. It does seem to be getting a shade darker with every episode.) 86 and Paladin are definitely on my to-watch list. Komi probably too, though it isn't as cute or funny as I was hoping. The Great Jahy is ok but it'll probably keep getting shuffled to the bottom of my queue and eventually forgotten, effectively dropped unless I either hear somewhere that the ending makes it worth going back and finishing it or I somehow find myself with a lot of idle time on my hands. (Highly unlikely.) A part of my brain hated FoE, but I've found that if I shut down that part of my brain and don't take it too seriously then the show is reasonably entertaining after all. Still on my need-to-check-out list are Sakugan (tho I might not after seeing its placement/rating on your list), Taishou Otome, and World's finest Assassin. Maybe Annoying Sempai too, though as it is I'm going to have trouble finding time for everything.
  9. One day... probably.. maybe..   :D



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    2. efaardvark


      @RyePotatoes I’m 5mumble7 so if the day (mentioned at bottom of pic) hasn’t happened yet then chances are it won’t ever.  I might just be stuck with the sense of humor of a teenager for the rest of my life.  :) 

      Is that a good thing or a bad?  🤔

    3. RyePotatoes


      I think it’s a good thing though! Hahahaha 😂😂

  10. I know the OP is over a year old but from the pink & blue hair it looks like it could be Reona Nyubara from BanG. Don’t remember the rather distinctive headphones or the costume however. (Then again I may just not have been paying close enough attention.)
  11. Not exactly watching it yet since I usually wait until season's end and binge shows but I just watched the first few episodes of Saihate no Paladin, aka The End Paladin. Looks interesting enough to put it on my to-watch list.
  12. This topic looks like it could use some love so here's my vote: Babylon 5. (Closely behind is James Burke's non-fictional "Connections".) Nothing beats Sheridan and Ivanova, two of my favorite SF characters. Speaking of B5, I recently heard a rumor regarding casting for the upcoming B5 reboot...
  13. I got into Genesis for a while with their Invisible Touch album. .. and now for something completely different..
  14. FWIW humble is offering a “survive or die” bundle which includes Empyrion. Empy is a space-themed survival game that’s like a cross between Space Engineers and Minecraft. (Though more towards the SE end of the spectrum.) I’ve got it and used to play it a lot but I haven’t had much time for any games lately and I haven’t played it at all since the update. Not sure about the other titles in the bundle but I thought there might be some interest so… https://www.humblebundle.com/games/survive-or-die
  15. I'll always associate this song with the Berlin Wall coming down. An amazing moment in time, clearly marking a major global event. Winds of Change indeed.
  16. I binge-watch shows but every time I've tried to watch that one I've either fallen asleep or felt compelled to be elsewhere and missed an episode or two. I can't really hate on it but seriously, that was probably the most boring anime I've attempted to watch in quite a while. Good to keep on hand for insomnia maybe. Yeah, though that was kind of boring as well. I did like the crossover episodes of railgun and index though. I'd like to see a spinoff with Touma and Misaka getting together for a few adventures. Like maybe after they graduate / grow up a bit. I thought they had a dynamic that I'd like to see explored.
  17. Rakuen Tsuihou, aka Expelled from Paradise. Robots and space and cyber and mechas and somewhat predictable but not bad for all that. Mostly action with a bit of introspection but not too serious about it. Has a bit of a "The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye" feel to it. Not a bad way to waste an evening. I put it on my list after seeing the trailer but the first episode was kind of meh. I'll revisit it for the 3-ep test halfway thru the season & see if it gets better.
  18. A pun has not completely matured until it is full groan.

    Until then it is just puny.

    ok I’m leaving…


    1. Ohayotaku


      I see you are also an alumni of the King Kai School of Comedy :P 


    2. RyePotatoes


      Waaaah, This feels like how my dad jokes 😂 

    3. efaardvark
  19. One of the first season eps, "Doomsday Machine".  Written by Norman Spinrad iirc.... I think he and the director (whose name escapes me atm) got an award for it too.  :D


  20. Yet another pin.  Good thing I recently got a bigger display case!


  21. Kinda like that for me too. Decent Halloween material though. It is a fairly original story and there's a little depth if you stick with it, though like I said it took a while for me to get into it.
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