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Everything posted by efaardvark

  1. Then again, Ainz himself (itself?) is kind of a pawn too. They never did adequately explain just how the whole thing started after all, or for what purpose. Between the green glow and him having to have Demi explain to him what's going on half the time I wouldn't really say he's the one in control of things.
  2. Just found out that Tonikaku Kawaii is going to be made into an anime by Kenjirō Hata, the same person who did Hayate no Gotoku.  AND it will be on crunchy in October.  Might be a bit diabetes-inducing, but I'm going to put it on my list anyway.  :)

  3. Dances with Dragons. Lots of action. Not a lot of plot. Or maybe too much. So far it seems to be just random people trying to kill each other because someone killed someone they knew. Someone's got some 'splainin' to do. And the dialogue? Gaius: "You furniture freak! Go get swallowed by a man-eating chair!" Gigina: "I might want a chair like that." Yeah, like that. Maybe he has a furniture fetish? Just one of many unexplained things so far.
  4. TFW you rotate the mandelbrot plot through the third dimension. Kind of like a Flatlander being visited by Mr Sphere.
  5. Looks like things were hopping today down in Boca Chica...


    1. efaardvark


      The fact that the whole thing looked off-kilter because of the engine mount didn’t help the visuals.  There are mounts for three engines around a common center, but with only one engine mounted the whole thing has to tip over to get the center of thrust going through the center of mass or else the whole thing does a nice arc ending in a powered dive into the ground.  The physics works, and obviously the software can handle it, but it looked... dangerous.  :)

      The thing that impressed me was the fact that this is just about a third of the top half of the full stack that’s going to eventually put things in space.  That’s going to be one impressive launch!  A lot of them actually.  I mean, the whole thing is supposed to be reusable after all.

  6. I just watched this myself. What did you think about it? I really enjoyed it. It wasn't bad but it seemed like it could have been much, much shorter. Like 25 minutes shorter at least. That much of it was scenes cut-and-pasted from the series. I don't want to say the word "filler", but I will think it. Even then it was still an hour long beyond that. That said, if taken as an "extra" episode of the original series it was fine. It continued the original pace and style and did have quite a bit of new material, including a few good lines: Slayer: "I'm going to kill the goblins." "How many?" Slayer: "Yes." ( I don't think that's a spoiler. ) I did think that for an adventurer the princess was a bit of a crybaby though. I mean, even Goblin Slayer noticed.
  7. Goblin Slayer - Goblin's Crown
  8. Crunchy has it as "Inu x Boku Secret Service". There's also the MAL page for more info. Would something like Hiiro no Kakera be like what the OP is looking for?
  9. Watching the Dragon de-orbit...


  10. Well, I never did find my old DS or rune factory/harvest moon cart so I went and got Stardew Valley for my desktop via steam. There's a native version for linux so I didn't get to test Proton this time, but that's ok. I just wanted to relax with something simple and not test the limits of computing for a change. Sometimes too a game without an ammo supply is what's called for.
  11. The last two weeks have been utterly crazy - kind of like the rest of the year so far - but this weekend I am facing the prospect of time off without looming deadlines ahead.  Something of a relief for a change.

  12. That's on my watch-for list. I kind of got a Tokyo Magnitude 8.0++ vibe from some of the stuff I've seen on it. Hopefully it is a bit less depressing.
  13. Nothing like a little earthquake in the middle of a launch countdown.   :) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. efaardvark


      That is so true.

      It's the comet.  Gotta be the comet.  Effed up this whole year.


    3. Ohayotaku


      I’ve never actually seen Maximum Overdrive, but always wondered about the Green Goblin face on the semi 🤣

    4. Sauron


      Are we already 5 days in?

  14. Tired and jet-lagged. Today they have me working from 1:30am-2:30pm so I tried to go to sleep just after dinner but really didn't get much. When my alarm went off at midnight it was like WTF?? Now my internal clock is all messed up & I just want to go back to bed but I still have most of a 12 hour shift ahead. I need coffee, and lots of it.
  15. Sorry, I don't talk to noobs.
  16. Less than 24 hours till launch..


  17. 4k orbital movies of the moon, from LRO. That's it.. no talking. For an hour. I watched it twice. Music by Kevin MacLeod. (No, not the KSP soundtrack.)
  18. The link was dead for me so here it is again as a direct link to youtube. Always glad to hear more Freddy. https://youtu.be/Hmr5XmAzcRU
  19. Not gonna lie, feeling some build envy here..
  20. Just watched I''s Pure. Love-triangle romance that reminded me a lot of KimiKiss, with a very similar start and a protagonist that is just as annoyingly indecisive. Short (6-ep) yet still somehow manages to hit all the clichés. Watchable but ultimately nothing new here. (Re Blackfox.) I was thinking something similar. Like it made a good superhero origin story or pilot & now needs an anime to tell the story. Just a season or two.
  21. DDR5 memory is now officially a thing. My "old" 3.2Ghz DDR4 sticks should still be good for a while yet though. Probably going to be at least 6 months until there's even motherboards that use DDR5.
  22. I'm .. somewhat relieved? Our first launch at work since the virus restrictions and social distancing went into effect went off as planned yesterday. (Aside from a couple weather delays.) But now we get to look forward to doing it all over again in just another week and a half for Perseverance!
  23. I think the business part of it is the main thing. Canonical seems to be more open to.. shall we say experimental monetization opportunities that don't fit well with the rest of the open-source philosophy and therefore annoy the open-source faithful. Even when there's no explicit money angle they still try to control things. Snaps is a good example of that. If they would just let everyone who wants to run their own "snap store" then there wouldn't be nearly the resistance, but the way they've set things up you have to use the Ubuntu servers to distribute snap bundles. See this blog for Mint Linux's view of snaps from a non-Canonical POV. They're getting better in the specific case of snaps, but they started with the server side completely closed off. It is like if Canonical started saying that only Ubuntu servers could be used to distribute Ubuntu's .deb files. One of the great things about open-source and Linux is the ability to "fork the code" and go in a different direction if someone tries to force you down a path that you don't want to take. The way Canonical initially tried to set up snap distribution there was no way to "fork the code". If you wanted to use snaps at all then you had to do things Canonical's way. One gets the sense that they're a wanna-be Microsoft or Apple, which is exactly what most of the people who are now using Linux are trying to get away from in the first place. There's other, technical problems with snaps too. Snaps bundle -all- dependencies together. That makes them huge, relative to .deb or .rpm files. A snap bundle can easily take up 10x he disk space as the same app delivered as a traditional .deb. Because it is all self-contained there's also no way to integrate a snap app into the system in terms of things like desktop themes or file accesses. If I have Discord and Minecraft both installed as snaps (the default for Ubuntu) then Discord won't pick up my desktop (gnome) themes and I won't be able to drag a file from the minecraft .screenshot directory into a discord window to create a message. Snaps also put things in strange places. It took me about 10 minutes to figure out where Ubuntu's Minecraft snap puts the .screenshots directory. This after being forced to re-install MC on Ubuntu 20.04 because installing the snap broke my existing minecraft install that had been working perfectly! Installing optifine to the correct minecraft directory was also a bit of a PITA, as I've mentioned elsewhere. Finally, there is no way to turn off automatic updates on a snap. This last alone makes it a non-starter in a lot of corporate environments where there is a requirement to certify a system as a whole. Other attempts like flatpak or appimage to solve the same distribution problem as snaps don't have these sorts of issues. (Though they do have others.) I'm just using snaps as an example here. This isn't the first time Canonical has done this sort of thing. They can talk the talk but when it comes to walking the walk they don't seem to "get it". They tend to start "closed" and only open things up when enough people complain. The default should be "open".
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