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Everything posted by XII360

  1. To answer everyones question, im alive and well, just working really really hard (72hours duty gang, lets gooooo) But im not here to make excuses and whatnot I somewhat abandoned my moderator duties in this website Why, you ask ? It just isnt as fun, like it was back then, the mod team kept trying to keep the website alive, but alas, it was barely working, i even opened up some questions regarding the sharing of youtube links before, but no one, not even the bigman of the website gave me a clear answer, i was left with my own judgement on who to allow and who not to allow on posts with youtube link I apologize if it may have sounded as if im being transphobic, i merely stated the things i was thought of, during classes, i dont mean to harm any trans out there, i merely stated what i had thought in my mind Does that make me a bad person though ? Maybe, to some people but hey, i dont really care what people think of me, ill always be that guy that supports other people, be they transgender, be they gays, be they males, be they females, be they whatever (just not aliens!, just kidding wahahah) But yea, this website is dead, i had some good memories in it, but it will stay as good memories If you know my discord, dont be shy, and holla at me, odds are i wont really dm back, couse i rarely discord, but hey, its worth a shot


  3. just wanna update everyone, my old discord is no longer active, since my phone was stolen


    my new discord is XII360#1831


    ill inform the mods toooo, so they can kick my old account

    1. peachtea


      I'm sorry that your phone was stolen, how awful! Hope no one got into anything important. 

    2. XII360


      nothing important, just my social media accounts

      which made me frantic as hell, and skip work days ~.~


      but not to worry, couse i was able to hack-back my accounts XD


    3. peachtea


      That sounds important to me! What an ordeal, I'm glad you were able to get everything back in the end. Remind me to never make you angry! xD Heeh. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. 🤗

  4. So i know i've been gone for a long time

    But man, it was because i became somewhat lazy in life

    From all the rejections i get from girls, even though i try hard and all


    But i have two good news, since i've been gone

    Maybe one bad news to

    Ill explain more in detail

    But to sum up one of them, I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND I LOVE HER SO DEEPLY


    1. efaardvark


      Congrats.  (Refraining from doing my usual Ako, "normies must die" post.  ;) )

    2. pathospades


      Whoa. Congrats man.

  5. Sigh


    Im tired of living

    1. Ohayotaku


      It do get tedious sometimes

    2. efaardvark


      You sound like you could use a Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san in your life.  :) 

      (I know I could!)

  6. no joke, this was exactly what i needed on my life right now i too, have been somewhat feeling a bit depressed as of late (maybe the right term is "burn out", but i had depression too xD) questioning what im doing with my life, is there something wrong with the way i do things, and all that stuff i've been doing 48 hours of straight duty as of late, so i decided, screw working, im going on a 2 day sudden break~!! i can work hard again after i rejuvenate myself~! my co-workers didn't question me why i suddenly declared that i wanted to just stay in my house for 2 days, they simply agreed and allowed me to take my break time, i cannot work anyway, i felt too.. "ugh-ish" >.>, mad respect for them and yea, my plan for the 2 days (break started yesterday), was to play DOOM ETERNAL sadness/pain/thoughts are temporary, BUT DOOM IS ETERNAL.meme (sorry, couldn't resist) ...which got scratched off a bit, couse i still have to do our hospitals SRA (special risk allowance) [its basically extra money given by the government, for frontliners during the pandemic] the hospitals HR didn't file anything, so the hospital im working at, their frontliners (including me) wont recieve their SRA, and since i felt bad that they think they are not priviledged to obtain SRA, i went ahead and did all the necessary filings, and coordinated with the HR/admin/Medical Director of the hospital honestly i wont benefit much from the SRA, the computation is basically, you get 5k php (84 eurs) for every 22days of working (8/12hours duty) and based on my computation yesterday...im only getting 8k php (135 eur) not including possible taxes, everyone else getting around 30k php tho! (500eur's) which, lets face it, would really make their day if im able to pull off this incredible stunt so yea, went from semi ugh-mood, to "I HAB BUTTERPLIES IN MI STOMACH" mood after reading this @Zila's post great work on the art, by the way! lets keep moving forward, and get even better in our hobbies, while also facing the terrors of life, that of which we call "responsibilities!"
  7. i finished drawing mi-tan in omori style (which ill be using to post that we are looking for RMT replacement)

    a tribute to one of the best games, that somewhat went on par with undertale


    i also play final duet on the laboratory, its calming af >.>


  8. image.thumb.png.a3efaaeab63ffa38a495c6b8cc0628ea.png

    finished omori



    gonna do another ending when i finish other stuff


    for now, the laboratory im working at is lacking RMT's

    and the chief RMT doesn't know how to post

    she just posted for sake of posting


    so im gonna go ahead and try to post a hiring




    also omori drawing style is cute, NGL

    feels similar to black souls artstyle, but black souls is darker and makes less sense

    omori has cutesy pencil/crayon art in it

    and i find it attractive, NGL 

  9. i have been away for a loonng time

    without you my friend

    oh ill tell you all about it when i see you again


    its been a loooong day

    from where we have been, and ill tell you all about it when i see you again

    when i see you againnn


    and yea

    pretty much doing 3 jobs, maybe it can reach 4, though the rest (being 2 of them) are just side lines >.>

  10. so im working hard on job and well, let me sing you a meme song




    Does it almost feel like noothings changed at all

  11. heyo~ welcome to af-forums is first of all~ but yea, if they are very close friends of yours, even through the interwebs, you should still stay in contact, you dont need to meet and greet and all that, just being in contact is better especially with covid, philippines is not a fun place to visit right now, you will just be quarantined for 14days, with sh*tton of delays on being catered to, its really not a great idea to visit philippines --- or any other country at that fact right now i haven't met with my classmate who i treat as a BFF, but we still keep in touch on facebook, its mainly talk about gacha games though, and some random topics about what's happening with my life right now, with job and all, flexes and stuff yea, getting on your hobby will be more fun, but dont forget to talk to people too, locally finding friends is really hard, especially if you're a introvert like me currently on my work, no one shares the same hobbies as me (drawing, playing games, animes), but that doesn't bother me that much, we don't have to share the same taste to be friends, though it helps ease tension and make conversations if they know of the stuff i commonly know of >.<) so yea, tldr; yea, forget about philippines for now, and focus on your own life rather than others this is coming from someone who lives in Ph by the by ~.~
  12. i managed to earn 50k php (870euro's) in a month and half



    watch me, im about to do, what everyone calls, "a pro gamer move"

    heh >.>...

    oh and got few cash from sideline job for buying cake

    atashi ready

  13. IT WORKS

    IMA GENIE-USimage.png.44f1e945968361bf24437a9b204850b6.png


    now i just need to draw more expressions ^_^



    also the raw drawing i did of mimi, im just gonna do a bit of expression changing now : )

    still need to draw her in a monster box though, couse she a mimic


    one step closer to completing my project!

    1. pathospades


      Oh shit. I didn't know you were working on a game. That's pretty cool

    2. XII360


      im doing it as much as i can


      its really slow though, since i now work on two hospitals >.<

      gotta keep the stacks coming, especially since we need them badly right now



    an experience i wanna share working in a private hospital

    we have (read; had, since his decided to leave today, after refusing blood extraction from me) a covid positive patient


    and the first time i saw him, his room was cleanish


    after 2-3 days, his IV line was removed by accident while he was moving around, and he bled (or his IV bled?, im not really aware of how IV lines works) staining the floor


    to which i asked, and that is how i learned of why the floor was dirty (of blood stains), my initial thought was he was coughing up blood, but that proved wrong 


    so after another 2-3 days or so, i start smelling something foul on his room, im double-masking, mind you, (doesn't protect as much as n95 masks, but its better than no protection)

    after another 2-3 days, i start to smell something really foul in his room, and i am, again, PPE'ed up

    and today, he had an extraction for Na/K/other chem tests, to which he said he wanted it "held off", and so i had him sign the back of the paper about his refusal to be extracted, he agreed to with no problems, after which i informed the nurses of his refusal, so they wouldn't look for results on the laboratory

    his a great guy that didn't deserve this treatment, his paying for a private room after all, so why would the social cleaners not clean his room at the very least


    most likely due to the fear of catching covid19, is the answer


    funnily enough, even nurses didn't know he planned on leaving the hospital to a different hospital

    why you ask?

    couse nurses are somewhat avoiding him too, i know some of the nurses dont avoid him, but some nurses are still scared of even entering his room

    so with all that said

    as the way i always talk to my mom,

    remember to wash hands, wear face mask, and KETCHUP

    yes, i always add a random word when saying farewell to her, bite me, its my way of joking around xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pathospades



      The fear is understandable but when you work in the medical field it is literally your job to run toward the fire.

      I have nothing but respect for the medical field.

  15. june 4 is nearby

    my surprise for papa chulo is near

    also my revenge on that one guy saying i "watch too much cartoons" is near

    in the end

    i haveth the last laugh

    by making him jelous

    and also making his father compare me with him



    is it gonna be worth it losing all my salary since working?


    yes it will god damn be >.>

    also not in a way that im gonna get fired, rather something else >.>

  16. easy jujutsu no kaisen (currently watching) ... CRAP WHAT WAS THAT ONE ANIME WITH ISEKAI AND CHIBI AND CROSSOVERS (last yearish) ... umm, happy sugar? (2 years) ...welp i easily lost this edit; i wrote "chibi anime crossover" on google search, and before results popped up, my brain said isekai quartet sasuga brain, you always fail me when i do the searches >.>
  17. one of my senior keeps getting "expired" covid-swabs to confirm if said expired patient is covid + or negative

    and also machine/problems arrive when his on duty at night


    the hell is this seniors luck, all the problems/complicated stuff go to him when his on duty >.>

  18. this seems fun yes im a weeb, bite me also, is that manlybadass i see ? great taste my guy #teamUSELESS
  19. image.png.32b16279f041577f0e9a26263417cfd8.png

    so here's an update on what happened while i was gone for 2 days 


    it seems my account, aside from being hacked, had some changes into it

    changes in which my profile pic most likely was changed to very very VERY r18 images

    it would seem that all mods account (including optic) was being targeted, and my account was the most prone one, since i still used god damn yahoo services 


    sooooo...i went and deleted my yahoo accounts, good. god. damn. bye. to my childhood account

    hello gmail account i will mass spam use from now on

    im gonna remake xii360 account on gmail, just couse its my main username online


    also im frankly, tired of getting hacked, i literally got hacked on twitter before too, and thus beefed up my defenses

    and man, i got hacked again

    this means for my account to get some beefier email 

    ...is what i hope helps stop hackers, hacking my shiz >.>


    1. pathospades


      I saw that. Glad you could get back into your account.


      Maybe it's not some hacker but someone close to you. Cuz it could be worse.

    2. XII360


      @pathospades highly doubt it was someone close to us, we checked the IP, and IP's that logged onto my account came from another country (germany, and others), so the idea of it being someone in my country, who is close to me, is doubtful


      unless he used VPN

      that bastard !


      well, i changed my email and removed my yahoo account, couse yahoo account is exploit as hekk

      so alls well that ends well~

  20. so it would seem that

    while i was busy in work yesterday

    my account was hacked/compromised

    not sure how this happened, but luckily nothing major happened


    seems he changed my name to bad ones (which i never knew had powers to change name)


    and also i guess

    delete my favorite animes?

    idk ima investigate ~.~

    remember to change your PW to avoid hackers like that!

    no life's, amirite guys


    edit: upon talking with the other admins (mainly wedgy-sempai)

    it would seem my yahoo accounts are compromised

    and thus i have decided to

    btfo yahoo and go to gmail >.>

    screw yahoo, its 1990's

    we gmail now boys

    (also my gmail isn't compromised it would seem)


    big thanks to @Wedgy for giving me this link to know how badly compromised i was, jesus

    1. leinwandname


      One easy internet privacy tip is; use multiple email accounts. So that you have one email account for every lets say 4 or 5 websites (if you don't have many accounts one email per account would even work) so if one gets compromised you don't have to change the email settings for so many websites. The maintainance of this many emails accounts is actually fairly easy, if you use some kind of desktop email app that lets you read email without a traditional browser (like thunderbird). For example, I use newsboat (for the command line on linux) that allows me to merge the emails of multiple accounts, so I only have one (local) password to read the email of all of my email addresses.

      Use different email providers (I often use protonmail and tutanota, though also have some outlook email addresses as throwaway accounts). Doing all that once takes some time but is neither hard nor actually that complicated.

  21. image.thumb.png.eb2c4c4b25fb90da9e9410ec1982a303.pngbeen drawing mimi expressions for project i planned to do since...forever


    but im drawing it really, really, really


    slowly >.>

    mainly couse i keep getting derailed <.> [read; distracted]

    also had runny nose today, so i focused all my energy on healing up

    i need to be fully healed for when i work, dont wanna be prone, and then swab probable/assumed covid patients ~.~

  22. out of a scale of 1 to 10 how high of the number would you recommend fire force ? im needing some anime recoms here, for my night duties >.>...
  23. lewd/ecchi drawings ? read allot of doujinshi like, allot, browse them on your favorite N site, or Ex website, and, avoiding to do anything down on your nether regions observe how the lines of the body were drawn it helps if you try to draw and then get stuck somewhere (e.g, drawing breasts, and then you cant figure out how the motion would go, take a break by reading a doujinshi, hopefully your lower nether region will be taking a break with you, and not be working hard while you read them through, its a break time after all!) ...atleast, that's how i noticed my some of my flaws while drawing <.> (that isn't to say, im great great at drawing >_<)
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