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Finishing up 7 Deadly sins (Dragon’s Judgment & Cursed by Light) while finalizing my seasonal watch roster (trying to keep it under 15 so I can check off some PTW series)

Edited by Ohayotaku
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I'm currently re-watching 3-gatsu no lion also know as march come in like a lion and to summarize my experience so far... I'm crying like a baby. I've never relate to a main character so much in my entire life. My childhood friend recommended it to me a while back but I was still in elementary school and I didn't understand very well what was happening honestly. But now that I'm older and more mature (you could question that) I finally understand the feelings Kiriyama Rei feels since is story resemble my childhood a little bit. just to say even if I've only watch 4 episodes I would give this anime a 10/10 and would recommend it if you have not watched it already. just give it a try and you will see if you like it or not.

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Well that's Puella Magi Madoka Magica fnished.
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Also currently watching though Season 3 of the classic Legend of the Galactic Heroes 1988 OVA series 

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What's next is still something of considerable consideration. I could watch Beck, Baccano!, Black Lagoon and DNA2. All are worthy of the spot to watch next but I don't know which it will be. I'll have to think about it for awhile but since the candidates are known to us the troops can rest, drinking is permitted.   


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11 minutes ago, Kreideprinz said:

It's been a busy week, so I took yesterday evening off to watch the latest episode from AoT and re-watch Samurai Champloo. Currently on the fourth episode. Feels oddly dated now but I still love it. xD 

I haven't watched samurai champloo yet, but I really want to get round to it at some point 

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Attavk on Titan (final season pt 2) despite almost a year long hiatus, had no problem getting right back into the thick of things. The new OP & ED really do an excellent job of show the complexity of the situation Eren is in & the difficulty of the decisions he has to make. No clear idea of how it will end, but going into it full throttle.

Demon Slayer (Entertainment District Arc) this arc has had a lot more humor than than the previous ones. But things have gotten really brutal the past couple episodes


as good as it was seeing Nezuko curbstomp that beatch, still made it clear how tenuous her hold is on her remaining humanity


My Dress-up Darling they really upped the level of fanservice & ecchi in the 2nd ep 😳 I actually hope they dial it back a bit now that Gojo-kun is familiar with the inspiration for Marin’s cosplay & has all the necessary measurements (quite a thorough job 😂 ). As sexy as Marin can be, I actually prefer the more adorkable side the ED puts on display. EDIT: so of course after saying that episode 3 opens on a cringe moment😆 (I probably shouldn’t be surprised). So kind of a balancing act, but still finding it enjoyable over all.


Edited by Ohayotaku
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On 1/22/2022 at 12:46 AM, Ohayotaku said:

My Dress-up Darling they really upped the level of fanservice & ecchi in the 2nd ep 😳 I actually hope they dial it back a bit now that Gojo-kun is familiar with the inspiration for Marin’s cosplay & has all the necessary measurements (quite a thorough job 😂 ). As sexy as Marin can be, I actually prefer the more adorkable side the ED puts on display. EDIT: so of course after saying that episode 3 opens on a cringe moment😆 (I probably shouldn’t be surprised). So kind of a balancing act, but still finding it enjoyable over all.

I checked out the first couple eps and I agree.  Haven't seen ep #3 yet but this one can go wrong in so many ways and even the second ep looks to be veering down one of many wrong paths.  It is provisionally on my PTW list but I hope they can recover and keep it together.  I'll be checking  out the reviews before I get back to it at my season-end binge.  If it they make it sound at all sketchy I'll probably skip it.

For now though I'm watching Konohanatei Kitan.  I saw the OP and liked the background artwork so I thought I'd give it a watch.  The backgrounds in the anime proper aren't as good as something like Hanasaku Iruha and the story itself some might call boring but it is cute and I get enough excitement from other parts of my life.  Besides, what's not to like about kitsune girls?  :)  "Relaxing" is my term for it.

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I've just finished watching "Your Lie in April" which I enjoyed and found it an interesting story, but a bit difficult to follow in places due to the high number of flashback scenes.  Quite a sad ending, but not as sad as I'd been led to believe.

Definitely one for the rewatch list.

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Finished "Faraway Paladin" tonight.  (Still not quite sure about how to translate the title.)  Pretty good overall.  They clearly left it open enough for another season or two, but without resorting to an annoying cliffhanger situation.  Appreciated.  I would not mind seeing it continued.


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