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Introducing the AF Virtual Shop!


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Just starting fooling around with this. I really enjoy some of the features. Loving the username glow. I also noticed that it is encouraging some more discussion in anime. :sarcastic:

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Hello everyone,



Anime Forums now has a Virtual Shop system!


You can earn credits by posting in various Anime discussion sections and adding Vocaloid videos in our Media section. More details below!



Earning Credits

Subject to change based on feedback!


Daily login bonus

10 points


Creating a new topic in the Anime sections (General Anime / Title / Episode Discussion )

200 points

* Minimum 50 characters or you won't get points! *


Replying to an existing topic in the Anime sections (General Anime / Title / Episode Discussion )

100 points

* Minimum 50 characters or you won't get points! *


Adding a Vocaloid video to the Media section

120 points



Credit Balance


Your credit balance is shown in your post bit when viewing forum threads and posts:



It is also on the left sidebar in your wallet when viewing the Shop:




Spending your Credits

There are currently two shops, the Anime Forums Official Shop and my own shop called "Optic's Shop"


Feel free to take a browse by clicking the Shop link on the navbar:




The difference between the two is that items in my shop are services I offer, whilst items in the official shop are for things like adding a glow to your username.


Interested in opening your own shop?

You should be able to do so clicking Shop Management and then Add New Shop. Do send me a message if you want to do this as there are quite a few things to check. You will also want to consider what services you want to offer (such as a graphics shop) and also prepare some images to go with each item in your shop, as well as how much they should cost.


We are open to feedback and hope you have fun using this system - hopefully this will also encourage more participation in our Anime sections. ;)


Any issues do let me know.

i enjoy this new item in the anime forum gotta start saving up that 50,000 i suppose ^-^

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For shopkeepers:

Notifications when a member purchases an item from your shop has now been fixed.


Just make sure this box is ticked for your item in the shop:



Then when someone purchases it, you will get a direct message from [CPU] Neptune like this:


This is an UNATTENDED account! DO NOT expect a reply back from @\[CPU\] Neptune !



FYI: @Kirry and @Davis

Edited by Guest
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  • 2 weeks later...
-is busy

-almost dying

-randomly checks forums

-sees shop

-feels like someone is trying to take advantage of me not bein able to not waste money... or virtual money... or whatever ;-;

you buy

you buy

you see you like

good stuff

you buy


na not like that Bunn its not all Doom

every time you randomly check the forums post something and this earns credits for shopping

or if boss man let you , you could have mine

I prob wont use them :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Not thinking too big at all. I used to be a pretty involved mod on an RP forum which had an online shop that sold T-Shirts, hoodies, bags, even undergarments with their logo/designs. Of course it was one of those "run on a third-party server" sort of shops, but it sold merch and the owners got a cut of the profits, so I guess it worked


yes ive always thought big and I constantly have plenty of time to think , maybe I have an over active mind

but unfortunately being but a mere humble member here its not some thing that I would be able to implement and being the activity currently of the site it may not seem enticing to be ran by a third party server

but that was the idea the was in my mind to see this site big enough in its own rite and having a third party server here offering its merch and if the site made a little to help it survive develop and expand well all the better , and a site with more to offer well you know

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  • 2 months later...

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