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If you were to rank your popularity 1/10 10 is like the geek in the corner and 1 is like every person in the school loves you where would you be? I am a 1 yea totolly................ 5.......

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So lower the number the more popular you are? Alright!

In that case

I'm like a




Are you ok? lol

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Are you ok? lol

Alright, I wasn't that unpopular in school lol. More like a 6


And in response to your question. No, I'm not ok, I just had to contend with a giant spider *cringes*

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Definitely a 10 seeing as I'm a complete mess in almost any social situation and never speak to anyone ... I'm also not a very likable person because I'm so strange and no one really gets my humour or thoughts; therefor, I stay away from other humans and live in the far recesses of my dark and strange mind where no one will ever find me.



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I'm one of those people that, no matter how popular I may - or may not - be in reality, I'll almost always just assume I'm a ten. Not infrequently while worrying that people dislike me / find me annoying / etc. It's a bit inconvenient. :?

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Huh... Where are we ranking it?


When I go to work, I think that I'm a solid 1. I somehow ended up making an outsized impact on things a few times, then I got into a few unrecommended office politics battles. The end result is that I seem to be a bit infamous. The problem is that I'm actually almost neurotically shy @_@. Sooo, what ends up happening is I end the day and I'm a burning wreck due to all of the random interaction. I love talking to people, but I really hate talking to people - makes me very nervous. (Shy extroverts represent!!!)


Outside of work, I'm an INFINITY. Outside of family and friends that I consider to be almost like family, I keep to myself and myself keeps with me. Btw, I really, really, really, really like it that way. ^_^


Online, I don't know. It varies, depending on what I'm doing and who I'm doing it with (stay in context, stay in context, stay in... ah forget it). Historically, I think I've been "up to" a 5 or so. Currently, I think I'm a 10 on the webz. I kinda like this, though I do sometimes get "Internet lonely". That's why I'm here! Seems to be working, tho I hope to remain a happy 10. :angel:

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I am probably a 7 maybe, I was a quiet person in school but I was well known in the sports teams and got on really well with almost everyone

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9 in real life. Maybe a 6 or 7 online, seeing as I still have a few online acquaintances. Yep, I'm every textbook version of a filthy unpopular otaku you'd see in anime... Sigh.


I'm hitting 30 soon, currently at 27, and I did contemplate when I'm going to get laid by going to dating events. Of course, those never worked out well, and I'm too self-conscious (insecure lol) to talk to the girls. Ugh.


Strangely, or perhaps not so strange, I can confess all these embarrassing stuff online, because living in some hick Asian country thousands of miles away, I know you and I will never meet. :P

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I was never popular, even if I didn't watch anime, play games, ect and just did the usual day to day jobs.


Probably because I am extremely opinionated and no one likes people like me telling them the truth and getting straight to the point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

in my old school, id say 6-7/10 i knew everyone, and im pretty well mannered, so theres no reason to dislike me lmao

in this school, 4/10 ive only been at this school for a few months, and i havent made any friends, but officially graduating today so it dont matter much

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hmm...I guess I'm a 2...Yep. A 2. I'm in the most popular group in my class, and I know everyone in my school. In my group I'm best friends with the most popular girl in the school and the class. So, she's a 1 and I'm a 2.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd go with 9. I've always had a few people I talked to, even at school, and I've very rarely been hated by anyone. Yet I really have no real connection to anyone, beyond a penpal who hasn't been able to to to me in months, and I don't mention my interests to anyone beyond my penpal. None of them are interested in that sort of stuff.

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3-4, I'd say. I go along well with almost everyone I meet, and I barely have any enemies. People also seem to like me. Well, I get that impression at least. The reason I don't score myself higher(?) is because I actually prefer being by myself, having it quiet. When I happen to meet one of my friends, I usually end up going for a drink with them or so, but I hardly ever do something with them of my own accord.

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I'm known as the-sister-of-the-cool-guy. Kind of a shadow now cause of that brat:veryangry: Lels. :P But it's not much of a big deal for me. :D I'd rate myself about 6? xD


Okay. Back ground story, Our school have a College Department, High School Dept and Elementary Dept. The thing is our classrooms for senior high is close to the college so I kinda got a little (And I mean very little) popular in the college department cause I won this singing competition inside the college Deppartment. That's basically it. :) (Not really a good singer though ;) )

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