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Well, I wasted 3 bucks, game is practically uncontrollable on Vita. Now I'm trying to out Disk Jam, and it's pretty good. Kind of wish the chat options weren't made for assholes though. There's constantly Rekt and Come On, guy being spammed, and it doesn't look like any attempt to stop spam has been made. I get it's two people making the game, but they really shouldn't have released the game without the ability to stop spammers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm playing Gothic Delusion, rhythm games as well. Rhythm games I'm playing now, are stepmania, reflect beat, and so on.

And about Gothic Delusion in a nutshell. Gothic Delusion is a visual novel created by Lose. I really like the way it is animated and marvelous soundtrack. The plot is kinda exciting, but the script is short(~18000 strings).

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Gothic Delusion is a visual novel created by Lose.


Visual novels are always nice. Been a looooong while since I've really jumped into one, but it has been nice to see official localizations on Steam and elsewhere becoming more common. Haven't heard of Gothic Delusion specifically, however.




I still have nightmares of the times I was pushed into playing this with one of my friends. I could never even begin to keep up with them, or even successfully finish most things. ^^;

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Started playing Mass Effect Andromeda.....

...Stopped playing Mass Effect Andromeda


Will probably pick it back up after another patch. Or ten. I swear, my luck with regards to that game's wide assortment of bugs has been the absolute worst.


Beyond that, now that I'm (mostly) settled into my new place, I'm giving The Final Station a try... seems interesting enough so far. Also feeling an itch to play more Breath of the Wild, but I think I may just hold off and wait for the first DLC pack to hit before I do so.

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Started playing Mass Effect Andromeda.....

...Stopped playing Mass Effect Andromeda


Will probably pick it back up after another patch. Or ten. I swear, my luck with regards to that game's wide assortment of bugs has been the absolute worst.


Beyond that, now that I'm (mostly) settled into my new place, I'm giving The Final Station a try... seems interesting enough so far. Also feeling an itch to play more Breath of the Wild, but I think I may just hold off and wait for the first DLC pack to hit before I do so.


ME:A was a sad quick cash-in let's be serious. Just slapped the brand name on a different colored box and called it a day.


But right now I'm still playing Overwatch, CoD 4 Remastered, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Fire Emblem Fates!

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Right now I'm playing Dragon Quest Heroes II, although I haven't played it for two days because I'm at the last boss, and the difficulty spike for him is stupid, stupid high. He's literally able to heal over half his HP and hit an attack that will instantly kill anyone in range. His difficulty increases about threefold from stage 1 to 2 and doesn't rely on past skills to beat him.


Other than that, I went and bought the Hyperdimension game that's on sale for Golden Week, but I want to finish the games I have on my PS Vita, shouldn't take long since I'm likely nearly done with 2.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Currently playing Windward, an open-world sailing game that's super relaxing even when you're mopping up swarms of pirates. In addition, I just finished up with Ziggurat this last weekend as well after having acquired it alongside Windward in the current Humble Bundle.


Beyond that, I've been going through Xenogears as a backseat driver as my spouse continues her exploration of classic JRPGs. \o/

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Talking about singleplayers I just finished Bayonetta not even 2 weeks ago, it's great, I never had the chance to play that before. I've been playing a lot of Monster Rancher 4 and Nier: Automata as well while I wait for the Steam Sale.


Talking about multiplayers games, I've been playing a lot of Heroes Of The Storm and I find it quite good, I'm good lots of fun with it.

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All I'm playing right now is Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. I'm hopelessly stuck on Neptunia Rebith 3, so that's in the backlog for the moment.

7 knights atm, all my friend quit tho

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I am playing csgo and some minecraft but I am taking a break because it consumes mass amounts of time for me....

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I am playing csgo and some minecraft but I am taking a break because it consumes mass amounts of time for me....

No even talking about the stress.

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