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Replaying Last of Us to get hyped for Last of us 2 (I think I'ma buy it today). Also been playing a lot of MH: One's Justice and Injustice 2 lately. 

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i am currently playing, Rdr 2 story mode for like the 5th time because im bored and i got nothing to do.


i play online sometimes too but not much


ive also been grinding on bo4 and mw before cold war comes out and i have to start all ove again!

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Lately I’ve been getting into a space-themed first-person sandbox game called Empyrion.  It is on Steam and just came out of alpha and still has a few rough spots but it has a lot of potential.  Not as ambitious as something like space engineers, but not nearly as buggy either. :) It also works well with Steam’s proton on my Linux system.

Also waiting for the “cliffs and caves” update for Minecraft and still playing my old favorite, Kerbal Space Program, as well.  When I just want to relax and not be shot at or use my 🧠 too much I’ve also been known to spend time in Stardew Valley.

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On 11/3/2020 at 12:34 PM, BlackedAdder said:

Im playing Oblivion, Yakuza Kiwami 1, and Planescape Torment. 

I can't wait to play Planescape Torment. Right now I'm playing Disco Elysium, and the creator was very, very heavily influenced by it PT.

But I'm taking my time with DE, because it's a lot of fun, and I think I'm getting close to end game. That, or an act end. It's frickin' great.

I was playing Hollow Knight, but as the year moved forward, it got me more and more depressed. Too close to home for this year 😧 Plus it's hard! I need to finish up some side quests so I can beat the boss, but....Imma wait until things look a little better in real life.

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For mobile games, I’m deeply rooted into Arknights, Fate/Grand Order, and Granblue Fantasy... while casually playing Project Sekai, Azur Lane, and Fire Emblem: Heroes on the side. 

And as of right now, I occasionally jump back to Azur Lane Crosswave, Tetris, and DJ Max, but religiously play Final Fantasy XIV over the weekends, lmao. 😂 (If anyone plays XIV on the Aether data server, please let me know! Would love to game with you!) 

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Detective Pikachu - still got one illusive General Pika Prompt that has alluded me for at least three playthroughs, I thought I'd have another got at obtaining it, Gotta Detect'em All;

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu - was wondering whether to change out of the Grunt uniform that the Super Spy masquerading as a female grunt gave me before taking on Erika, but as Kaede, her childhood friend in "How I Became A Pokemon Card" manga is in Team Rocket, I think I'll stick with it;

Pokemon Let's Go Eevee - loaded it up when I thought that the mother's ethnicity changed based on what you picked for the player, but turns out I was wrong, she's just naturally tanned, like how she is in SMUSUM, although this incorrect revelation made me want to see if it happens in SwSh;

Pokemon Shield - loaded it up to see if the mother's ethnicity changed based on what you picked for the player, and... it does, now I have to wonder if this feature is carried over into DP remakes given trainer customisation is still in, but Dawn and Johanna are sort of established characters (in the anime) - I thought this might be why trainer customisation wasn't present in ORAS, as May was an established character, but it could also be due to the fact we see both of her parents in the game, and may be the technology wasn't there to have the mother's ethnicity change based on what you picked for the player;

Pokemon Sword - loaded it up to "trade" a couple of Pokemon to Shield with HOME... surely this is the anti-thesis of Satoshi Tajiri's dream, the ability to "trade" Pokemon between games using ONE console only, that said, when you "trade" this way, any Pokemon that would evolve by trading doesn't... I don't think, so conventional trading is still required... some of the time.

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12 minutes ago, Kreideprinz said:

@deaaath After clicking on your profile, I feel like playing Devil May Cry 5 again. Vergil's theme, Bury the Light, is a masterpiece. 👏

Thank you! 
I've been playing the DMC series for as long as I can remember. 

Also, I very much so agree with your statement! Vergil is HANDS DOWN my favorite character throughout the series!! 

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Currently have a list of games that I have picked up again. 

  • Far Cry 3
  • Rocket League 
  • Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot 
  • Black Ops 3 (pretty dead game, but still has a decent amount of players!)
  • Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker 
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