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Just played OSRS, working on thieving. I really don't like thieving because it's just a bunch of repetitive clicks on the same NPC, who occasionally whacks you over the head and stuns you for 3 seconds xD 

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Front Mission 1st Remake:

I've finished filling out Keith's Skill slots and now I'm working on J.J.'s Skill slots. Right now he's got the Short Skill Duel which targets a specific part of an enemy's wanzer. I'm building up his Melee stats to see what kind of Melee Skills he can learn, but I've started in a separate save file before grinding his Melee just to find out which Skills in that weapon category he could learn. 

Oh, and apparently Immortals Fenyx Rising requires a wifi connection to play, so I can't play it. So, that was a waste of money. I'm not sure if Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown does or not, but I hope not so I can play it. I've got the PS3 trilogy of the original games as well as The Forgotten Sands PS3 game of the franchise. So, even if I won't be able to play the next two Prince of Persia remakes (which is basically what they are) I'll still be able to enjoy the original games at least. ^^

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13 hours ago, Forlorn said:

Front Mission 1st Remake:

I've finished filling out Keith's Skill slots and now I'm working on J.J.'s Skill slots. Right now he's got the Short Skill Duel which targets a specific part of an enemy's wanzer. I'm building up his Melee stats to see what kind of Melee Skills he can learn, but I've started in a separate save file before grinding his Melee just to find out which Skills in that weapon category he could learn. 

Oh, and apparently Immortals Fenyx Rising requires a wifi connection to play, so I can't play it. So, that was a waste of money. I'm not sure if Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown does or not, but I hope not so I can play it. I've got the PS3 trilogy of the original games as well as The Forgotten Sands PS3 game of the franchise. So, even if I won't be able to play the next two Prince of Persia remakes (which is basically what they are) I'll still be able to enjoy the original games at least. ^^

You're the best gamer!

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Continuing with my FFX game. Finished the cloister of trials and got on the boat to head to the Blitzball parts. I completely the Jecht Shot on the boat successfully and unlocked the Jecht Shot ability for Tidus to have. Arrived at Luca. I always like this cutscene of arriving there too. Finished the Machina battle. Started the boss battle at the Oblitzerator but this is the part I am paused on right now and will finish after dinner in awhile. I don't think I should have any trouble with this boss battle it's a fairly easy one. I want to get to the part where I can play Blitzball in the stadium after this. I always liked coming back and playing Blitzball on the game. 

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Today in gaming I watched @Zeref play games xD but I also helped him out with a few things since I've played through FFX so many times I've lost count lol ~ I also did my daily plot points on Neo today. In a couple of days I will have enough points to get the battledome weapon I've been wanting since I was a kid so I am so hyped about it @.@ 

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Front Mission 1st Remake:

I've had J.J. the Skills I wanted him to learn and filled out his Skill slots in the process. Now I'm going to have to grind with Frederick and apparently the experience needed for him to learn Skills is a damn lot, so this one might take a while. On the bright side, after I get Frederick to learn the Skills I want him to learn, there won't be anyone left to train in the Arena, so I'll be able to progress the story. ^^ ^^ I forget which mission I'm on, but I'm using the Arena in Menasa, but that might not be saying much. ^^;

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At lunch I progressed more into FFX. I finished and won at the Blitzball game. This was always one of my favorites parts in the game. I also later always liked to come back to it and play it over and over and build my team up. I think I will probably be doing that again on this game soon enough.

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I finally filled out everyone's Skill slots in Front Mission 1st Remake, so I'll be progressing the story now. Over the course of all the Arena battles I've accumulated a TON of Huffman Dollars, too. rofl I bought every wanzer part a good number of the available consumable items that can be bought from the Wanzer Store. ^^ ^^ After the next mission I'll be able to get a new character, Paul, who I haven't seen or encountered yet so I don't know what he looks like yet, but it looks like he'll most likely have 4 Skill slots to fill out, but at least there's only 4 Skills that he'll be able to learn so I don't have to plan how I'll be using him. He can't use the Melee Skills First (melee attacks usually come after an initial attack in battles in the Story even if the Wanzer pilot in question doesn't have the proficiency level in Melee to be able to attack first) or Double (like a one-two punch if both arms of the pilot's wanzer are still intact which can be devastating to enemy wanzers) or the Short Skill Speed (increases number of bullets fires from machine gun type weapons in a single turn's attack if it activates), but that just means he'll only be able to learn one Melee Skill which is called Stun and actually stuns the enemy when it activates if it connects a Melee attack on an enemy wanzer. The higher levels mean the Skill activates more often which seems to be the general concept behind the higher levels of all of the Skills, except with the Long range Skill "Guide" it may target a specific part of an enemy wanzer, but it comes at a reduction in accuracy in the lower levels of the Skill. Apparently the more the Skills activate the higher levels they can reach. I just need to make sure everyone's wanzer I've been able to recruit to the Canyon Crows so far is the best possible combination so as to not be at a disadvantage in the upcoming Mission before I continue on to the next Mission though. 

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I worked on my plot points on Neo, I only need 1k more and I will have the strongest battle weapon in game finallyyyyy ~ I should have the 1k by the end of this weekend and I can't wait to try it out. Only been waiting for this since I was about 14 xD 

I also played OSRS today but it isn't feeling the same lately since our clan kinda divided in 2. While the majority of us went to the new clan and all the people that were my close friends are there, it just doesn't feel right :/ I get on and try to skill or do something but all I think about is the drama and incident that happened lol so I guess maybe I should just take a break from it for now and get back into it later. For now I'm enjoying watching Pessi play FFX anyway and helping him train his characters. We are kind of both working on training his chars on there now and it's been a lot of fun. 

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On 8/10/2024 at 4:55 PM, Zeref said:

@Sakura Keeps talking about FFX lately so much that it made me interested to start a new game in it. I was playing it most of the morning and got up to the part where you are on Kilika Island after the sin attack and Yuna is sending the souls. I always enjoyed that cut scene. Right now I am stopped at the Kilika Woods to train up for a bit before heading to the next spots. 

Lmao nice job sakura

I played trails in the sky fc and I’m now at what I think is the last quest in the game so I will either finish the game tonight or play sao integral factor

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Front Mission 1st Remake:

After the last Mission that progressed the story a bit more I also was able to recruit someone called Alder as well as Paul. I've got some more grinding in the Arena to do with the both of them which hopefully means more Huffman Dollars because I spent most of the massive amounts I'd gotten from the Arena before buying the new wanzer parts that were available in Grey Rock after I finished the Mission which I believe was Mission 4 or 5. Probably 5.

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Continuing in FFX I have been on the Mi'ihen Highroad today. I am staying here for awhile to train along the road and unlock more parts of the sphere grid. I will probably train here all evening tonight before moving on. I got through also the fight with Belgemine where you have to fight her Ifrit and only can use Valefor but I was able to do it with no problem. I am to the part of the Chocobo Eater boss battle next. 

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1 hour ago, Zeref said:

Continuing in FFX I have been on the Mi'ihen Highroad today. I am staying here for awhile to train along the road and unlock more parts of the sphere grid. I will probably train here all evening tonight before moving on. I got through also the fight with Belgemine where you have to fight her Ifrit and only can use Valefor but I was able to do it with no problem. I am to the part of the Chocobo Eater boss battle next. 

Best of luck against the Chocobo Eater. Poor Chocobos. I mean, I know everything has to eat something, but I didn't think fiends really ate things. o.0 Hopefully you can push it off of the cliff which it sounds like might not be much of a problem since you won the Aeon fight against Belgemine's Ifrit. ^^ ^^

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1 hour ago, Forlorn said:

Best of luck against the Chocobo Eater. Poor Chocobos. I mean, I know everything has to eat something, but I didn't think fiends really ate things. o.0 Hopefully you can push it off of the cliff which it sounds like might not be much of a problem since you won the Aeon fight against Belgemine's Ifrit. ^^ ^^

He's done the thing I do where all the characters are wayyyyyyyyy overtrained for the point in the game they are at, and we/he is still training them XD 

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Fields of Mistria

 Finally leveled the town up enough to unlock the mines. I’m surprised with the amount of copper you can find in the mines. However it takes a LOT to make one copper ingot though. 

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Skipping playing FFX this morning, @Sakura and I are playing a game we haven't played together in a long time called Town of Salem. If you haven't played it before it is a browser based game based on a party game called Werewolf and Mafia. In the game everyone is assigned a role which could be Mayor of the town, policeman, grocery store owner, farmer, etc. Some are assigned the role of mafia members and werewolf. Every night the mafia members and werewolf can kill a person in the town and the townspeople have to work together to try to eliminate the mafia members and werewolf. Each new day you have to vote to eliminate 1 person. Each day you meet in the town square and people will accuse someone of being a werewolf or mafia member and then vote. You can defend yourself or lie. If you are a mafia member for instant you might lie and keep insisting you are the Mayor. The goal is to eliminate the mafia and werewolf and save the town and the goal of the mafia is to eliminate the townspeople and win. It's very fun and each game or match takes around 20 minutes. 

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4 hours ago, Zeref said:

Skipping playing FFX this morning, @Sakura and I are playing a game we haven't played together in a long time called Town of Salem. If you haven't played it before it is a browser based game based on a party game called Werewolf and Mafia. In the game everyone is assigned a role which could be Mayor of the town, policeman, grocery store owner, farmer, etc. Some are assigned the role of mafia members and werewolf. Every night the mafia members and werewolf can kill a person in the town and the townspeople have to work together to try to eliminate the mafia members and werewolf. Each new day you have to vote to eliminate 1 person. Each day you meet in the town square and people will accuse someone of being a werewolf or mafia member and then vote. You can defend yourself or lie. If you are a mafia member for instant you might lie and keep insisting you are the Mayor. The goal is to eliminate the mafia and werewolf and save the town and the goal of the mafia is to eliminate the townspeople and win. It's very fun and each game or match takes around 20 minutes. 

Loveeee this game. Totally forgot it existed lol ~ Another one of those games I played when I was much younger. Super fun though and you can get a group of friends together and play a private match too so it's a fun activity to do together. 

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I finished the legend of heroes trails in the sky fc… this became my favorite game serie of all time. No competition at all except final fantasy and Touhou maybe. It’s the first time a game has resonated with me this deeply. This game is linked to my life in way too many ways that it’s troubling how similar it is especially with one character I won’t mention. The world building is amazing, after this game serie is known for having one of the best if not the best world building and story ever. It was to the point where I would talk to every box multiple times at different times to see what they say differently since Every single npc has it’s own story. The gameplay is excellent and really fun especially because of the orbment system and the grid like battle akin to tactical rpgs. The last fights were very very tough and fun. The music is amazing too, the ending made me cry. And this is only the first part of the sky/liberl arc and the first game in the entire franchise. From what I heard, the games get even better and everything starts to make sense bit by bit. It has one of the highest celling to get into as the lore of the world is not only included in the story but also in books in the game, quest, npc interactions etc and it does take a lot of time but it’s worth it. It’s so worth it. I’m so glad I played this game. I already bought and installed the sequel.

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1 hour ago, Forlorn said:

I can't decide whether to resume FFX on Switch or play the new game I got, Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. I know I'll play one of those here soon though.

Play FFX it's what we are doing here lol.

In my FFX game progression I finish killing that Chocobo Eater boss part very easily and continue in Mi'ihen Highroad area today. I did only training here still today but this evening I will progress to the next area after dinner. 

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5 minutes ago, Zeref said:

Play FFX it's what we are doing here lol.

In my FFX game progression I finish killing that Chocobo Eater boss part very easily and continue in Mi'ihen Highroad area today. I did only training here still today but this evening I will progress to the next area after dinner. 

Yeah, I've been meaning to. I even said I would to @Sakura, so I'll pick up where I left off in FFX. ^^ ^^ Did you push the Chocobo Eater off of the cliff or did you kill it before you could make it fall off?

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11 minutes ago, Forlorn said:

Yeah, I've been meaning to. I even said I would to @Sakura, so I'll pick up where I left off in FFX. ^^ ^^ Did you push the Chocobo Eater off of the cliff or did you kill it before you could make it fall off?

I knocked it off the cliff since I didn't need the AP and rather wanted the key spheres. 

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I finallyyyyyyyy got my wand of the dark faerie item that I've been wanting on Neo today ~ always wanted it since I was kid and now it's mine to use to smack other people's innocent pets to death with bwahahaha I mean... to help bring peace and harmony against dark forces that want to attack Neopia 🫢

5 hours ago, Forlorn said:

Yeah, I've been meaning to. I even said I would to @Sakura, so I'll pick up where I left off in FFX. ^^ ^^ Did you push the Chocobo Eater off of the cliff or did you kill it before you could make it fall off?

Yesss come join us in the dark side and play FFX bwahahahaha

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6 hours ago, Zeref said:


I knocked it off the cliff since I didn't need the AP and rather wanted the key spheres. 

Nice job, dude. ^^ ^^ I remember the first few times I played FFX I never even know that hulking fiend could be pushed off of the cliff to get key spheres. There's so many things I didn't do right in my first couple of games on FFX. >< >< Live and learn though, right? Because I've been better at the game with each New Game which I usually do when I've forgotten major parts of the plot or most of the plot. Unfortunately I can forget a lot of it if I spend too much time grinding in battles. ^^; ^^; Since Dark Aeons are in the HD Remastered release of FFX/X-2 though, I don't have much of a choice but to do a LOT of grinding to max out the whole party's stats in order to beat them. I literally have to go through some of those to get certain things like Auron's Spheres for his Overdrive. Fortunately there's a lot of help online about how to do that though, so I might have to copy and paste that information in a Notepad file and save it to my Chromebook like I usually do with information on games unless I just bookmark it. Sometimes we get weather though that basically makes our wifi unusable until the weather clears, so it really is better for me to copy and paste the information in a Notepad file. >< >< ><

1 hour ago, Sakura said:

I finallyyyyyyyy got my wand of the dark faerie item that I've been wanting on Neo today ~ always wanted it since I was kid and now it's mine to use to smack other people's innocent pets to death with bwahahaha I mean... to help bring peace and harmony against dark forces that want to attack Neopia 🫢

Yesss come join us in the dark side and play FFX bwahahahaha

lol That actually made me laugh after I read that laugh at the end. XD


Hey, @Zeref and @Sakura, I'll be picking it up again, but I do need to mention how early in FFX I am which is in Baaj Temple where Tdus gets attacked by a Klikk and Rikku eventually makes an explosive entrance just in time to help him beat it. ^^ ^^ ^^ Hopefully I'll FINALLY be able to see the ending and have a feeling of earning the ending as a reward for all the hard work I intend to put into the game. ^^ ^^ Time for some fun, my friends!! < 3

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18 hours ago, Forlorn said:

Nice job, dude. ^^ ^^ I remember the first few times I played FFX I never even know that hulking fiend could be pushed off of the cliff to get key spheres. There's so many things I didn't do right in my first couple of games on FFX. >< >< Live and learn though, right? Because I've been better at the game with each New Game which I usually do when I've forgotten major parts of the plot or most of the plot. Unfortunately I can forget a lot of it if I spend too much time grinding in battles. ^^; ^^; Since Dark Aeons are in the HD Remastered release of FFX/X-2 though, I don't have much of a choice but to do a LOT of grinding to max out the whole party's stats in order to beat them. I literally have to go through some of those to get certain things like Auron's Spheres for his Overdrive. Fortunately there's a lot of help online about how to do that though, so I might have to copy and paste that information in a Notepad file and save it to my Chromebook like I usually do with information on games unless I just bookmark it. Sometimes we get weather though that basically makes our wifi unusable until the weather clears, so it really is better for me to copy and paste the information in a Notepad file. >< >< ><

lol That actually made me laugh after I read that laugh at the end. XD


Hey, @Zeref and @Sakura, I'll be picking it up again, but I do need to mention how early in FFX I am which is in Baaj Temple where Tdus gets attacked by a Klikk and Rikku eventually makes an explosive entrance just in time to help him beat it. ^^ ^^ ^^ Hopefully I'll FINALLY be able to see the ending and have a feeling of earning the ending as a reward for all the hard work I intend to put into the game. ^^ ^^ Time for some fun, my friends!! < 3

I would not have known about the key spheres either if not for the fact I read through a guide before I complete each section to make sure I don't miss any parts on doing it this time around. Before in previously playing it I remember just killing it. The AP is good for leveling but I feel it is more important to have key spheres since it is still fairly earlier on in the game and they can come more handy in unlocking for the sphere grid. I find having that game guide to refer to is very helpful when you want to complete it properly and not miss items that you can't come back to and get later. 

You will probably catching up with us very quickly since we only play it after I finished work or after Serey gets home. Then only for 1-2 hours a day which isn't much with gaming I guess 😆 I usually spend a lot of time training where a lot of people don't do this as much as I do. I hope you complete it we can all urge each other to finish the game. 

In FFX today I arrived at the mushroom rock gate area where the Crusaders have blocked off the area to even summoners and not letting people pass and to prepare for Operation Mi'ihen. Seymour comes and let's you through to the next part where you find out the Al Bhed are using machina. I got all the way up to the part where the next boss battle starts with Sinspawn Gui. There are 2 parts to this battle and then Operation Mi'ihen starts which I will see all the cut scenes for this area and finish after dinner. 

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