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What Did You Do In Gaming Today


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I was playing some on OSRS in my main account on mobile. It feels a little weird trying to do things on mobile to me because I am use to doing it on my desktop when it comes to OSRS but I did some farming runs and Tempoross mini-game. I still am working on getting the Tempo pet. 

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21 hours ago, Zeref said:

I was playing some on OSRS in my main account on mobile. It feels a little weird trying to do things on mobile to me because I am use to doing it on my desktop when it comes to OSRS but I did some farming runs and Tempoross mini-game. I still am working on getting the Tempo pet. 

Same lol I don't feel like sitting at the computer yet so I was doing Runescape on mobile ~ I'm only 350k to level 98 woodcutting but still no fox whistle 😞 I haven't even gotten the fox forestry event at all lately come to think of it e.e 

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4 hours ago, Sakura said:

Same lol I don't feel like sitting at the computer yet so I was doing Runescape on mobile ~ I'm only 350k to level 98 woodcutting but still no fox whistle 😞 I haven't even gotten the fox forestry event at all lately come to think of it e.e 

That fox is coming he's just waiting for the right time. 

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Did some side quests in Octopath Traveler today. The guide/allure ones are pretty annoying, so I'm using a guide. I should've kept track of the npcs I ran into while doing the story or something, I'm not one for guides.

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On 11/5/2024 at 7:47 PM, Zeref said:

That fox is coming he's just waiting for the right time. 


I did play some more OSRS today, I'm 250k to 98 now. It's taking me quite awhile since I really don't feel like playing for long lengths of time right now. 

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On 11/6/2024 at 12:47 AM, Zeref said:

That fox is coming he's just waiting for the right time.

I found out today that the collective term for foxes is a skulk of foxes, so that's probably why @Sakura can't find one, they're all skulking somewhere.

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20 hours ago, Sakura said:


I did play some more OSRS today, I'm 250k to 98 now. It's taking me quite awhile since I really don't feel like playing for long lengths of time right now. 


9 hours ago, Animedragon said:

I found out today that the collective term for foxes is a skulk of foxes, so that's probably why @Sakura can't find one, they're all skulking somewhere.

There is your solution now you need to get them to stop skulking around. 

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12 hours ago, Animedragon said:

I found out today that the collective term for foxes is a skulk of foxes, so that's probably why @Sakura can't find one, they're all skulking somewhere.


2 hours ago, Zeref said:


There is your solution now you need to get them to stop skulking around. 

How do I do this 😭 

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20 hours ago, Sakura said:


How do I do this 😭 

The best method still stands with the solo forestry trick I taught you. Force them to come to you. 

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2 hours ago, Zeref said:

The best method still stands with the solo forestry trick I taught you. Force them to come to you. 

It's just soooooo click intensive ;-;


Today I've been doing a little WC'ing for the past hour. Down to 200k to level. I might continue some more tonight. If I could manage to sit at the computer enough this weekend I could get 98 this weekend. Sucks having all this time to do nothing but not being able to do anything lol x.x 

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5 hours ago, Sakura said:

Sucks having all this time to do nothing but not being able to do anything lol x.x 

I've always thought that the worst part of recovering from something is the time when you've recovered enough to want to do things, but not recovered enough to actually be able to do them.

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16 hours ago, Animedragon said:

I've always thought that the worst part of recovering from something is the time when you've recovered enough to want to do things, but not recovered enough to actually be able to do them.

Yes that just makes it boring ~ Sitting here like wow I really want to just be able to sit at the computer I feel like I can do that or something simple like walk to get the mail and quickly realize that was a mistake 

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I thought it might be fun to throw a splash potion of oozing at my flock of chickens.  Turns out that was a bad idea for a variety of reasons.  :D


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I've been playing Neverland on my phone today and the last couple of days because they are doing a partnership with Fairy Tail and can now get Fairy Tale characters in game. I so far have Erza and Lucy, working to get Natsu. I should get him by tomorrow. I also still need to get Wendy but not sure if I will be able to. I spent already close to $100 getting just Erza and Lucy on the gacha and I regret just doing this but really wanted them 😅

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I heard today that Dean Hall, creator of DayZ, and RocketWerkz, developers of games like Icarus and Stationeers, are working on a "KSP killer".  Been here before so I'm not getting too excited but after digging around a little it sounds like the right people are saying - and maybe even doing - the right things to make something worthy of the description.  We'll see.  Starting by ditching unity and using their own 3d engine to take advantage of Vulkan and mutiprocessing is a very good start IMHO.  Having an 8/16 core CPU and still only getting 30fps and 20% GPU usage because the game engine (Unity, for KSP) can't handle anything more than a single thread is a ridiculous waste of modern hardware and one of my biggest complaints about the original game.

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I finished getting Natsu in the game Neverland now adding to Erza and Lucy. Only getting Wendy and Gray are left but it will require spending some more money on the game. I don't know if I will do it or not since I really don't mind if I don't have those 2 parts but it still will be nice to have so I probably will. 

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I was playing that game @Zeref mentioned called Neverland. I was trying to get the Fairy Tail characters they released on it as well but so far I only have Erza and I really don't want to spend anymore money on getting them either because that alone cost me more than I planned to spend @.@ Those lil gacha games will really getchu for money lol 

Edited by Sakura
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I've been playing Perfect World with Sakura. I hadn't been on it awhile in fact I don't think either of us have. We did our daily quests together such as bounty hunter and marriage quests.

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3 hours ago, Sasuke said:

I've been playing Perfect World with Sakura. I hadn't been on it awhile in fact I don't think either of us have. We did our daily quests together such as bounty hunter and marriage quests.

Yippppp~! Look we got married on PW and then stopped playing basically xD I spent the majority of this time though standing in front of the fashion booths picking out new outfits to wear lmao 

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I've re-started Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution. Since the game doesn't have audio other than the game's music though I prefer to listen to my playlists. ^^ ^^ ^^ Godsmack goes surprisingly well with this game. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ I'm about to Duel Weevil Underwood again in the story of the first series. It does suck that it doesn't include when they were in Ancient Egypt though in the anime. >< >< It's ok though because I can watch the series when I want since I bought all 5 seasons. Well, over time. I'm not sure what kind of deck I'll want to try to get the cards for, but I found a listing of all the cards that come from all the different characters' booster packs. So, no more buying packs without knowing what's in them. lol ^^; ^^;

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14 hours ago, Sakura said:

Yippppp~! Look we got married on PW and then stopped playing basically xD I spent the majority of this time though standing in front of the fashion booths picking out new outfits to wear lmao 

And it will probably be another six months until we play again lol. 

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