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Everything posted by Animedragon

  1. Today was a sunny 8C. It looked nice out, but it was still a bit chilly.
  2. How can I put this politely... you and your sister have some very weird,....er,.... ideas on what is relaxing.
  3. Endless repeats of old shows. (most of which are actually better than the current stuff).
  4. Relaxed and happy, the thing I needed to do before the weekend is done.
  5. It's another world over on that thread
  6. I don't think so. The Forum doesn't get much traffic as it is so the last thing we want is to syphon off contributors to another platform.
  7. I watched Macross Plus today for the first time in years. For a 30 year old series the artwork and animation is still impressive, the story perhaps not so much, but then the main focus was always on the fighter planes.
  8. Your artwork is just amazing.
  9. If I did that I'd have nightmares . How can a documentary about serial killers or a podcast about murder be relaxing or soothing???
  10. Today I cleaned the gas stove, The inside of the glass door is no spotless, as is the top of the stove.
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