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Status Replies posted by Ohayotaku

  1. Had a dream last night about being in one of those university towns where you have to park your car & then walk everywhere you want to go.  Except I forgot where I parked & was just wandering around with no idea where I was or where I was headed. The symbolism ain’t exactly subtle, is it? 😂 Woke up feeling tireder than when I went to bed. Gonna be a fun day at work today, I can tell.

  2. with having a lack of new anime to watch and streaming services to offer anime , i was playing with the random button offered by crunchyroll and found an older anime that ive taken a liking to to

    Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars


    its out there but seems to keep you wanting to find out whats next

  3. with having a lack of new anime to watch and streaming services to offer anime , i was playing with the random button offered by crunchyroll and found an older anime that ive taken a liking to to

    Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars


    its out there but seems to keep you wanting to find out whats next

  4. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. 

  5. Is it just me or is replying to a status post not working? It says saving but I need to leave the page and come back to see if it posted.

  6. Made it though the first ep of the live action Cowboy Bebop series. 😑

  7. Is it just me or is replying to a status post not working? It says saving but I need to leave the page and come back to see if it posted.

  8. Is it just me or is replying to a status post not working? It says saving but I need to leave the page and come back to see if it posted.

  9. Happy Halloween!!

  10. A pun has not completely matured until it is full groan.

    Until then it is just puny.

    ok I’m leaving…


  11. I’m assuming everybody has MAL? Let’s be friends! I wanna see some anime recommendations hihi 🥺


    here is my MAL if you want to add me hihi https://myanimelist.net/profile/Raimugi


  12. I’m assuming everybody has MAL? Let’s be friends! I wanna see some anime recommendations hihi 🥺


    here is my MAL if you want to add me hihi https://myanimelist.net/profile/Raimugi


  13. I got 100%.  💩 💩


  14. Haven't been here for a long time imao- hows people >_<

  15. So Tesla announced they're getting into making 'bots.  I just want to know, does it do laundry and wash dishes?  :D 

  16. Air Fryers are amazing.  Basically a mini oven!

  17. So Tesla announced they're getting into making 'bots.  I just want to know, does it do laundry and wash dishes?  :D 

  18. Friday the 13th is still better than any given Monday 

  19. Sigh


    Im tired of living

  20. Fully stacked! 

    Not since Apollo has anything this big sat on a launch pad.  😮


  21. Welcome back 😁

    Noticed Fruits Basket on your favorite list & wondered if you’d watched the remake yet. Hands down the must emotionally powerful series I’ve seen.

    edit: meant to post this as a comment on your intro topic, but looks like I posted as a status instead. Sorry 😓

  22. Apple pie with whipped cream and raspberry syrup.  If you have to ask about the calories then you probably don’t want to know but soooo good. 😋


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