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Everything posted by RuthisianCodex

  1. Started playing Tiny Bunny, new Russian indie horror visual novel last night against my better judgement. I laid in bed for about an hour before I could get to sleep, second guessing every shadow on my wall & every noise in the house. One of these days I'll learn I guess. In regards to the game itself, terrific art, animation, & sound effects.

    1. Illusion of Terra

      Illusion of Terra

      I've said it before, you are some kind of masochist, otherwise I don't know why you would keep on consuming those horror things 😂 

  2. I sure as heck hope not but there is no way to absolutely rule something like that out. On top of the parasitic zombie viruses in animals, there are also synthetic drugs like flakka that makes people completely lose their minds & attack others.
  3. Hello & welcome in, new friend! I am a huge fan of Demon Slayer myself Looking at your list, I can tell you'll find quite a few people here who share your tastes. Hope you enjoy your time here!
  4. That awkward moment when you download a new scary game & then have to pep talk yourself into actually playing it...

  5. Just downloaded a new indie horror visual novel called Tiny Bunny. The art style looks amazing & creepy AF! Needless to say, this might be one that I wait until daylight to actually start lol. I found it on itch.io: https://saikono.itch.io/tiny-bunny
  6. Just got an email that the online order I placed for the items for the homeless shelter has been cancelled due to overwhelming demand. Unbelievable.
  7. Welcome in. Hope you enjoy yourself here. If you post for recommendations in some of the different forums, I'm sure someone could suggest something for you.
  8. One positive that is coming out of this that I've noticed among friends & coworkers, is that those of us who still have an income coming in & getting more serious than ever about saving up. I listen to a lot of personal finance podcasts & such & have been working on improving my financial well being for a while now. I drive an older car that is completely paid off, I eat at home the majority of the time, & I could care less about dressing a certain way or having certain things to impress strangers. I've been laughed at & teased on more occasions than I care to remember but I'm glad I ignored those jerks & kept saving anyway because NO ONE is immune to losing their funds in situations like this. There are businesses in my city that have closed down recently that have been here for years & in some cases, decades. Then you've got all the people who don't have jobs where they can work from home so they're just out of a job all together. I just feel awful for them. Guys, just do the best you can to take care of yourselves, your loved ones, and your communities. Be well.
  9. Me and some of my coworkers have gotten together to come up with ways that we can provide help to our local homeless shelters. We've gathered what we can at local stores & are ordering the rest online to be delivered directly to the shelters in case we can't get out by the time they get shipped. Lots of people getting laid off in my city & it has me more than a bit concerned. There's just this persistent feeling of dread that just keeps getting heavier & heavier as the number of cases in my area grows. I'm just very thankful that I've really started taking my health seriously & have emergency savings because if I didn't there's almost no way that I would be this calm.
  10. Yes, I was coming home one evening after picking up some food & a woman ran into the back of my car. Luckily, neither of us got hurt & there was very little damage done to both vehicles. What is a scary urban legend from where you're from?
  11. Wow, we're having another major storm in my area tonight & the thunder is literally *booming* outside my window. The flashes of lightning are very bright too. Mother Nature, is it too much to ask for you to just NOT right now? Sheesh!

  12. This list is incredible. Seriously, I'm just going to follow all of your anime suggestions from now on lol!
  13. I also crush them up & sprinkle them over cakes & brownies right after I bring them out of the oven. I generally frost them with either melted candy bars or devil's food fudge pudding first & them top with the crushed cookies. I haven't made one of these treats in almost a year since I've been working on losing weight & being more active but believe you me, I am looking very much forward to making them again!
  14. More and more businesses in my area have either started adjusting their hours, reducing staff, or just flat out closing their doors for good. The long term financial damage that COVID-19 is doing is scary enough to make our worst night terrors want to sleep with the lights on...

    1. Nyxnine


      Its been really bothering us in Canada too. The place I am managing....we are debating closing fully. Right now we cut our hours and have our staff working as smaller groups. The clinic I was working at before, they closed all their stores except one clinic where they are taking emergencies only. I want our place to close. I'm not going to lie, it makes me nervous I am going to get others sick in my family from one mistake seeing others. This whole situation sucks its just confusing as to what to do. 

  15. With *my* luck!?! Not...a...chance! If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
  16. Sushi Yeah, I could probably eat my weight in sushi if I tried because I absolutely adore it! I'm a foodie myself & love creating new dishes at home.
  17. Major severe storms moving into my area at the moment because why the heck not? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ohayotaku


      One of the cutest vampires ever drawn to help lighten the mood



    3. RuthisianCodex


      O.M.G.! She's adorable!!!!

    4. efaardvark


      Demi-chan wa Kataritai, aka Interviews with Monster Girls.  Also on Crunchy.  Worth the watch.

  18. Seven Deadly Sins is one I plan to binge as well if I have to stay indoors for a while. I've heard really good things about it.
  19. No consoles, just PC for me. What's the last book you read?
  20. That's kind of a hard one because it depends on the type of jam but for the sake of simplicity I'll go with Nutella lol. What is your favorite type of sandwich or salad?
  21. Welcome in, it's very nice to meet you. Hope you enjoy your time in the community.
  22. Tonight's dinner will be oven roasted turkey cutlets w/herb gravy, peas & carrots, & garlic mashed potatoes. 

  23. Yes & workplace bullying as an adult has been the worst in my experience. And while the harassment has stopped, there are still some lingering effects that I'm healing from. If you could produce your own anime, what would it be about?
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