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What movies make you nostalgic/feel good?


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I agree with the Garfield Christmas Special plus the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and Charlie Brown Halloween because my mom would always put them on. They remind of the Fall when everything gets nice, cooler and the leaves change.

The Harry Potter movies and Pirates of the Caribbean series movies also make me feel like that because I watched them so much as a kid they bring back childhood memories.

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Well my favorite one shot movie is Of Mice and Men. It was such a touching story, and it brought home some good points.

In terms of anime films the title would certainly by tied between Pokemon the Power of One, and the 4th Inuyasha film.

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8 hours ago, Banri said:

For me it would be the Garfield Christmas Special from 1987 and Tom and Jerry - The Movie from 1992.



Forgot about these, these are great! 

1 hour ago, ArchieKun said:

In terms of anime films the title would certainly by tied between Pokemon the Power of One, and the 4th Inuyasha film.

I love that Inuyasha film. Inuyasha overall as an anime gives me that feeling. 

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10 hours ago, ItsSammy said:

2. Treasure Planet (2002)

This was definitely another one of my absolute favourite movies growing up because it was such an original concept with breathtaking art and an intense plot! I also feel like I had/have a strange "I-can-relate" view towards Jim even though my life is pretty much the opposite of his ... I'm still not totally sure why, he's just a very relatable character to me and I can sympathies with him a lot.


3. Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)

I really loved these old Disney movies when I was younger and Atlantis had that original feel about it as well which I loved. Again, the art for this movie was also beautiful and, having re-watched it recently, I can say that I still love it and the characters. 

I forgot about these two! I remember watching these 2 as a kid and these were great too. 

That also reminds me of the movie The Road to El Dorado, the 2000 cartoon movie. I loved watching that and makes me feel nostalgic and gives me that feel-good vibe after watching it every time :3

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1 hour ago, ItsSammy said:

@Asuna Yuki Oh yes, I quite enjoyed watching The Road to El Dorado as well.

This is one of those movies I could watch all the time ^^

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Well, growing up in the '90s, there is way too many nostalgic inducing movies to name. But, for whatever reason, the first names that popped into my head were pretty much anything with sylvester stallone and arnold schwarzenegger. Especially ones like True Lies that also have that comedy factor. My dad used to watch them all the time and I guess it just reminds me of watching them with him. 

Way to provoke thought there @Asuna Yuki! Just typing this out kinda gave me the feels, lol(I think I used that right?).

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14 minutes ago, Nono said:

But, for whatever reason, the first names that popped into my head were pretty much anything with sylvester stallone and arnold schwarzenegger.

Oh! I loved some of the Arnie movies too, like Terminator which I think most people have seen that one lol. I remember watching that as a kid though and getting scared for some reason xD So that like brings back the scary feels of childhood lolz. 

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God you guys are killing me here. I'm a slave to nostalgia. I've always been a very nostalgic person. Especially dealing with early 2000's late 90's. 😭


Anyway for me it would be ALL the Disney films, Free Willy, The Mighty ducks, Home Alone, Blank Check, Honey I shrunk the kids, Spy Kids movies, Holes, Homeward Bound, The Charlie Brown movies, Rugrats go to Paris, MANY of the Robin Williams movies like Ms.Doubtfire or Jumanji, Space Jam, Like Mike, The Wizard of Oz(even though this. movie isn't a 90's flick)


God don't get me started on nostalgia. I'll go back. XD

Edited by Crevanille
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1 minute ago, Crevanille said:

Anyway for me it would be ALL the Disney films, Free Willy, The Mighty ducks, Home Alone, Blank Check, Honey I shrunk the kids, Spy Kids movies, Holes, Homeward Bound, The Charlie Brown movies, Rugrats go to Paris, MANY of the Robin Williams movies like Ms.Doubtfire or Jumanji, Space Jam, Like Mike, The Wizard of Oz.

Omgosh you just listed so many good ones here 💜 I loved Free Willy, Home Alone, Blank Check, Homeward Bound and Jumanji ❤️❤️❤️ I watched the new Jumanji movie and it just wasn't as good as that first one ;C Free Willy was one of those movies I watched on repeat as a kid lol. 

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1 minute ago, Asuna Yuki said:

Omgosh you just listed so many good ones here 💜 I loved Free Willy, Home Alone, Blank Check, Homeward Bound and Jumanji ❤️❤️❤️ I watched the new Jumanji movie and it just wasn't as good as that first one ;C Free Willy was one of those movies I watched on repeat as a kid lol. 

Aaaaagh!!! I'm a slave to nostalgia! I love that I grew up in the 90's. 😁

I just remember so many of them because they were really dear to my heart as a kid. 😁

If we're on the subject of nostalgia, I could go on forever. Actually I listed a bunch of 90's early 2000's cartoon in one of the threads. Nostalgia is a blessing and a curse. 😭

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11 minutes ago, Crevanille said:

Aaaaagh!!! I'm a slave to nostalgia! I love that I grew up in the 90's. 😁

I just remember so many of them because they were really dear to my heart as a kid. 😁

If we're on the subject of nostalgia, I could go on forever. Actually I listed a bunch of 90's early 2000's cartoon in one of the threads. Nostalgia is a blessing and a curse. 😭

I love thinking back to old movies, and watching all the movies from my childhood ^^

I forgot about - The Matrix, Titantic, The Sixth Sense, And the Blair Witch Project. I remember when everyone thought the Blair Witch Project was real xD

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9 minutes ago, Serge heartless said:

Army of Darkness, its just a classic over the top movie. If you haven't watched this movie your life isn't complete. 

Phantasm, just a good horror movie. And I'm just a fan of horror movies. 

Phantasm is a good movie :D

6 minutes ago, Crevanille said:

I never forgot the matrix films!!! And Titanic!! AND the 6th sense! God guys I'm dying here! 😭<span>

Have you ever checked into the 90s groups on Facebook? One of the only reasons I read posts on FB is because they are alwaysssss posting 80s-90s nostalgic shows and movies and items that I totally forgot about it and I love the reminders.

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8 hours ago, Asuna Yuki said:

Phantasm is a good movie :D

Have you ever checked into the 90s groups on Facebook? One of the only reasons I read posts on FB is because they are alwaysssss posting 80s-90s nostalgic shows and movies and items that I totally forgot about it and I love the reminders.

Nah. I'm not a real big fan of Facebook and i kinda already know about many 90's and early 2000's gems that most have already forgotten about. 


7 hours ago, Kazuto Kirigaya said:

Oh wow, reading all these classics is bringing back so many memories, it's making me feel old 😂


Sigh. I feel ya pal. Your not kidding. It was 16 years ago that i was in elementary school. Kinda hard to believe time has passed by to such an extent. I hate it honestly. I've never been one to embrace change easily so I hold on to memories that I cherish from when I was a kid. It makes it easier for me to cope in this new world where everything is just different. I still have my sailor moon plush dolls and blanket. Still download old cartoons like Pepper Ann or Medabots on my laptop just to get a glimpse of the past. Its never the same though.


Oh and Mean girls. Lindsay Lohan was awesome back then.


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7 hours ago, Crevanille said:

Nah. I'm not a real big fan of Facebook and i kinda already know about many 90's and early 2000's gems that most have already forgotten about. 



Sigh. I feel ya pal. Your not kidding. It was 16 years ago that i was in elementary school. Kinda hard to believe time has passed by to such an extent. I hate it honestly. I've never been one to embrace change easily so I hold on to memories that I cherish from when I was a kid. It makes it easier for me to cope in this new world where everything is just different. I still have my sailor moon plush dolls and blanket. Still download old cartoons like Pepper Ann or Medabots on my laptop just to get a glimpse of the past. Its never the same though.


Oh and Mean girls. Lindsay Lohan was awesome back then.


Ahhh pepper Ann and recess!!

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