RuthisianCodex Posted March 28, 2020 Share Posted March 28, 2020 @Illusion of Terra I just hope that he has some redeeming qualities or does something so heroic that we have no choice but to cheer for him because if not, what a waste of potential & what seems to be a very useful & powerful quirk. Also hooray for Eri! I'm so glad she gets to stay at UA! She is going to be a a complete badass of a hero when she gets older or at least I hope she does. And it was great to see that the Pussycats are back in business. They're a bit quirky but I like them. (See what I did there? Hehe) I'm pretty interested to see what goes down with Endeavor & although I think it's safe to say he's just about the worst parent ever, I would like to see him & Todoroki team up to beat the snot out of some enemies. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mechaBD Posted March 30, 2020 Share Posted March 30, 2020 I'm really hyped for new Endeavor. I think it's gonna be pretty... lit. (lol) Hawks rubbed me the wrong way at first. I felt like he was up to something. By the end of the episode I still thought he is up to something. But now I think it's for good and not bad. Can't wait to find out! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ohayotaku Posted March 30, 2020 Share Posted March 30, 2020 (edited) I get the feeling that Hawks’ heart is in the right place, but for whatever reason, instead of being direct about it, he feels the need to act like a smartass & push people’s buttons. Endeavor’s road to redemption won’t (and shouldn’t) be easy. In addition to the emotional & psychological abuse he put his family through, if memory serves there was a comment about him putting his wife in the hospital. The preview for the final ep of the season looks like we’ll see Todoroki’s sister too. It’s pretty clear that it will end setting up Heroes Rising since the movie opens with Endeavor raiding a League of Villains convoy & Hawks plays a minor role towards the end. Any MHA fans should see it when you get a chance, because it’s awesome. Edited March 30, 2020 by Ohiotaku 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RuthisianCodex Posted March 30, 2020 Share Posted March 30, 2020 6 hours ago, Ohiotaku said: Endeavor’s road to redemption won’t (and shouldn’t) be easy. In addition to the emotional & psychological abuse he put his family through, if memory serves there was a comment about him putting his wife in the hospital. Exactly! Dude's a friggin monster in my opinion. Like really? How the heck did you even become a hero!?! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illusion of Terra Posted April 4, 2020 Share Posted April 4, 2020 that was one heck of an episode! I'd say it was on the same level as the previous seasons even. I really didn't expect the comboattack by hawks and endeavor but they totally pulled it off! really makes me want to watch Heroes Rising now especially since I got more interested in the whole Endeavor story. What I didn't quite get was that part at the end. The one guy seemed like he was All For One? But what about Deku's powers now? Guess it'll have to wait until the next season. Really not a great time for many anime to have their season finale going on, with the whole quarantine stuff Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ohayotaku Posted April 4, 2020 Share Posted April 4, 2020 (edited) Yeah, that ending was kinda confusing. On the one hand parts of it seemed to hint at Nine who is the main villain of Heroes Rising who does have a connection to All for One. But I actually think it’s more likely that Deku experienced a shared memory from one of the previous holders of One for All. Possibly the original, who I believe they said was All for One’s brother who he experimented on. As for Endeavor, I definitely have some things to say. But I want to review something from an earlier episode & take some time to compose my thoughts. Even so, it’s probably going to be more than a little rant-y Edited April 4, 2020 by Ohiotaku Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RuthisianCodex Posted April 4, 2020 Share Posted April 4, 2020 2 minutes ago, Ohiotaku said: As for Endeavor, I definitely have some things to say. But I want to review something from an earlier episode & take some time to compose my thoughts. Even so, it’s probably going to be more than a little rant-y Well rant away, my friend, because I don't care whether it's in animation or real life, guys like Endeavor just piss me off to no end. They terrorize the people around them, then finally put forth some half assed effort at redemption & then have the temerity to honestly be taken aback because people don't just instantly forget what a huge jerk they've been. Atonement for wrong deeds when possible is a good thing, but to expect those past deeds to be completely forgotten AND for the people he's been a monster to want him in their life despite whatever trauma he may have caused them is completely ridiculous. Forgiving someone doesn't grant that person a free ride back into your life. They can work towards earning that, sure. But depending on the severity of what they've done that day may be long coming, if it ever comes at all, and in this case if the people Endeavor has hurt decide to never let him back in that's totally understandable. Good grief you guys, let me make myself another smoothie & calm down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RuthisianCodex Posted April 4, 2020 Share Posted April 4, 2020 Alright, so now that I've had some time to calm down I would like to add something else. I will admit that I did get chills when Endeavor said to the Nomu: 'You are me from the past or from another future. Burn up...and be put to rest.' I genuinely believe that he wants to change & be a better hero & the symbol that everyone needs. I do. I just hope that his path to redemption is as difficult as it possibly can be because of what he did to his own family. Can people like Endeavor change? Yes. I'm just not down for making it a cake walk for someone who's committed monstrous deeds just because they finally grew a conscience. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illusion of Terra Posted April 4, 2020 Share Posted April 4, 2020 (edited) 6 hours ago, Ohiotaku said: As for Endeavor, I definitely have some things to say. But I want to review something from an earlier episode & take some time to compose my thoughts. Even so, it’s probably going to be more than a little rant-y Ohiotaku is getting serious, watch out everyone For some reason I don't have a negative attitude towards Endeavor. Then again, I don't really recall what happened with his wife and family. I think there was something with Shoto and I do know that he didn't want to use the fire because of it, but what was it exactly? Edited April 4, 2020 by Illusion of Terra Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ohayotaku Posted April 6, 2020 Share Posted April 6, 2020 (edited) My problem with Endeavor and the way the last episode seemed to handle his “redemption”: Endeavor is obsessed with being stronger than Allmight. But he could not achieve this goal because if he uses his quirk at a high level for an extended period of time he “overheats” and is incapacitated (this is referenced in this week’s episode). His motivation for marrying Todoroki’s mom was to have an heir who would inherit both their quirks (fire and ice) which would eliminate that weakness. During his match against Deku in the sports festival (season 2 episode 10), Todoroki actually begins to freeze up because he refuses to use Endeavor’s quirk. He needs to use both in order to achieve his full potential. In the same episode we see a flashback showing how Endeavor was physically abusive to Todoroki & his mom (5 year old Todoroki doubled up on the floor retching while Endeavor stands over him with a clenched fist yelling at him for being weak. When his mom tried to shield him we hear a slap and her cry out while Todoroki looks on in horror. Over time the abuse would lead to her become so terrified of Endeavor that she has a nervous breakdown and throws scalding water at the side of Todoroki’s face that resembles Endeavor. In response Endeavor tells Todoroki “She injured you, so I put her in the hospital”. Apparently I misinterpreted that line because the official version is he was just referring to having her committed to a mental hospital. Even so the scene I mentioned earlier clearly indicated physical abuse and considering how traumatized she was it seems unlikely to be an isolated incident. Fast forward to this latest episode. 10 years later she is still institutionalized and too frightened of Endeavor to meet him face to face. At the opening Todoroki’s brother comments on how Endeavor has kept the public from finding out about how treated his family and even though his wife seems to be willing to hope, she still admits he may have ulterior motives for trying to reconcile. And that’s how I feel. All of this “soul searching”was set in motion because he wasn’t getting the respect/admiration he felt he should as the #1 hero. As far as I’m concerned, he still doesn’t care about other people, just what they think of him (his reputation). Undoubtedly he has saved lives, but he has ruined lives too (it was noted that Endeavor’s bullying might-makes-right approach to heroism was what drove Stain’s crusade against “false heroes”). So no matter how many cool fights he wins or speeches he gives that no one else hears to hold him accountable, until he publicly acknowledges & apologizes for the very real harm he has caused to society and worst of all his own family he cannot become a changed man. Edited April 6, 2020 by Ohiotaku 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RuthisianCodex Posted April 6, 2020 Share Posted April 6, 2020 (edited) 10 hours ago, Ohiotaku said: My problem with Endeavor and the way the last episode seemed to handle his “redemption”: Endeavor is obsessed with being stronger than Allmight. But he could not achieve this goal because if he uses his quirk at a high level for an extended period of time he “overheats” and is incapacitated (this is referenced in this week’s episode). His motivation for marrying Todoroki’s mom was to have an heir who would inherit both their quirks (fire and ice) which would eliminate that weakness. During his match against Deku in the sports festival (season 2 episode 10), Todoroki actually begins to freeze up because he refuses to use Endeavor’s quirk. He needs to use both in order to achieve his full potential. In the same episode we see a flashback showing how Endeavor was physically abusive to Todoroki & his mom (5 year old Todoroki doubled up on the floor retching while Endeavor stands over him with a clenched fist yelling at him for being weak. When his mom tried to shield him we hear a slap and her cry out while Todoroki looks on in horror. Over time the abuse would lead to her become so terrified of Endeavor that she has a nervous breakdown and throws scalding water at the side of Todoroki’s face that resembles Endeavor. In response Endeavor tells Todoroki “She injured you, so I put her in the hospital”. Apparently I misinterpreted that line because the official version is he was just referring to having her committed to a mental hospital. Even so the scene I mentioned earlier clearly indicated physical abuse and considering how traumatized she was it seems unlikely to be an isolated incident. Fast forward to this latest episode. 10 years later she is still institutionalized and too frightened of Endeavor to meet him face to face. At the opening Todoroki’s brother comments on how Endeavor has kept the public from finding out about how treated his family and even though his wife seems to be willing to hope, she still admits he may have ulterior motives for trying to reconcile. And that’s how I feel. All of this “soul searching”was set in motion because he wasn’t getting the respect/admiration he felt he should as the #1 hero. As far as I’m concerned, he still doesn’t care about other people, just what they think of him (his reputation). Undoubtedly he has saved lives, but he has ruined lives too (it was noted that Endeavor’s bullying might-makes-right approach to heroism was what drove Stain’s crusade against “false heroes”). So no matter how many cool fights he wins or speeches he gives that no one else hears to hold him accountable, until he publicly acknowledges & apologizes for the very real harm he has caused to society and worst of all his own family he cannot become a changed man. Well said, @Ohiotaku! There is this underlying 'snake-iness' about him that I just can't overlook. Do I believe that there is a part of him that honestly wants to change? Yeah, I do. But I just can't convince myself that all of his reasons for wanting that change are coming from a pure place. All the examples you outlined are why I feel like his path to redemption needs to be as difficult as possible & that he needs to do a lot more before he can atone for all the terrible things he's done. Edited April 6, 2020 by RuthisianCodex 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ohayotaku Posted April 6, 2020 Share Posted April 6, 2020 Just one more observation on Endeavor. It seems like he didn’t abuse Todoroki’s siblings but pretty much ignored them since they did not inherit his quirk. His brother commented on how he was practically a stranger to him. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illusion of Terra Posted April 6, 2020 Share Posted April 6, 2020 (edited) This is getting interesting. I'll be a kind of devil's advocate here. This is just meant to be as viewpoints in the debate, so this is all meant in good faith There are a couple of things that you mentioned which I think could be judged as negative. Marrying Todoroki's mom in order to achieve a certain non-romantic purpose is not something that I think is deplorable per se. While I personally think achieving something like that should not be a reason for marriage, it really depends on what Todoroki's mom thought about it. For the longest time marriage was not a romantic institution as many think nowadays, and I don't see why marriage for non-romantic reason should be negative per se. So I'll just leave this undecided. Having a kid only in order for it to become a strong heir is a different story. To me this seems to be a form of instrumentalizing people, which I disagree with out of a general principle. Again, this is something people have been doing for millennia, think of people who had kids as a retirement plan, but I disagree with it nonetheless. I don't think I have to say much about hitting his wife and son, as it is clear that he does not seem to have any sufficient reason for it that is not immoral (there might be a way in the form of Utilitarianism to argue for it but I still wouldn't agree with that way). Putting his wife in the hospital or getting her away from her son is something I can understand though, since no matter how you look at it, you can argue for it. Either she knew what she was doing, in which case she knowingly injured her son in a severe manner. Or she was not in control of her mental faculties up to the point of injuring her son to such a degree. In both cases I could understand why someone would want to get the son to safety. Whether Endeavor did this in order to protect the weapon he wants to create or for a different reason, I don't know, but it would be decisive for my judgment of it. What I don't agree/understand with you guys are the following two things. I don't see why he would have to publicly apologize for what he did i) to his family, but also to some degree ii) to society. It was Stain's decision to do what he did. Yes, Endeavor did serve as a perfect template for what Stain saw as false heroes, and I also disagree with Endeavor's philosophy, but Stain decided for himself to commit those crimes. I do understand the idea of, for example, holding accountable a dictator portraying a certain minority as rapists and thus feeding false information to the people, but this case seems relevantly different. I don't understand why his path to atonement should be as difficult as possible. The idea seems to go in the direction of what in philosophy of justice is called 'retributive justice'. I am not saying this approach doesn't make sense or is false, I just don't understand it. If Endeavor could change to the model human without having to go through the most difficult path, I don't see why his path should nonetheless be as difficult as possible. All in all it really depends. If all this is just a ploy to gain more power and for him or his offspring to be the number one hero to be admired, I think it is deplorable. If he really wants to change for the better, he would still be accountable for the things mentioned, but I can see the redemptive qualities there. Edited April 6, 2020 by Illusion of Terra Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RuthisianCodex Posted April 6, 2020 Share Posted April 6, 2020 20 minutes ago, Ohiotaku said: Just one more observation on Endeavor. It seems like he didn’t abuse Todoroki’s siblings but pretty much ignored them since they did not inherit his quirk. His brother commented on how he was practically a stranger to him. See what I mean? The guy is a straight up user! If you can't be used as a pawn to get what he wants, then you might as well not even exist to him. Their family is drenched in dysfunction because of his behavior. Just makes me sick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ohayotaku Posted April 6, 2020 Share Posted April 6, 2020 (edited) Can Endeavor make a contribution to society by just beating up bad guys? Sure. What I’m calling him out on is his desire be a role model & a source of inspiration. As well as his claims to be a changed man going forward. Symbolically laying all your past sins on a monster and then beating the hell out of it doesn’t cut it. If he’s serious about it, he needs to take ownership of his past which isn’t that easy to erase. How can he make society feel safe when his own family largely views him with fear & resentnent? As to how do we know he viewed Todoroki as a tool for his own ends, the fact that he had no interest in being a parent to the children who did not inherit his quirk seems pretty damning. He had his wife commited to protect Todoroki? Seems kinda hypocritical considering his “training methods”. The scars they left may not be physically noticeable, but seem just as long lasting considering that Todoroki forgave his mother long ago, but still resented Endeavor. Why she married him in the first place & still hopes he will change? I admit to having no idea. I guess the root of it all for me is “Is physical strength for it’s own sake something to aspire to?” I realize it’s just my own opinion (can’t really offer anyone else’s), but strength can make someone a hero or a bully. Pretty clear which I consider Endeavor to be. I believe Endeavor CAN change, but I’m unconvinced he’s willing to make the sacrifices to do so. Why does it need to be public? Because his recent actions show that he craves the respect & admiration of society. That means being honest about who he was as well as his aspirations. No matter how hard he tries to cover it up, it will inevitably come to light sooner or later. And if he’s been dishonest about it, it will just make his fall from grace that much harder. Edited April 6, 2020 by Ohiotaku 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illusion of Terra Posted April 6, 2020 Share Posted April 6, 2020 @Ohiotaku I agree that beating the heck out of a symbolic villain isn't the way to go I also think the he probably both had Todoroki and removed him from his mother because he views him as a useful weapon, not to protect him, it just seems to be the most likely explanation. I think a better way to express what I thought would be that, in the unlikely event that he moved her to a hospital in order to protect Todoroki (not the weapon Todoroki but the person), I wouldn't view it as something negative. That's interesting. If I get this right, would you say something like 'if he wants genuine admiration, those admiring him should know who he is and what he has done, and not admire the person he wants to portray to the public'? That would certainly make sense to me! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ohayotaku Posted April 6, 2020 Share Posted April 6, 2020 (edited) If he was the type of hero who does things his own way but would rather stay out of the spotlight (like Eraserhead) he would still have been a horrible person but public accountability wouldn’t be as vital & perhaps he could make peace with his family privately. But because he wants recognition the increased attention makes it more likely his past will come out. So it’s less damaging (and not just to himself) to show some genuine remorse instead of having it leaked. So the question is how serious is he about being a changed man & a #1 hero that can earn people’s respect & make them feel safe. Does he just want the title or does he actually want to live up to it? Edited April 6, 2020 by Ohiotaku 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RuthisianCodex Posted April 6, 2020 Share Posted April 6, 2020 2 hours ago, Ohiotaku said: Can Endeavor make a contribution to society by just beating up bad guys? Sure. What I’m calling him out on is his desire be a role model & a source of inspiration. As well as his claims to be a changed man going forward. Symbolically laying all your past sins on a monster and then beating the hell out of it doesn’t cut it. If he’s serious about it, he needs to take ownership of his past which isn’t that easy to erase. How can he make society feel safe when his own family largely views him with fear & resentnent? You keep taking the words right out my mouth @Ohiotaku and I don't mind at all! Pounding that monster into oblivion won't erase the symbolic monster that he's become in the eyes of his own family. And what's really insidious about this is that now that he is embodying the 'symbol of hope' that everyone needs, think about if he decided to continue being nasty to his family & evidence finally did emerge to the public. It would make it harder for people to believe his family. Think about all the public figures that end up in the news for possessing child pornography or beating the hell out of their spouses. The reason that these people get away with that garbage for so long is because of the image they portray to society in general. There are so many layers of this that just unnerve me to my core. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RuthisianCodex Posted April 11, 2020 Share Posted April 11, 2020 On 4/6/2020 at 9:30 AM, Illusion of Terra said: @Ohiotaku I agree that beating the heck out of a symbolic villain isn't the way to go I also think the he probably both had Todoroki and removed him from his mother because he views him as a useful weapon, not to protect him, it just seems to be the most likely explanation. I think a better way to express what I thought would be that, in the unlikely event that he moved her to a hospital in order to protect Todoroki (not the weapon Todoroki but the person), I wouldn't view it as something negative. That's interesting. If I get this right, would you say something like 'if he wants genuine admiration, those admiring him should know who he is and what he has done, and not admire the person he wants to portray to the public'? That would certainly make sense to me! So, I honestly have re-watched this scene about a dozen times & Shoto's reaction is so intense. I mean, the other siblings' reactions are emotional too but his is just so raw because he was the one that got the hell beaten out of him by this guy for years & I can't help but feel that there was at least some tiny part of Shoto that is hoping that Endeavor really has changed & that the monster he was really has been burned up & put to rest. I advocate for survivors of domestic abuse & something I've heard time & time again is that the abused partner would take the abuser back after some grand show of affection or promises to change but then before long the same chaos would start back up. I really do hope that something good happens eventually with all this but not so much for Endeavor, but rather for the people he's hurt. They deserve closure & healing & a fresh, peaceful start. And if that comes at the expense of him pushing well beyond his limits & getting smashed to bits & torn to pieces in the process then so be it! It's the least he could do, if you ask me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Illusion of Terra Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 (edited) Am I the only one who still keeps forgetting every week that there isn't a weekly episode? I was wondering when they will announce the release date of the new season and where exactly to look? Edited April 29, 2020 by Illusion of Terra 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ohayotaku Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 @Illusion of Terra pretty much all bets are off as the Covid 19 shutdowns have thrown production schedules into chaos for the foreseeable future. As far as where to look for updates, I find Anime News Network to be a pretty reliable & timely source 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ohayotaku Posted August 2, 2020 Share Posted August 2, 2020 Fingers crossed that this will be available outside japan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ohayotaku Posted August 3, 2020 Share Posted August 3, 2020 Confirmed for both CR & Funi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ohayotaku Posted August 15, 2020 Share Posted August 15, 2020 The 2 episode training exercise special is up on CR & Funi. While it’s nice to break up the wait for season 5, I felt like it was actually pretty meh. Part of the problem is it devoted too much attention to trying to make Bakugo seem cool. Heroes Rising did a passable job of it, but here he’s just his usual one-note pain-in -the-ass self. Was hoping they would also make 2 of the earlier special episodes available, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. It’s a shame, because even though they were shorter, they were more entertaining IMO. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RuthisianCodex Posted August 15, 2020 Share Posted August 15, 2020 I just watched it too & feel similarly. Heroes Rising did an amazing job of helping me put aside any dislike I have for his attitude & just cheer my heart out for him. I did 100% agree with his assessment of the situation though. Even if it was just a training exercise, one day people's actual lives are going to be in his hands & when those times come he can't just haul ass & run or hope someone else gets the job done. Especially since during the time of this training, they'd already been attacked by bad guys a few different times so situations like this could happen at a moment's notice. Also, as for Tokoyami, you would think that there is some type of gear or mod that can be made to help him control Dark Shadow. With the exception of being sensitive to light, that would greatly enhance his power & overall usability not only in combat situations but in rescues. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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