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Everything posted by Mazino

  1. Did anybody else get a spam message with disturbing content?

    Imo, private messaging should be disabled for new members or non followers.

    1. Beocat


      Unfortunately we have been notified and are working to contain this situation and on ways to prevent this situation. Please use the report feature to report any of these messages to the forum staff for follow up. We can't see into your inbox so reporting it will help us track down the spammer quickly. 

    2. Mazino


      I understand.

      Surprisingly, I have gotten another spam message which I reported now. 


  2. Just watched both seasons of Code Geass and I gotta say it's fabulous.

    I had mixed feelings throughout the whole series but one thing I can say for certain, Lelouch is a genius.

  3. Destiny 2 is for free now until 18. November but only for PC. You only need to login to battle.net and go to the gift page. At the very least even if you don't play on PC, it's for free so get it NOW.
  4. I have been playing soccer for as long as I can remember but I quit playing after Highschool. Nowadays I take a walk at evenings or mornings or pay a visit to the gym weekly.
  5. Dayum it's getting colder over here. 

    I should take out my winter clothes of my wardrobe and buy a pair of new gloves for the winter.

    1. Tefutakato


      Winter is my favourite season. Pretty soon snow will be falling and staying. I say in about three weeks. 

    2. Mazino


      I dislike when the ways are frozen and you have to move with caution in order to not slip on the ice.

      But other than that, I like winter as well.  Last year snow fell down in late December, let's see how it goes this year.

  6. Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn. - Stephen Hawking
  7. YES! It's one of my Top 10 anime. B: The Beginning
  8. This is pretty self-explanatory. I don't really put up any rules but providing a link to the anime would be extremely desirable. Possible answers may include apart from yes-no, dropped. Ok let's start: Children of the Whales
  9. I think it was a challenge to make so many characters fit into the series. Arguably not the best season. Yet I liked the fact that they introduced some new characters. They will be most likely the center of attention in the second part of the season that is going to be published in 2020.
  10. Did you ever get this nostalgia feeling which made you think of sharing a common bond between a character, reminding you to your youth of being adventurous, rebellious or just plain quiet and unruffled. However the thread title may be somewhat tricky but you are free to name the anime title instead of the character itself in case you feel more connected to the anime (narrative story, visual of the environment which resembles your hometown etc). This doesn't necessarily have to be your favorite character of course, think about which anime or it's character describes your youth to the best. Please make sure to use spoiler tags for spoiler related content.
  11. I had to clean up my room for like 2 hours. 

    Crazy how much dust forms beneath your furniture. Well the neat freak I am, it was something I had to get rid of.


    1. RyePotatoes


      Can you clean my room too? 🤣

    2. Mazino


      Sure will help you by giving you advices where to clean :P

      Seriously though, I believe your room is clean otherwise Imma call Levi. xD

    3. RyePotatoes


      It's probably best to call Levi :P 

  12. 4/10 I think people who have been watching anime for a decade would like this but unfortunately not my cup of tea. Code Breaker OP
  13. I did a wild guess first and tipped on Kagura from Fairy Tail. But apparently it's from an anime called RWBY and the character is Blake Belladonna. Assuming this Fanart is the source of the drawn picture above.
  14. Yet another anime I haven't seen but hold on a second...this is the first time I listen to a french song that is also an anime soundtrack at the same time. Great soundtrack for relaxing/chilling so gonna rate this 8/10. Man with a Mission - Log Horizon
  15. Happy Birthday @ssjup81

    Have a great day 🎉

  16. I had to listen to this song multiple times as well. It's a kind of music you don't listen everyday so people usually jump to hasty conclusions without giving it a chance at all. Glad you liked it. 5/10 Not bad but I probably wouldn't listen to this of my own accord. Made in Abyss - Hanezeve Caradhina
  17. Haven't seen the anime yet but this sounds good nevertheless 8/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-30CSRr6wXA
  18. Castle in the Sky is probably what you are looking for.
  19. I never had the opportunity to know you, never even heard of you. But now, as I've seen you coming and leaving so fast, in one day, I see you truly know what speed means.
  20. I'm looking forward to 2nd part of Tokyo Ghoul:re and Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara. I have a habit of finishing shows from the previous season(s) so it will probably take a while until I get to watch the shows from the current season.
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