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Just finished 16bit sensation another layer yesterday ( i forgot to post my "review" here lmao) and it genuinly was amazing. everything about it was super good. Good thing it was made by the same person who made kaminomi. Even though i think it's really good i would also see why others think it's not that good but please give it a chance. Talking about it without spoiling is probably impossible lol so yeah i would recommend reading the next part only if you fully watched it. it's major spoilers


this anime took a path i genuinly didn't expect lol. at first it seems like a slice of life show but then towards the end it slaps aliens and the butterfly effect on you at full force. Even though it takes a different path that others wouldn't expect, i was impressed by how good it still was even after that. every turnarounds? were surprisingly unexpected but well written at the same time which i appreciate a ton.

also it's completely different from the manga and both are super good so i recommend also reading the manga

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12 hours ago, Soramee_ said:

Just finished 16bit sensation another layer yesterday

This series looks interesting and I've been waiting for it to finish airing so I can mini-binge-watch it 😀.  I'll probably make a start on it today.

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I watched the Kaina of the Great Snow Sea movie at lunchtime today. I thought it was really impressive with lots of dramatic action, but not so much that it over powered the flow of the well paced story.
Overall I found it a very enjoyable film to watch.

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I finished watching 16bit sensation another layer this evening. It's certainly an interesting plot idea and watching our heroine suffer from culture shock when she found out that she had to do colouring with a mouse was quite amusing. The story was made all the more interesting by not being a simple story, but that I feel was also the series undoing as it introduced too many complexities in the last few episodes. I also thought that the ending was rather rushed and left the outcome of one of the plot points unexplained.
Overall I enjoyed watching it, but I think a tighter rein should have been applied to the storyline towards the end.

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I started watching Peacemaker Kurogane, it's another anime I've watched before but not since like 2009 or something like that lol I bought the box set for it and decided to rewatch it 💜

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I've now finished watching MF Ghost. A motorsport series with lots of street racing action, there's a story in there somewhere, but the racing occupies most of the run time of each episode. The final episode ends on a cliffhanger, followed by a notice that the story will continue in series 2 in 2024.

Oh, yes, the fan-service. The MFG Angels, grid girls, wear rather skimpy outfits, and I do wonder just how many close-up shots of their backsides we really need.

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I've just finished watching Shy, from the trailers I wasn't expecting much but thought I'd give it a try anyway and found that the trailers do the series no favours, it has quite a decent story and I found it an enjoyable series to watch.

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I'm considering watching 86 again. Hopefully they'll announce if it's going to get a second season in the coming months. So far, nothing I've looked up on it yet is official. Fingers crossed. 🤞

I might also fire up Suzume this weekend when I'm off work.

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I finished up the Funato Clan arc in Boruto. The storytelling was a top five performance of the franchise for a side arc. The lack of good fights holds this arc back overall though with the fights having weight, but not getting a chance to allow characters to show their full capabilities or develop. Plus the end had no fighting at all which was the point, but is frustrating since a lot of the characters involved will not be seen again.

But I was able to get back to Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzuu and the story is progressing well. I am over 20 episodes in and the progression of the Kirumin is finally being explained. Nagisa is still stealing the show for me and she seems to be closing in on the secret of Pars. The twins continue to be the main ones to move the development of the Kirumin forward though. I just wonder if Tamao will ever get a transformation of his own. Time will tell.

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10 hours ago, ARA said:

Have any one watch the quintessential quintuplets anime


Both seasons & the movie. Personally consider it overhyped, though I’m not really a fan of most harems anyway.

I’m currently bingeing 2nd part of Dead Mount Death Play. Just finished episode 4 (16 overall). Misaki just keeps becoming more of a freak 😅


Edited by Ohayotaku
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I started watching Inuyasha from the top. It finally dawned on me that when this show was on Adult Swim two decades ago, I only saw one episode here or there, and often not in chronological order. So, I'm now remedying that two-decade-old problem, while refreshing my memory on the overall story and filling in the blanks from where I left off at places.

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14 hours ago, viruxx said:

I started watching Inuyasha from the top. It finally dawned on me that when this show was on Adult Swim two decades ago, I only saw one episode here or there, and often not in chronological order. So, I'm now remedying that two-decade-old problem, while refreshing my memory on the overall story and filling in the blanks from where I left off at places.

That is great to hear! I need to do the same with this show one day

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I accidentally clicked on an anime while scrolling CrunchyRoll called "The Daily LIfe of the Immortal King" so now I'm watching that lol It's not bad tbh so far but I'm only on ep 5.

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