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What is (10y+2x)-5=29



A math problem.


What's your favourite flavour of juice?


I WAS NINJA'D! Probably grape juice to be honest, though I'm not generally a juice person.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?

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A math problem.




I WAS NINJA'D! Probably grape juice to be honest, though I'm not generally a juice person.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?

Actually its a equation!!!


Have you had any severe weather where you live lately?

Only normal rain :(


Waht is the meaning of life?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think I would choose the one that would best benefit the people around me. If either choice was going to ruin my life anyways, I'd better be off thinking of how my choice would effect others as well. :)


Okay, next question ^^

What is the next anime that you cannot wait to see?!

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I think I would choose the one that would best benefit the people around me. If either choice was going to ruin my life anyways, I'd better be off thinking of how my choice would effect others as well. :)


Okay, next question ^^

What is the next anime that you cannot wait to see?!

The next anime I just can't wait to see is Amnesia! I even finished the anime My Little Monster quickly without reading the manga because of it!^_^^_^

On to the next question.

If x= 23, y=76 and z=13, what is the value of x2y8z5y2?

Don't blame me if it's impossible. I just made that up without thinking if it was possible LOL.

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  • 1 month later...

The best thing(s) I accomplished this year was participating in the English Olympiad and Spelling Butterfly (I got second place!:)), being in the school play, becoming 1st in the English Recitation competition held in our school etc.



If you saw Optic-senpai in real life at Taco Bell/McDonald's, KFC, what would you do?

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Nothing, probably, I threat people around me as background.


How much do you know about the folklore of your nation/state/region?

Folklore of my nation/state/region? What do you mean?


Would you kill your best friend who you hold a little grudge against for a trillion dollars?

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  • 3 weeks later...
23 minutes ago, SleepyLeoulf said:

Id never would do that even if I have a little grudge I have against them. Prob get over it if not I'll just go my separate way from them if we can fix it. 

What would you do if got 1 millions dollars? 

I'd probably buy the games and equipment needed to get my YouTube page going and deposit what's left as backing in case it didn't go through. 


What do you do if the person you admired most called you to hang out for a day? 

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1 hour ago, RepentantSky said:

My favorite Holiday's Halloween and Christmas happening more than once a year. 


What's something that you wish you could experience again for the first time? 

I wish I could experience eating food again for the first time. I know that seems silly, but Imagine being able to go through and taste food again and not know the flavours :O!


On the topic of food, If you had to order food, but had to share it between 4 people, what would you order and why?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Delete all mosquitoes ... world would be a better place... 
geniuses can now live in peace working on they're talents and projects without getting interrupted by these sadistic Insect that refuses to leave us alone..

Question: What's ur Fetish ? EUhk9on.jpg%C2%A0

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Cat i guess...so i can roam around..since Dogs arent as flexible anyway


if you were in a situation where your life is on the line.. and u see a sword and a gun besides ...you can only take one..which one would u choose?

sword is chipped
gun only has 2 bullets 

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Sword. Guns may seem useful, but loading them can be a pain, your presence is known after firing, regardless of whether you hit or not, and misfire/jamming is always a possibility.

What would you do if your birthday became a national holiday?

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its like having no birthdays at all..it wouldn't bother me though..as i have never enjoyed my birthday parties since im in introvert


if u had no choice but to sell/cook drugs as a living..what drugs would u sell?

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  • 3 weeks later...

~Nya~ an interesting question. If possible i would keep that person alive but in a state where he is unable to do any evil deeds and torture them in some way for the rest of their life.

If you could control one thing as your power what would it be? However you cannot bring the dead back to life or turn back time (like alchemy essentially).


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On 2017-12-17 at 3:23 PM, SleepyLeoulf said:

I would want to be like people from the movie / book Jumper. Teleport places quickly if I visualize where it is and see a picture of it, I've always thought that would be cool.

What would you pick a cookie or a cake to eat?

It's not like i would eat an entire cake just for myself, but cake is really good.

Cookies are somewhat better though. I dunno. You feel less fat while eating them as opposed to eating cake. lol ; )


Are you a big fan about something? Anything you're extremely passionate about?


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