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Everything posted by Beocat

  1. Well, "not a noob", list some of the isekai you have watched already so we aren't spinning our wheels...
  2. It is a very common theory as well. Humans were actually prey not too far back in the evolutionary history so our survival instincts (aka...innate prey paranoia) kept us living and still kick in today. That is interesting and I have heard of other people having a similar ability (always with friends and family). There are two theories there. Either you have been psychoanalyzing them (whether by intention or not) and are pulling from your internal knowledge of them or you are picking up on vibrational frequencies and their aura. It would be fairly hard to delineate that. It sounds like you have some claircognizance and clairsentience wrapped up in there (which empath and medium abilities would work with). As far as being a medium and possession....being a medium is simply the ability to tune in and listen in to spirits (sometimes on an empath level, other times hearing voices or seeing physical entities). Possession is when you open the door and let them take over (and being under stress from anxiety, illness, and emotional troubles would make you more vulnerable to it). Anyone can be possessed. Not everyone can be a fully developed medium. Your experiences sound very interesting and similar to a friend of mine (though he did open the door himself). It really sounds like you've taken charge of your abilities to an extent. Sometimes it is a negative and othertimes a positive as you say.
  3. I'd be onboard with it truthfully...but I'd want there to be a "Forum Police" Badge with a description like... "Trolls and Spammers flee the scene when XXXXXX arrives..." and you'd get it by accumulating a certain number of reports LOL Maybe have lower tiered versions like "Informant" and higher tiered ones too. I could get behind that. Still, some people have completionist personalities so you could be setting the forum up for a lot of just random posts with no real content behind them. I would also be on board for individual trophies/badges awarded by Optic for various members. Similar to the title function but gifted by Optic and based on the forum member's eccentricities and broadly known quirks. They could be entirely unique. I used to do this in a forum group I started up and moderated on a forum (that sadly is no longer in existence) for the group members. One was a Scientist Salarian for instance.
  4. Welcome to the forums Lad So you are looking for a space opera, huh? Well...maybe I can help you with that! Not having any idea what you've seen already... if you give me a list of what you've seen already I could probably narrow it down better but any who...I really wish you had described this a bit better.... Crest of the Stars/Banner of the Stars ~ This series would be my ultimate mature Space Opera anime go-to. If you mean Mature as in adult, not childish, more along the lines of sophisticated in that classic Space Opera way. Norn9 ~ This I classify as a Psuedo Space Opera. It is a romance (one of my favorite, the graphics and characters are stellar) that for the most part takes place on a Spaceship (however, that Spaceship never actually leaves the Earth's atmosphere so....), so Psuedo Space Opera it is. It is also mature in a sophisticated way, has a Dere or two in there (nearly impossible to avoid these days) but they aren't really a detractant. Knights of Sidonia ~ This one does a fairly good job of sticking to being mature. I love it, and I wish there were more Space Operas like this one. ------------------------ The Girl Who Leapt Through Space ~ This series on the other hand would be my ultimate other "mature" Space Opera anime go-to. If you meant instead Mature as adult themed, sexual innuendos, etc in a Space Opera setting. Anyways, let me know what you think. I'm not going to expend any more energy there until I have a clear idea of what you've already seen. If you are looking for a tragic anime Kanon is where it is at
  5. That kind of reminds me of pokemon go badges.....
  6. Put some oil (that has a smoke point below what you'll set your oven to) in a spray bottle and just lightly spray both sides before baking. If you have breading on it, it will help hold it together and greatly reduce the amount of oil you have on it (and usually it will be a bit less crispy, more of "fried lite" as opposed to deep fried, pan fried or baked).
  7. We do have trophies and a ranking system. The system will only show you most recent highest trophy on your profile for winning the day. You can click on my profile to see the trophy. Rankings/leaderboard should be on the front page... the system also counts the reactions you get and which ones. I think the winner of the day might be the only trophy I've seen...
  8. It might fall under abusive/flaming language. It might also be the degree of cussing to be considered (every other sentence vs every other word vs once or twice a long post...). Optic makes the final determination there. Is it really so hard to self -censor (via **** or alternative words like "frack")?
  9. Off the top of my head while waiting for my take out order... Familiar of Zero Snow White with the Red Hair His and Her Circumstances It's a lot harder when I am not standing in front of my collection LOL
  10. Oh Wedgy, I could go on and on about aliens too I agree, statistically it is a definite. They wouldn't even have to have water or the same kind of sunlight (maybe they use a different chlorophyll or eat methane instead of photosynthesizing). Honestly, we already have proof. There are fossilized bacteria inside of meteorites (verified that they were not contaminants from Earth) and therefore, that opens up a huge realm of possibilities in itself. What if instead of the dinosaurs evolving eons ago, if humans had instead. Imagine how technologically advanced we could have been by now (and if another civilization out there got their start earlier, how advanced they must be by now). It isn't just statistically probably, life does occur outside our little speck of space dust. I too look at things from a scientific standpoint, but I also like to review cultural data as well (which pulls me one way or the other). On the "have they shown themselves yet?" topic....I could go on for a very long time on that. Probably best for another thread. But then, I'd start up a UFO thread and a Church of Squatch thread in an instant but you all would be like "that cat's gone plum crazy...bless her heart..." LOL Interesting points. I agree that the effect on the world could be minimal though if one were able to accurate perform "remote viewing" it could have more real world consequences. I do wonder if it is in part tapping into frequencies in another dimension. I think that it is something that would eventually be explained through science but I think science in some ways either hasn't progressed to the point that it is truly measurable, or is so burned by...for example, the Inquisition periods as you referred to yourself, that it just outright rejects anyone and anything who might suggest it. I think being openminded is really the single most important trait a scientist can have...and sometimes I think we lose that in all the limited data we have. Magic and psychic abilities are very different. Psychic abilities is an innate talent whereas magic is something performed (usually by ritual, energy transfer actions, chants, etc). On that note, why do you look for spells on youtube if you don't believe in magic? I won't ask why you might believe in ghosts. I can respect that. Maybe we haven't figured out the physics for it yet... When Pulsars were first discovered, the first possibility that popped into the discoverers mind was LGM (Little Green Men). They had to figure out the physics for it, after they were discovered. That is very interesting. Theologic actually. I understand now why you believe. It is definitely a different perspective, as you said before, from what most people would consider when thinking of ghosts and spirits. You know, for a long time I thought I had no abilities either, but several of my friends keep telling me that I must because of my dead on readings of people and their auras. I guess it's like losing weight...you don't see the results yourself looking in the mirror but all your friends and coworkers notice the pounds melting off...odd analogy but true. I do think though that many psychic abilities are fairly repressed due to our social system. No one wants to be thought of as weird...or crazy... Did you have an impression of who it was? As always, ignore me if I am getting too personal. Oh Kohloo, I have friends who have had similar experiences as you (living with them and all) though considering how many different places you and your family have seen them, it could just be possible that you family is very sensitive to their presence. It is very interesting that your two grandmothers are staying with the family. It sounds as though they are watching over you all. The smudge that your aunt did...I'd probably have disowned her for that... Smudging removes EVERYTHING. It forces everything out, indiscriminately. Oftentimes, the good spirits who watch over you and may be protecting you from other things are forced out easier via smudging than other entities. They may have been able to retain their presence due to your family's acceptance of their presence (basically...you opened the door to let them back in). Still, I'm glad they were able to come back. A question...did you ever hear knocking in your cursed house? It might not have been cursed but something else entirely... And seeing a ghost on a ghost tour (if in truly historic places) isn't necessarily cheesy. I know someone who took a picture on a ghost tour and I swear in front of one of the doors to a bar, you can see this mist...in the shape of an elderly woman's face. It was the general vicinity of where she had lived and according to the tour guide, people sometimes see her at the bar. While my friend saw nothing when she was there, when she looked at her photos later that night she was shocked! Yikes...shadow figures are no joke. That is a big part of the reason I don't dabble in crazy stuff like Ouji Boards. I definitely don't want to open a door, window, or crack to something like that! I might ask you some more questions later. I've got to go run grab a late lunch with my husband now that he's finally out of the water but I'll be back to ask some more
  11. My school days are long over (even grad school) and I can say that I mostly coasted through on my own ability to internalize and apply information quickly as opposed to studying. It is why I am so devastatingly good at what I do. The bigger my foundation becomes the more accurate and narrow my focus. I generally would just read. Read the recommended reading prior to class, come to class, listen (no google chat with friends) to reinforce the information and that was most all that I needed. Other than that, if it was math, repetition (the only way in Calc 2 to survive). Oh, and quality reading is important. Turn off the music, turn off the tv, turn off your phone and its many distractions. Just read the material and try to understand it when you read it (don't read to read, read to understand it instead), Even now, if I "study" for a credentialing exam or for a certification exam, I literally just buy a book that covers the content outline (or that is a study guide), read it, then take the exam. I know many other people take classes for these exams, spend weeks studying on their own time, listening to audio tapes on the way home from work to review, using study groups to reinforce the subject material, and pouring their souls into it.... I just read a book, take exam, get my certification. I'm reading two books for credentialing exams now (two different exams) and this is literally what I'm doing and I don't think I will have a problem with either exam.
  12. Vague...but intriguing... O_O I have thoughts about this, but I'm probably making assumptions. If you don't mind me asking, why do you think (or know) that they are ruthless? If it is too personal a question feel free to ignore that I asked. I myself am a huge fan of supernatural themed medias (anime, video games, some of my favorite book series even). Hmmm, as for proven or disproven, I suppose it might just be something you'd have to experience yourself. I could point at things like the China Psychic Children (and the amazing things they were reportedly able to do) but unless you see it or experience it yourself, it might still be unbelievable. Hmmm.... okay. I have a interesting question for you. Now, what experience might pull you into belief? As being on the fence is kind of more denying that it is real (with some openness to the possibility).
  13. Hey everyone. So been wondering a while...what are all of your thoughts on psychic abilities, astral projection, ghosts and spirits, mediums, and so forth? Feel free to look up a few words or phrases if you aren't sure what it is and you are interested in it. Some questions... Do you believe you have psychic abilities (even mildly)? Do you believe in ghosts and spirits? Have you ever seen or heard a ghost or spirit? If so, are you comfortable enough to describe how it happened? Do you believe in meditation to reach a higher plane or astral projection? Have you ever used a psychic ability before, or thought you may have used one? Which abilities do you think you might have and why? So I ask all this because there is a large range of psychic abilities out there. Clairaudience (hearing what others cannot, receiving signals or instructions from a higher realm), clairvoyance (receiving visual information or knowledge without normal sensory input), claircognizance (knowing information without having learned the information), clairsentience (sensing physical and emotional states without physical sensory input), astral projection (separating astral body from physical body to different places), Mediumship (ability to communicate with spirits), among many other abilities (clairgustance, clairtangency, precognition and so on). Personally, I do know some people who I believe are psychic. I have met some who had relatives who seemed clairvoyant or precognitive (generally in journaling their dreams what they foretold in their diaries). One good friend of mine is definitely clairvoyant or claircognizant (and a medium, but I won't go there) actually turned to me at work one day and told me this little girl was at the bottom of the lake. Then he went on to say that he dreampt of how the mother's boyfriend had raped her repeatedly and now that she was old enough to tell...they both decided to simply kill and dispose of her body. He couldn't say which lake, just that it was cold, dark, and very wet and wasn't salty. They found her body some weeks later and within a few months it came out that it had all occurred exactly how he said it did. I don't remember now how he said they killed her, but he was spot on with that too. I distinctly remember him saying, "Mark my words. She's at the bottom of a lake." Downright uncanny. This isn't the first time he's had a spot on prediction. A friend of mine also has seen ghosts in the past. Lots of people I know have had experiences with spirits actually... That seems to run in my family. I personally feel that I have some precognitive abilities (mild) and clairsentient abilities (I am very good at reading people, beyond body language even. It is like I have a built in lie detector in my head.). My own experiences with ghosts are similar to my family's. We tend to be visited by the dead when one of our own passes on. Usually only one person receives the vision prior to the passing. Surprisingly enough, I think my father might be Clairaudient.... I say this because although he would be the last one to believe it he had an interesting experience one day. He was out on our family's land looking at a field (I'm guessing it was a field...maybe an old barn or the woods... or maybe one of the old farmhouses) and there was no one around at all. He said that something in his head, a voice, told him he needed to move along the ditch some, so he did. Less than a minute later his truck (driverless - he must have forgotten to put it in park or experienced a brake failure) drove right through the spot he had been standing in and into the ditch. He would have been pinned down had he not moved when he did. He said he didn't hear the truck coming (I believe that. He's really hard of hearing...we used to think it was selective but at this point I'm sure he's mostly deaf). It is just an interesting experience that comes to mind.... So, has anyone here had any experiences? Anyone know of anyone who has had experiences? Anyone here stalwartly believe it isn't possible? Do you believe in one psychic ability and not another? I'm very interested. Describing my own experiences is actually more difficult than I thought. Many tend to be precognitive (knowing what is about to happen) or empath related. Now, there is a whole genre of anime dedicated to lots of psychic stuff (paranormal, psychic, heterochromia) so I also am wondering if you have your own favorite psychic anime character? Mine would have to be Hitomi from Escaflowne (although part of her gift may be the crystal, her use of tarot cards in her readings is still fun).
  14. I agree with the dot hack games. Start by watching dot hack//SIGN (the anime), then play the PS2 games (set after SIGN....Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, Quarantine), then watch Liminality (if you can find it), then play the dot hack GU series then if you want to watch the GU movie/series. But definitely watch SIGN first (as many characters make a cameo appearance and it might help clear up some character identities). The best thing about the dot hack games is you get to keep your characters, levels, and items and progress from each game to the next. Most games will zero you out on a sequel (like ME2 bleh) and make you relevel up. If you are feeling Magical Girlish, play some Blue Reflection. It took a little bit to get me into it but once I was hooked, I was hooked deep. I don't really play many games anymore that originated from tv (or that have tv related spinoffs). I find one is never as good as the other though dot hack did a really good job creating the world and the characters and gameplay.
  15. As an update, we didn't make it out on the boat. I stayed up without a problem, started cleaning (which saps my energy out faster than anything), finished by washing the dishes, then spent some time reading on the couch with my husband who saw how bad I looked and sent me to bed. He said he'd rouse me in a couple of hours when it was time to leave.... Four and a half hours later, I wake up on my own call out to him and find out that he tried to wake me up, shook me, shouted at me, my cat jumped on my chest and stood there squeaking at me....nothing. He said I was exhausted and didn't respond at all to anything he tried. >_> It's not surprising. I should have never of let him talk me into taking a nap. I know I get that way...part of the reason I always made him promise if the house was burning down around us to save my sweet furbaby first and then come back for me afterwards. Priorities. Well, another short nap later and I finally started my day. Now, I should be getting to bed now but again....my night owlness is just slamming that door shut again (I didn't get a full 8 hours today. Only about 6 at the most. I should be tired.). Maybe I'll try some boring reading or cleaning again to tucker me out completely. We're going to try again tomorrow.... Fingers crossed....
  16. Well, this time I've done it to myself. So while I am in between jobs (my choice--I feel like I was being driven out but it is just as well. I needed to focus on redirecting my career anyways and I was putting too much of my own self and energy into that job for no benefits, no promotions, and not even any gratitude from the ones who got promoted from my hard work) I have slowly but surely (even though I tried not to let myself do it) gone back to being a night owl. You heard that right folks. This cat is as nocturnal as it gets. I guess that means I'm an outside kitteh...as my girls inside are snuggled up asleep on the couch with my husband right now. It somewhat irritates me how he can fall asleep anytime...anywhere... So, while we decided to go out on the boat this morning (I say this morning because tomorrow is already here), and I tried...oh I tried to sleep...after a few hours of laying in bed tossing and turning and my wrist hurting and my toes tingling and me gasping for air I realized it... Not only has my former job wrecked my health, but thinking a bit about it I gave myself a little panic attack. No wonder I can't sleep. I have been applying to certain jobs all across the state (I don't care if I don't live there...I'll rent a shack if I have to to change my career path) and honestly I've only had about a 3% bite rate on my applications. So far, my first interview bombed....I interviewed three days after my last day on the job and was too burned out by my last job to do a good honest showing and I couldn't fake interest in the company (I didn't really want to work there, but the as needed work would have been nice on the side. It took 2 months before I recovered enough from the burnout to have any energy and my old personality back). My second interview was with a company completely and totally unrelated to my field. Again, I was willing to do it...anything to get out of this spiral of misery one bad decision 6 years ago landed me in....didn't hear back. My third chance came at a place I used to volunteer at. I would've been a shoe-in for the position considering all the high level staff would've been behind me....they needed my current references to respond within 48 hours....one reference took 7 days...I obviously missed the interviews because of the lateness of my reference and they couldn't wait that long ...that was a harsh blow. I have honestly harbored some resentment towards that reference ever since... Then I've had a nibble here and there.... An overnight position is considering me (and I would love to work it!) but I'm also being highly considered for a specialty position elsewhere (and that specialty is so rare...yikes! I want it and I'm terrified of it at the same time LOL). Maybe after months things are finally coming together. After all of this time sending out applications (and spending the last 6 years in self-study and training getting various credentials to make myself more marketable, differentiated, and ready to really push for that career change as the whirlpool sucked me in ever deeper) it seems to finally be looking up. And that got me thinking about the last 4 to 6 years where my life was not on the right career path. That one day where it all fell apart. I applied for my dream job and waited six months before giving up and accepting a job elsewhere, doing not what I wanted, slanting my career in a path I didn't want to go in....and the very next day they called for an interview -_-* If only I had waited one more day to consider the offer (albeit, my life would have turned out very different if I had. I doubt I would have this house for instance, my girls...who knows if I would have been any happier). Darn brain keeps thinking of it and won't let me sleep. ~sighs~ I'm going to be in for it when we're trolling. Hopefully I can stay awake long enough to reel those mackeral in. It got me thinking...why is starting up my own consultant agency so difficult? I have part of the groundwork already laid...Others have gone there before me and done really well.... >_> I need to push myself more.... Maybe just set aside time to do it...but then my Rep credentialing is taking forever and I've tried setting aside time to do it (if the study material for the exam wasn't written lightyears below my level...I am truly overqualified for that type of job, I would be able to force myself to read it faster)... For all this free time I have right now, I guess I have a lot on my plate. And I still need to clean this house! Why didn't I clean today!? All these thoughts keep bombarding me....man once I'm on that boat with the sun searing my pale vampiric skin (I'm not joking...I wear 85 proof sunscreen and jeans and long sleeves year round. The sun is my enemy! ~hisses~ I blistered bad as a kid and continued to blister for years thereafter with as little as 20 minutes in the sun. I learned my lesson for sure! People think I'm a natural redhead because my skin is so pale....) I think I might just fall asleep then... I'm never going to live this down if I fall asleep on that boat. Anyways, thank you for listening. Writing it out does help. I just need to keep believing that things will fall into the right place at the right time *hopefully soon* I think I need to forgive my reference too for not delivering in a timely manner too. She is renovating her house after all. I just wish she had told me it would be a while so I could have scrounged up another one... ~sighs~ Lesson learned. Well, it is about time to completely give up on sleep and just force myself to stay awake. Guess I'll clean house now...just can't vacuum until my husband wakes up.
  17. Welcome to the forums! What romance anime have you already seen?
  18. I don't really see Overlord or Log Horizon as scifi. To me those two are straight up fantasy (and I love em too). But yeah, you seem to like scifi like I like Space Opera and Reverse Harems. You definitely have a better grasp on the scifi pulse than most of us here from what I've seen. If you ever want a RH or SO recommendation however...look me up
  19. There were a bunch of revivals in the recommendation section this morning. Doesn't mean that the OP wouldn't appreciate them.
  20. Psycho PASS.... Steins Gate....Madoka... Can't really think of much more. @efaardvark is our forum member to really ask when it comes to scifi. I bet he has a good list for you.
  21. You might want to look into the Isekai genre (trapped/transported to another world). That is going to be as far from regular life as you can get. If you are in the steampunk mood, try out Last Exile (please understand that the first 1-2 episodes are extremely corny and are in no way representative of the rest of the anime....watch at least 4 episodes before judging and quitting). If you enjoy Space Opera, try Crest of the Stars (followed by Banner of the Stars).
  22. Welcome to the forums Sparrow We're glad you found us.
  23. Welcome to the forum Decisions What are your favorite anime?
  24. Welcome to the soft glow of the forums, Ryu. No more lurking in shadows for you Did you draw that yourself?
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