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Everything posted by efaardvark

  1. This. I recognize the line from the subtitle. I think the scene is from episode 3 or 4. Not sure.. that show is from the "naughties"* and it has been a while since I watched it. (*my word for the years 2000-2009)
  2. Sure, if the zombies haven't gotten to it first. I hid it pretty well though. Every time I come in here I'm reminded of that music video.
  3. There is! I once hid a whole cake in here myself.
  4. That'd be pretty idiotic.. like saying books are against your moral principles because of 50 Shades of Grey, or Lolita. Science Fiction used to have a bad rep too, back in the day. Theodore Sturgeon, a 50s SF author, once said that 90% of everything is crap. You have to judge a medium - any medium - by the 10% that isn't. But, like Beocat said, for people who are looking for a reason to bash anime, hentai is a convenient strawman.
  5. First I have to say that I'm not big on arena-style games or games like quake or Doom where someone/something is always either shooting at you or being shot at by you. The reason I play games is to relax and have fun so pretty much the only games that I play are "feel good" in that sense. That said, Minecraft is probably the best in general. The game itself of course is a sandbox where you can do anything you like, or nothing. My friends and I have a "hard" survival server that we play on, and while that might sound scary and not very relaxing, we're all experienced players with good equipment and we've built several areas that are quite safe where someone can avoid hostile mobs other scary bits altogether if they so choose. Unless a player does something really stupid it is kind of hard for veteran players to get into any real trouble anyway anywhere in minecraft's overworld even in a survival game even if building out in the wilderness. The safe areas are good places to zone out while crafting or farming, to goof off while socializing, to build a new house/castle/statue, or whatever. And if you're looking for a little adventure then getting to the Nether or going spelunking is simple enough. The other game I play a lot is Kerbal Space Program. I'm generally "left-brained" so I find designing vehicles in the "VAB" (Vehicle Assembly Building) to be quite relaxing. Game-time is stopped in the VAB so there's no time pressure and I can spend all day in there. Once built, flying a good vehicle and planning/completing a mission has high satisfaction value. Even when you're zooming around in-game working on completing a contract, most of the time in KSP you're just waiting around for the next event so you have chances to stop and look at the scenery. I have a number of visual mods and a decent enough GPU that sometimes I leave the game at normal speed, set aside my left brain, and just use my right brain to sit and marvel at an in-game sunset/sunrise or to watch the ground scroll by below as I float along in orbit. (Unfortunately neither of those games have that great an in-game soundtrack however. They're good enough, but after a while they get repetitive and I usually have something like Spotify going in the background for the noise factor. I even have a "KSP" playlist with music appropriate for space travel for when I play that game.)
  6. I'm on a mission to find some real science fiction anime. Currently watching Classroom Crisis, but that's not really doing it for me. Close, but the tech is fantasy and it'd need to be more about the engineering to qualify otherwise. Robotics; Notes would work, but I've seen that. Likewise Rocket Girls. Looking for another Ghost in the Shell, or Planetes. (Like that's going to happen.) I'd settle for a Space Brothers. I'd re-watch Moonlight Mile to refresh my memory if I could find someplace streaming it. (Unfortunately I've yet to add that one to my DVD collection.)
  7. I played that on the Amiga, back in the day. Bought it the day it came out. Had a blast with it. I even have a little lemming lapel pin that came with it, er, somewhere. Edit: Found it!
  8. I am so with you on this one. Mowing the grass and raking leaves would be another one. (Gardening I'm ok with, but once planted the plants should prune and water themselves, and rake their own leaves, dammit!) I would pay a substantial amount of money for a robot that could do the above, plus weed, wash windows, wash dishes and put them away, gather, sort, wash, fold, and put away laundry, vacuum, dust, etc, etc... Like, price-of-a-car substantial.
  9. Finnish "folk metal" actually. But yeah, sometimes the sound is similar. Even with Olli on violin. :rofl: One of my favorites... Stand Up and Fight
  10. Same here, on occasion. I'm kind of meh on Metallica, but I've got a couple of Blind Guardian albums, and a couple songs on my favorites playlist from bands like Turisas.
  11. I guess you've never played Subnautica then, or explored a water world in No Man's Sky? Hmmm.. I don't have any subtle quirks. Quirks yes, but not subtle ones. Actually, I'm pretty good at pretending I'm normal. Just don't get me started on certain topics unless you have a LOT of time on your hands.. space exploration and nuclear power at least. Maybe one or two others. I also enjoy talking about science in general, but I don't do it often because most people think Star Trek is "science". That or I wind up triggering a flat-earth or climate-denier nut.
  12. I'll stick with my Ghost in the Shell + Planetes + 500 years combo from last time. I have to admit the ecchi/harem idea still has a certain attraction as well, but that's what holodecks are for.
  13. The visuals on this one look awesome, and while fantasy isn't really my thing the co-op play and building aspects could be. This is a pre-production (i.e. wishful thinking) trailer so of course take it with a grain of salt. Still...
  14. After last week's events IRL (Beresheet landing, Falcon Heavy launch) I'm inspired to try and get back to KSP. At this point I need to set up a "real" communications network rather than the ad-hoc one I've got now. In the early game I usually just attach a high-gain antenna and a solar panel to any boost stage that will be staying in orbit. It is kind of random, but it is cheap and tends to provide enough coverage for anything I need to do in the Kerbin system. Occasionally there's a gap in coverage and I can lose control of a probe briefly, but that just keeps things interesting. For deep-space missions beyond Kerbin I need something better however. The early-career antennas don't have the range to reach all the way to Duna or Jool even with tracking station upgrades, and deep-space probes are expensive enough that I don't want to risk losing one just because I lost comms at a critical moment. Now that I've got access to better antennas I'm looking to build a network that gives more reliability and longer range. At the moment I'm browsing my list of KSP streamers, looking for ideas. This one looks about right...
  15. I did like the original Cardcaptor Sakura. I thought the ending was kind of weak however, and I'm not a big fan of the more recent stuff either.
  16. yep.. https://www.crunchyroll.com/world-break-aria-of-curse-for-a-holy-swordsman
  17. Getting an Infinite Stratos sense of deja vu watching this one... [mal type=anime id=22663]
  18. I never got the point of tweets or twittering. I'm not a 140-character sound-bite type person. I do have an account like I have on many social sites, but mostly just because I'm a curious IT-type person. (Anyone remember myspace? Friendster? Google+? Been there, done that too.) IIRC I do have a few people & organizations followed, but I've never looked for followers and don't expect me to reply if you tweet at me. Or indeed even notice, since I don't monitor the account. I've only posted about 3 tweets in my life anyway, and at this point I don't even think I remember my password. If you're still interested after that resounding endorsement ( ) you can check out @jmgrant.
  19. efaardvark


    Haven't tried the switch version, but I used to play the heck out of it on the Apple and the Game Boy. Even my mom used to steal my Game Boy to play it.
  20. Graphics aren't that bad today either. Been windy here so there's a bit of dust, but at least for now the smog is gone..
  21. Tesla's "Mad Max" mode is "far too civilized" for LA traffic??  I have no trouble believing that.  🤣


  22. I've owned dogs, cats, turtles, hamsters, birds, newts, frogs, lizards, spiders, various insects, and snakes. (So far.) They're all cool in some way, but of those dogs are my favorites, no contest. They are social creatures that you can interact with, even talk to, and have them respond in kind. Cats are probably second, but they're kind of assholes. They just want to be fed and scratched, then it's like, "Don't bother me, Human."
  23. Awesome.  Especially the part with the two side boosters coming back in formation to land at the Cape.  I could watch a loop of that sequence all day...


  24. Well, Beresheet went splat (crunch? <insert sound of lithobreaking spacecraft here>), but we still have the Falcon Heavy launch/landings to look forward to.

    1. LonelyPoet


      We need to build a brigade 


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