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Everything posted by Xyro

  1. Weather can be an utter pain for any internet related tomfoolary, as I have too been required to put up a tussle with mine. Also, hello by the way!!! *Finger guns anyone and everyone* Been a long time since I've been here! Place is looking as chill as ever ^^
  2. Ehh, drinking is one of those things where its a hit or a miss for me. if I find something I like, I'll have a good o'll swig every now and then (Maybe 1 or two every few months, especially If I'm out anywhere with buds, or at a meeting... meetings are weird ) Regardless though, I am no connoisseur of alcohol by any stretch of the imagination. My non-existant specialties will always remain in variations of tea, I suppose
  3. I sleep for around 6 hours on a good evening. But to be honest, i wish I could sleep more. I sometimes feel allot better sleeping then waking. Mostly because I have a place of my own design, and a universe to explore.... ....Unlike now, in the waking world, where I have allot of work to do
  4. O_O I would like to try both..... But if i had to choose I would rather try dorayaki first.
  5. O_o So many Sneks! So much slither! Too much io! Game is good game. Rate 7/10 Needs more pudding cups.
  6. A bit late from me, but welcome to the anime forums Vivi ^w^ I hope you enjoy it here. Like always, we have cookies in the back.... And we DID have pudding cups, but somebody ate them all... *stares at AniMeFReaK*
  7. I feel OK. Not good, not bad. just peachy ^w^ .....Although I wish somebody would get more pudding cups for the forum.... *Looks over to the anime forum fridge, which has a single half-eaten pudding cup sat in the center of its barren shelves* .......... ;-;
  8. Northernlion and the rest of the NLSS crew. All of them are great! ^w^
  9. Lol, I forgot that I still had my good old Chihiro Emote!

    Good times! ^w^


  10. Xyro



    I challenge you to an all out Hedgehog war!

    The winner....

    ...gets ALL the pudding cups! O_O

    1. Optic


      Hedgehog war?

      What does that involve? :P

    2. Xyro


      Gathering a huge force of hedgehogs and going into full-on war!

      But I also bring my secret weapon.... Porcupines!

      Their quills will block out the sun!


  11. Ok, so I know this is a little late into it, but I have received two more questions through PM, and I would like to share them anyway. Now, the first one that I get quite allot is advice when it comes to relationships and so forth. While I'm not truly experienced in this topic (Since I currently have no interest in a relationship, and I am completely dedicated to nothing but work and making sure friends, family and myself are ok) I can happily say without a doubt that this mostly falls into a category that I like to call "Get to know a person before you jump the boat." Thing is, you cannot rush a relationship. It takes more then a few months to get to know a person properly. In-fact, it should take you a year in order to fully understand and be with a person to get to know them fully. While some will disagree with me, you are completely entitled to do so, but like I always say; If it takes you at least 18-24 years to find out about yourself, then I don't think your going to learn about a new person in one or two months. That's ridiculous. Still, on this account, you also need to consider the situations surrounding the two of you. Obviously, certain relationships may be harder to maintain, due to work or distance. Regardless, this may prove an issue, however this should only be seen as a negative if it actively impairs the two of you. otherwise, simply finding ways around the problem is always advised, as doing so shows love and devotion to your partner. Anyway, like I said, I really shouldn't give love advice, since I wouldn't really know where to begin It's an experience that you as an individual have to learn. It affects us in so many different ways, that it is next to impossible to give direct advice. All I would suggest is holding back for a while (Aka, get to know the person better, and don't rush things, or it can come across as forced), always remain a gentlemen/lady and respect the other member within the relationship. you are both individuals after all, and you both have separate ideas and needs, such as the financial, medical and family situations. And lastly, just be yourself ^w^ If the person wont accept you for who you actually are, then it was possibly not love in the first place. .... The second question I seem to receive quite often is why I use "^w^" So much. Well, that's actually a fairly long story. A long time ago (Aka, 3 years. not actually that long, but you know ) I used to be a competitive player on a game called "Block and load" Sounds stupid, but I got on pretty well with the community (Its small now, but back then it was fairly big). When I was within the community, I used to do a tone of live-streams and competitive matches within the game, especially with the actual developers (Most were pretty nice, although one of them was one of my arch rivals at one stage.). While it was fun, I used to be called..... Well..... ....Cinnamon roll..... Don't you dare laugh! I know you are laughing! Anyway, i was called that because I wanted to make a "Emote" that was unique to me, so that whenever I was in a match, I could use it to signify that it was actually me playing. Regardless, that meant that quite allot of the players within the community saw me as a "Mascot" player, so I was dubbed the nickname of cinnamon roll, even when playing competitively. I also never used a mic, so while everyone was chatting away, i would type and play at the same time, which was rather tricky but kind of fun. Heck, i even did a live panel at one point, which was me and about twelve others from the community, and they thought it would be funny to make my stand a cardboard box with a giant neon sign above it with "Cinnamon roll". Anyway, long story short, i use ^w^ quite often in honor of that, because lets face it... ....if you cant beat them, join them
  12. Well, here we are again... I would like to start this off by simply saying that at times being down really, really sucks. We've all been through it, since its just human nature. But tell me why it has to be such a great weight, huh? Now, I always try to stay as positive as I can, but sometimes things get to me. Recently I have been going through some stuff, and in all honesty I just feel unhappy all the time. While its not exactly apparent on the surface, it feels as though there is a little part in the back of my brain that's rotting. Like a nagging doubt and decay. Either way, I just tell it to stuff it! I'm not giving in to some nagging mournful voice of doubt. I've had this before, and i sure as hell am not having it again! Anyway, regardless, the point in this was not for me to complain. In fact, I actually wanted to vent about why I love the anime forums so damn much. Over the, well, I would like to say two years as a a cover, of being on this forum, it has slowly become much like a home to me. Everyone here is like family, and I wouldn't change that for the world. So, thank you so much Optic, and everyone who has been along for the ride. it's wonderful to have such an amazing community, and I look forward to seeing where we all end up in the next few years. So yeah, just know that you are all amazing people, and you all deserve to know that. Here, we are family. Anyway, like I said, thank you so much for allowing me to feel welcome in such a loving community. Without it, I don't think I would be as happy as I always am now ^w^ (P.S: Don't worry about me either I will be fine in about a month or two. I cant stay unhappy for long. I'm too positive...... )
  13. The magic of pixel art and Photoshop ^w^
  14. Been feeling a little.... off recently. Not sure why though, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm just incredibly tired from a mix of college and personal things. xD

    Hope things go back to the way they used to be xD I want to feel less tired all the time ^w^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tefutakato


      You should try to rest and relax when you can. Take a walk or go out with some family or friends. Or just hang around here if you like. 

  15. Cut off mid sentence, The trooper was grappled from behind by one of the creatures. Raising it's ugly, distorted head above his neck, the creature let out an unnatural squeal of both pain and joy, as it went to sink it's morphed fangs into his neck.


    Staring the creature dead in the only disfigured eye it had, the soldier went to accept his fate…


    ….as the creature's head exploded.


    Standing at the edge of the building, Davis held his Blunderbuss aloft. Smoke drifted out of the end of the barrel, as he slowly unscrewed his flask with one hand and took a quick swig.


    In disbelief, the soldier tried to form words in his mouth, but he just couldn't. Pushing the carcass off himself, he picked up his sword, Gave a quick and appreciative nod to Davis, and continued on his way.


    Watching the soldier rush off to join the others, Davis once again sat beside Pint, and continued to feed ammunition into the weapon.


    Pint: (Throwing a few quick glances over to Davis, smiling) ‘Ya know lad, you're pretty damn accurate with that thing! How can ya aim a gun with that kind of spread anyway?’


    After a few seconds of silently staring off into the distance, Davis responded just as he was about to take another sip from his flask.


    Davis Drafter: (Without a smile, still staring off into the distance) ‘...I don't...’


    As Davis re-screwed the flask shut, it took pint a few seconds to get what he meant. Cracking yet another smile and shaking his head, Pint returned to laying waste to the onslaught of disfigured demons.

    1. Xyro


      You know, just in case you forgot that the stories still going xD

  16. Xyro


    I'm a lucid dreamer, so I can take control of what I dream about, as well as details everything within the world I design. Its also pretty great, since I get to feel everything as if of was real Anyway, my last dream was kind of boring to be fair. I was put on management duty for the task bots within my headquarters, so all I was doing was watching and testing the A.I's AI with Atsuko for the evening. I mean, we did solve a few errors, but most of them revolved around their own idiocy, so we just had to tell them what to do in detail and they did it. Then after that I just spent the remainder of the time writing down notes for Ryu in the library. That was also pretty boring, but at least Miu came in and summoned an Imp on the table. She's getting better at that stuff I guess But yeah, that's kind-of a basic summary of my evening (If you have no clue what I am wrattling on about then don't worry about it XD)
  17. Mechy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    1. mechaBD


      Xyro! I was hoping to see some familiar faces! How are you?

    2. Xyro


      I'm doing great! How about yourself? ^w^

    3. mechaBD


      Good. Same as always! ^__^

  18. You know, if anybody out there is looking to hire somebody to aid them in hedgehog warfare in order to raid all their enemies pudding cup's....

    ....you know who to call ^w^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AniMeFReaK


      *stops eating @Xyro-san's pudding and looks up* @Wh-wh-whaat?! No!! I was hired by @RandomPersonNo.1 to raid your pudding cup with my ultra power saving machine gun with bullets made from the sun, the moon, all the stars in the galaxy and some red dwarfs!!  I swear it wasn't my idea!!

      One the other hand, you said that we know who to call. Of course we do!! We need @AniMeFReaK!!!! The grand master of all time! Am I right?:naughty:

    3. Xyro



      How dare you! We are now arch-nemesis! Prepare to face the power of a million hedgehogs at full throttle, and the one, the only...... porcupine!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      ( This is why I'm not aloud into shops anymore xD the hedgehogs eat everything)

  19. Welcome to AF Sayuri! I hope you enjoy it here ^^ We have cookies! Help yourself to them if you need any!
  20. Well, hey all! ^w^ I have been working with pixel art models for a little while, and I have to say that while i am not exactly good at it, i have made a few GIF's here and there. Here is one of my newer ones: While its not exactly smooth, I simply made it as a proof of reference for when I need to try and make another jump animation in the future. Regardless, If anybody is interested in knowing more about my Pixel art or other art stuff, then please feel free to ask ^^ I'm sure to post it regardless, since I really like sharing them
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