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The History Kid

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16 hours ago, Animedragon said:

Nice. And your desk is so neat and tidy, mine's a total mess!!

I have to keep everything organized or I get really annoyed and feel crowded lol

9 hours ago, Sasuke said:

Nice Gaara, but no Sasuke? 

I haven't started ordering my Sasuke stuff yet, but I do want to get some Sasu/Saku stuff for my school desk that's in my bedroom :3

8 hours ago, Soramee_ said:

Oh nice setup! It looks really cozy

Thanks ~! I've been working on this desk area for awhile trying to make it like a really cozy/relaxing place but I'm not sure I'm entirely done with the whole set up yet. There are a few more things I wanted to get. 

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I don’t think I ever showed the figurines I got recently so since I was cleaning them I took photo of all of the ones I have:


also just got the haruhi Chan dvd and the celebration of Haruhi Suzumiya which means that I now own every dvd or Blu-ray or manga or light novel of each haruhi related thing except the disappearance of nagato in manga and anime form


also finally got a ps4 controller that I could use on pc


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49 minutes ago, Soramee_ said:

I don’t think I ever showed the figurines I got recently so since I was cleaning them I took photo of all of the ones I have:


also just got the haruhi Chan dvd and the celebration of Haruhi Suzumiya which means that I now own every dvd or Blu-ray or manga or light novel of each haruhi related thing except the disappearance of nagato in manga and anime form


also finally got a ps4 controller that I could use on pc


I love your little Asuna and Hatsune Miku figure, very cute ^^ 

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The latest things I got I ordered from Amazon which were Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile (which is a book that has information about what happens after the original game, but before the Advent Children movie. I only need the original story, I don't want to buy the FFVII Remake and then have to buy 2 more just to finish the same story. Oh, and I bought The Last Remnant Remastered for my Switch which I'm not positive, but I think it's only available in the eShop. I've got the guide for the original one, but I never got to use it because apparently I sold it before I ever got to play it. >< >< >< >< The guide refers to Xbox button controls, but I just needed to write where which button would be on the Switch on a page of notebook paper which has apparently made the the buttons the guide refers to a lot easier to interpret to my Switch's controls. It's an AWESOME game!!!! There's a big brother in it whose little sister was kidnapped who he's trying to find and save. It's kind of how it felt when Jackie was trapped in a toxic relationship with one of the creepiest and vile scum of the Earth guys that I've ever heard of who was, unfortunately, the guy she had to try to get away from which she shortly died after doing so and coming to live with us... It really felt like she was held captive by that guy since he was so abusive... So, at least in The Last Remnant Remastered I can at least imagine being able to save my sister when she was taken from us. It's a fun game. In a lot of ways it reminds me of Final Fantasy XII. Its graphics are GORGEOUS!!!! I'm really glad I still have the guide to that game since a remastered game is basically just the same game with some enhancements instead of a remake. It's my new favorite game. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Well, at least lately. I guess I've got a lot of favorite games. ^^; ^^; ^^; ^^;

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Got a handful of space-related pins today.  Included were items for Psyche, Ingenuity, the Cold Atom Lab, Odyssey, and Neowise missions.

Psyche is the one currently en-route to the metal asteroid of the same name.  It is carrying a laser-based communications experiment and was launched about a year ago towards a rendezvous with 16 Psyche in 2029 after a flyby of Mars for a gravity-assist.

Ingenuity is of course the helicopter / drone that has been the aerial companion for the Perseverance Mars Rover for the past several years.  It recently damaged a rotor on landing so its flying days are over but it's intact and its electronics functional so it'll be sending meteorological data and images from its final landing site until its solar panels dust over and it goes the way of the Spirit and Opportunity rovers.

The Cold Atom Lab is an experiment that was carried on board the ISS for a while to study BECs or Bose-Einstein Condensates, an odd state of matter that forms when certain type of atoms get extremely cold and merge their quantum states together.

Mars Odyssey is one of the oldest Mars orbiters still functioning.  It is one of the key relay satellites for the mars rovers on the surface and the pin is commemorating its 100,000th orbit of Mars.

Neowise is an end-of-life mission that was designed to identify and categorize NEO asteroids and comets.  NEO stands for Near Earth Orbit and NEOWISE identified over 150,000 of them during its service life.  NEO objects are of interest because they are the easiest to get to for scientific study and they're the most likely to be the ones to be able to cause harm by impacting the Earth.


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2 hours ago, efaardvark said:

Got a handful of space-related pins today.  Included were items for Psyche, Ingenuity, the Cold Atom Lab, Odyssey, and Neowise missions.

Psyche is the one currently en-route to the metal asteroid of the same name.  It is carrying a laser-based communications experiment and was launched about a year ago towards a rendezvous with 16 Psyche in 2029 after a flyby of Mars for a gravity-assist.

Ingenuity is of course the helicopter / drone that has been the aerial companion for the Perseverance Mars Rover for the past several years.  It recently damaged a rotor on landing so its flying days are over but it's intact and its electronics functional so it'll be sending meteorological data and images from its final landing site until its solar panels dust over and it goes the way of the Spirit and Opportunity rovers.

The Cold Atom Lab is an experiment that was carried on board the ISS for a while to study BECs or Bose-Einstein Condensates, an odd state of matter that forms when certain type of atoms get extremely cold and merge their quantum states together.

Mars Odyssey is one of the oldest Mars orbiters still functioning.  It is one of the key relay satellites for the mars rovers on the surface and the pin is commemorating its 100,000th orbit of Mars.

Neowise is an end-of-life mission that was designed to identify and categorize NEO asteroids and comets.  NEO stands for Near Earth Orbit and NEOWISE identified over 150,000 of them during its service life.  NEO objects are of interest because they are the easiest to get to for scientific study and they're the most likely to be the ones to be able to cause harm by impacting the Earth.


That's really neat! 😮 

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7 hours ago, efaardvark said:

Got a handful of space-related pins today.  Included were items for Psyche, Ingenuity, the Cold Atom Lab, Odyssey, and Neowise missions.

Psyche is the one currently en-route to the metal asteroid of the same name.  It is carrying a laser-based communications experiment and was launched about a year ago towards a rendezvous with 16 Psyche in 2029 after a flyby of Mars for a gravity-assist.

Ingenuity is of course the helicopter / drone that has been the aerial companion for the Perseverance Mars Rover for the past several years.  It recently damaged a rotor on landing so its flying days are over but it's intact and its electronics functional so it'll be sending meteorological data and images from its final landing site until its solar panels dust over and it goes the way of the Spirit and Opportunity rovers.

The Cold Atom Lab is an experiment that was carried on board the ISS for a while to study BECs or Bose-Einstein Condensates, an odd state of matter that forms when certain type of atoms get extremely cold and merge their quantum states together.

Mars Odyssey is one of the oldest Mars orbiters still functioning.  It is one of the key relay satellites for the mars rovers on the surface and the pin is commemorating its 100,000th orbit of Mars.

Neowise is an end-of-life mission that was designed to identify and categorize NEO asteroids and comets.  NEO stands for Near Earth Orbit and NEOWISE identified over 150,000 of them during its service life.  NEO objects are of interest because they are the easiest to get to for scientific study and they're the most likely to be the ones to be able to cause harm by impacting the Earth.


What a great haul of interesting pins.

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My latest acquisition is this novel "The Hikikomori". It's a really interesting story and a good read about a young girl named Miko who as a result of  some bad experiences retreats into her room and becomes a hikikomori and how a simple situation forces her to go out of her apartment where a chance encounter throws her fully into the world once more.


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13 hours ago, Animedragon said:

My latest acquisition is this novel "The Hikikomori". It's a really interesting story and a good read about a young girl named Miko who as a result of  some bad experiences retreats into her room and becomes a hikikomori and how a simple situation forces her to go out of her apartment where a chance encounter throws her fully into the world once more.


That's cool though sounds like a good story to it! 

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Mom let me get a game and I knew what I wanted when I saw it: Wolf Simulator: RPG Survival Animal Battle. I've always had a love for wolves. I don't know why or how or even how to describe why I love them, but I've loved them ever since I was a little kid. Sometimes I even wish I was one because of how much I hate being human sometimes. I'm going to dive right into it after posting this. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

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7 minutes ago, Mur Mur said:

I bought this to record vocals and add it to my collection "I have a serious problem" lol ezgif-7-69146b4a73.thumb.jpg.bbdb4969bc05a8f47cfa2fa0e4eb542f.jpgezgif-7-68f3d1bf8d.thumb.jpg.acf483978aef7c4fc2651fa5861c51f2.jpg

Looks like a nice piece of kit, good make too. What problems are you having with it, or is it just that your problem is that you like buying new kit? I sometimes have that problem too. 😃

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