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@AnimedragonDamn I guess that's the difference in our schools then, I went to a run-of-the-mill High School in the middle of the 2010s. Saw people sleeping all the time, not every day but often enough that it wasn't ever surprising.

The general understanding was that if you were asleep, that's your choice. They aren't gonna stop class for a kid that clearly decided they dont really care, they can just miss out. Not every teacher thought this way but enough of them did that I never got in any real trouble for it.

This education system ain't shit anyway, I got good grades in school despite always being sleepy and taking naps. Most of the teachers are no good at passing their knowledge onto their students so missing the actual lessons didn't usually produce much difference unless it was like, Algebra.

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4 minutes ago, AlwaysSearching said:

@AnimedragonDamn I guess that's the difference in our schools then, I went to a run-of-the-mill High School in the middle of the 2010s. Saw people sleeping all the time, not every day but often enough that it wasn't ever surprising.

The general understanding was that if you were asleep, that's your choice. They aren't gonna stop class for a kid that clearly decided they dont really care, they can just miss out. Not every teacher thought this way but enough of them did that I never got in any real trouble for it.

This education system ain't shit anyway, I got good grades in school despite always being sleepy and taking naps. Most of the teachers are no good at passing their knowledge onto their students so missing the actual lessons didn't usually produce much difference unless it was like, Algebra.

I was in school during the 1960's and I guess things have changed a bit since then.

Actually my old school wasn't a bad school, it just wasn't a very good one. Very few of the teachers were any good a passing on their knowledge.

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5 hours ago, Animedragon said:

When I was at school sleeping at your desk would get you into serious trouble and usually meant being sent to the headmaster's study. One of my teachers threw things at sleepers, usually whatever he had to hand, and his aim was deadly accurate! 😨

Sleeping anywhere else in the school was very high risk because the school bullies would do nasty things to you, or your stuff, or both, while you were sleeping. 😱

That seem scary 😨. My french teacher is also like that and she would always aim to scare or make fun out of them by some way or another. Just so you know what type of person she is she said: The laws doesn't permit me to hit you sadly... .

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7 hours ago, Soramee_ said:

That seem scary 😨. My french teacher is also like that and she would always aim to scare or make fun out of them by some way or another. Just so you know what type of person she is she said: The laws doesn't permit me to hit you sadly... .

It was a bit scary, but it kept everyone in line. While I agree with banning the use of the cane I think the problem is that there was no suitable and effective replacement. A couple of my friends used to be teachers and said that without any effective form of punishment for wrongdoing the unruly students just looked at them and said "so what are you going to do about it?" knowing full well that there wasn't much the teacher could do.

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@AnimedragonIdk man, I think it says a lot about the teachers if physical harm is all they can think of to effectively punish students. Not to mention how many kids just come from bad homes and only act out because they lost the "Parent Lottery", getting smacked around at school isn't gonna make them better people.

Physical punishment is just a detterant, it doesn't usually teach any lessons besides "it hurts to get hit by a thing".

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The whole discipline thing is a complex issue with so many variables; home environment, parents, peer groups etc. I don't think anyone has really come up with an effective way of both punishing people and teaching them to be a better member of society. 

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I've been smacked in the hand with a folder of books once in school (2017) for falling asleep but yeah I gotta agree, some of the best naps were in school especially in my last two years, so exhausted all the time! 

Anyway, feeling pretty good today. 

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12 hours ago, Animedragon said:

While I agree with banning the use of the cane I think the problem is that there was no suitable and effective replacement. A couple of my friends used to be teachers and said that without any effective form of punishment for wrongdoing the unruly students just looked at them and said "so what are you going to do about it?" knowing full well that there wasn't much the teacher could do.

I agree.  Not only that but public schools here in the US are paid for attendance, not education, so troublemakers can’t be dealt with in any way that removes them from the class.  Even if you do try something like suspension, the parents come back with, “well what am I supposed to do with them?”  Basically schools are a weird form of publicly subsidized daycare.  If you manage to get any sort of education out of the deal then that’s likely more attributable to the parents and teacher(s) conspiring against the system than because of.

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On 4/29/2022 at 11:53 AM, AlwaysSearching said:

Congratulations man! You're doing things right to be able to feel that way, hope you're able to soak it all in!

Thank you, I've been working hard and the acknowledgment and love being sent my way is a big surprise. Don't want to get into the details because I'm looking ahead but I've pulled myself from a low place. Work is assisting me through school so I can get a degree. I'll be a business partner in the Summer. Next year I want to sell my own merch like try for a brand because I've been experimenting with art styles. It started as therapy kind of. I'm probably getting too ahead of myself lol but yeah the support blindsided me and it's a good feeling. 

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Honestly felt more rested when I woke up @ 4:30 am than when the alarm went off 2 hrs later. Shower didn’t help much. The day doesn’t really seem to be dragging, just that I’m not in the same place physically & mentally. Becoming far too frequent a feeling.

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2 hours ago, Ohayotaku said:

just that I’m not in the same place physically & mentally

spacer.pngyeah, that’s a pretty good representation 😵

Too many frivolous things rattling around inside my head to focus on what I need to be doing

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Feeling pretty good, been enjoying the sun and meeting up with old school friends for some football. 

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Wonderful. Beautiful morning, hot tea, getting things done. My day should finish early today, so I may have some extra time to relax!

Do not recommend listening at work. 😴 Last night I went right to sleep with this. 

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16 minutes ago, Otaking66lives said:

Working on a day off? Irritated...

There’s the work you get paid to do. And then there’s the work you don’t get paid for, but still have to do 😂

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