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Got severe weather so it's been a really gloomy Friday. Therefore I scored me some buffalo wings from the bar near my house to munch on while I binge watch Studio Ghibli movies.

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Sarazanmai, Hora Mimi season 2 and Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin. I'm up to date with the first 2 to the latest episode that aired. I only begun watching Mayonaka yesterday so I'm yet to catch up with that one.

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@TsuchiMaika While not one of my top series, I’m nevertheless enjoying Midnight Occult  Civil Servants (Huehuecoyotl in particular is an entertaining character :lol: )

I suppose I should at least give Sarazanmai a look since I enjoyed Penguindrum, though I think it may prove a little too weird for me :P

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@Ohiotaku Sarazanmai is good but heard a lot of people say it's too weird for them because they didn't realise the grossest part would just be repeated and it wouldn't get worse. It kind of blends in, looking somewhat normal after a few episodes before they get less repetitive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finished the special episode of Reincarnated as a Slime on CR. Plenty of laughs and fanservice (though not all the good kind :lol:). Very enjoyable. Kinda curious why it was listed as episode 2 though.

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I think the implication is there were 2 special episodes, but CR only got the rights to one of them.

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18 minutes ago, Seshi said:

@Ohiotaku how far did you get in Sarazanmai?

I actually finished it. Funny thing is my biggest complaint isn’t with the weird/disgusting/controversial aspects but how repetitive a lot of it was. It tends to suck you in though as each ep ends on a reveal about one of the characters that makes you curious to see how they elaborate on it. While the ending didn’t make the emotional impact on me that I had hoped, I’m still glad I saw it through.

I totally understand a lot of people dropping it because I have some issues with it myself, but if you want something different from the norm and are patient & not too easily grossed out I think it’s a worthwhile experience. As a matter of comparison I would hold it up to PenguinDrum or Flip Flappers.

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12 minutes ago, Ohiotaku said:

I actually finished it. Funny thing is my biggest complaint isn’t with the weird/disgusting/controversial aspects but how repetitive a lot of it was. It tends to suck you in though as each ep ends on a reveal about one of the characters that makes you curious to see how they elaborate on it. While the ending didn’t make the emotional impact on me that I had hoped, I’m still glad I saw it through.

I totally understand a lot of people dropping it because I have some issues with it myself, but if you want something different from the norm and are patient & not too easily grossed out I think it’s a worthwhile experience. As a matter of comparison I would hold it up to PenguinDrum or Flip Flappers.

I read the synopsis and character details and it seemed interesting enough. Not sure what weird or disturbing things you mentioned are in it, but as long as it’s not hentai I think I’ll be alright 

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17 minutes ago, Seshi said:

but as long as it’s not hentai I think I’ll be alright 

Not actually hentai but some of the imagery/symbolism is ... suggestive

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I'm rewatching Dragon Ball and gradually watching through Jojo for the first time. Jojo is without a doubt one of the stupidest things I have ever watched and I have loved every second of it so far.

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1 minute ago, OraOraOuroboros said:

Currently watching Slam Dunk. It's been a fun ride so far. Only been one game so far, but it was intense.

I’m watching Slam Dunk as well! Are you watching the sub or dub? 

Aren't those little intermissions at half time funny 🤣

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2 minutes ago, Seshi said:

I’m watching Slam Dunk as well! Are you watching the sub or dub? 

Aren't those little intermissions at half time funny 🤣

Watching the sub since the dub didn't get very far. Yeah they are kinda funny.

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Just now, OraOraOuroboros said:

Watching the sub since the dub didn't get very far. Yeah they are kinda funny.

I didn’t know if they dub was stopped or if Crunchyroll just didn’t fully upload it 🤣 yes that dub was pretty bad. It turned the whole series into a comedy

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Just started watching a new series with my hubby, since we both don’t have Shield hero to occupy our Wednesday’s anymore. 

Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan. It’s on Netflix, it’s in dub. And it’s pretty good so far.

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Decided to rewatch The Devil Is A Part-Timer with my fiance since he has never seen it. I haven't seen it in a few years and I figured he might like it.

Also got him started on the new Fruits Basket series. Might have to steer him to the old one as well now.

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