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I just got back into watching my anime and I’m literally on episode 11 of Another as we speak.  I’m going to finish the series shortly.  

Maybe I’m wrong but I thought the general consensus was that it was just okay.

But I’ve been in love with the series since the beginning!  I have found it utterly fantastic and most importantly intriguing!

I’ve also come to absolutely love the intro song.  I’ve become hooked on it.  

Ill let you know here in a bit as soon as I’ve finished it my final verdict but I LOVE IT!

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1 hour ago, Fireduck said:

Maybe I’m wrong but I thought the general consensus was that it was just okay.

It was good, if you're into horror.  I'm not, but I watched the whole thing anyway.  That alone says something.  I also refer it to people who are into the genre.  Nothing wrong with it as far as I'm concerned.. other that it is horror/thriller and I'm not into that.

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12 minutes ago, efaardvark said:

It was good, if you're into horror.  I'm not, but I watched the whole thing anyway.  That alone says something.  I also refer it to people who are into the genre.  Nothing wrong with it as far as I'm concerned.. other that it is horror/thriller and I'm not into that.

That does say something.  I absolutely love the horror genre so I very much enjoyed it.  8/10 from me.

I was drawn into the mystery from the the very beginning until the very end.  Very good anime for me.

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Somehow I wound up (re)watching Log Horizon today.  Not sure how I got started on it, but when the caffeine kicked in and the morning haze cleared I found that I was about 3 episodes in on the first season.  I *think* I was looking for a particular scene, but somewhere along the way I completely forgot what I was doing and just started watching.  :D  So of course I had to watch the rest of it. 

Oh well, no harm done.  I was just planning on playing with the new "Moar Boosters" KSP update anyway.  1.8 has a few bugs however, and the Unity update + the refactoring broke all my mods.  Not a big deal if that effort gets deferred until the first bug fix.  By then hopefully the modders will have updated their mods as well.  There's worse ways to waste time than watching Log Horizon.

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On 4/7/2013 at 10:07 AM, Taalen said:

Re-watching FMA - Brotherhood, Psycho-pass is on the backburner for now.

No idea why, just feel like watching Brotherhood xD

 it under the pretext of getting ideas for a visual effects fyp project. It's like being introduce to the different technologies and seeing if anything sparks off an idea in me.

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On 10/27/2019 at 9:53 AM, Rainbow Gear said:

From the New World


Not a big fan of Naruto tho.  Dr. Stone is on my list but I'm a post-season binge-watcher and I haven't seen it yet.

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Currently airing series:

My Hero Academia season 4
Dr. Stone
No Guns Life
Rise Up Animal Road
Cautious Hero
After School Dice Club

Gegege no Kitaro
Fire Force
Bokuben season 2

Didn’t I Say to Make my Abilities Average 
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun
HS Prodigies isekai
Outburst Dreamer Boys
Ascendance of a Bookworm
Kabukichou Sherlock
Special 7

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hello guys


Watching the Monogatari series. Currently on Monogatari Series: 2nd Season. At first I didn’t think I wouldn’t enjoy the Monogatari series because of all the things people say about it, but honestly I love it. The characters and story are great. Would recommend.

thanks and regards
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/13/2019 at 7:41 PM, Oakmi said:

Currently as of 11/13/19 I am watching "Back Street Girls" which as of Episode 10 is amusing and a fun little no thinker.

Looked funny.

I'm rewatching Yuu Yuu Hakusho

Just started Jojos bizarre adventure

Continuing MHA season 4, and Vinland Saga weekly.

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Currently on episode 6 of Golden Kamuy.  Really like it so far.  Need to go back to Made in Abyss and Freezing since I just stopped in the middle.  Nothing wrong with them.  Just got busy with life and then when I went back to watching anime I choose to start Golden Kamuy since I just received my LE from Rightstuf.

Looking at my shelf I have SOOO much anime I need to watch...jeez....


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