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What Manga Are You Reading Now?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently reading Chi no Wadachi. I quite liked the author's previous work, Happiness, but I was severely disappointed by the ending.

I hope this won't follow the same route. It's been quite slow; a slow burn, so to speak. But I like it. It seems to be building up to a plot twist, and I'm hoping it's not something cheap and cheesy, haha. I *think* I have an idea of what might happen -


There have been hints that Seichi might've been the one to have pushed his cousin off of the cliff; that he was the one that somehow caused the cat's death. In that case, it would reframe the entire series in a whole different light, that his mother willingly took the blame because she loved him so much. Though she might also be the one to blame for all that has happened? I feel like that that's where this is going. That she scarred him deeply, at one point, and that that's the reason why he turned out so strange... /ramble


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I am currently reading One Punch Man and My Hero Academia. All caught up with One Punch Man, so while I wait for new chapters to come out, I am trying to catch up with My Hero Academia. If I can catch up with that, I might start a 3rd series. Kind of how I do with anime. Well exactly as I do with anime. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished Kimi Wa Pet (my first Josei manga and I devoured it in 3 days) and I just discovered Blame! Think I might not be able to put this one down either. Very little dialogue but, I think it reminds me of the HeavyMetal magazine I used to read back I  the day. 😁

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reading Boruto. I honestly don’t know why, I haven’t even gotten to Shippuden but honestly the spoilers are really predictable. Hey, Naruto is Hokage! Duh.
Sakura and Sauske got together! Duh. 
But anyways, I’m also reading 10 Count, Dr. Stone, Blue Exorcist, MHA, and MHA: Vigilantes

yeah, I know. I read a lot. 

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I just read Metamorphosis... Left me depressed 

DISCLAIMER!- this manga contains highly sexual content! Im not suggesting this manga to anyone underage to watch it!

This manga is extremly dark, it is clearly not meant for light hearted ppl. The story was quite sad from ths begining

The plot is dark but sadly it is very relatable to the real world. ShindoL who is the auther has tried to call out flaws in our scociety

Many of you are probably going to think "Oh my god this mans so perve! He read a hentai!" But trust me, this manga provides no pleasure, at least not to me. It has a cold harsh message which is quite disterbing and i think it was conwayed in the best way possible, as it potrayed a very dark picture to the young generation which is the most likely to go through something the protagonist went through in the manga. The auther himself said reffering to the manga  "This could happen to anyone."

If u r old enough u should give it a go BUT i warn you it is NOT censored and contains a lot of nudity.

DO NOT HATE ON ME! i just watched a really great review video about this manga i wasnt looking for horny content!...Please?

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Going back to one of my favourites

Re:reading tokyo ghoul 

That was kinda smart...the Re: cuz like tokyo ghoul: re....no?...ok

Edited by Omega-Sama
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just finished reading Chobits.

I have been thinking about reading it for a few weeks now. Yesterday I spent a lot of my day reading the first sixty or so chapters and finished reading it today. I might write a review of the anime, so I will not say more about what I thought about it for now.

I have no idea why I have never watched the anime. It is one of those that I saw every now and then on anime lists and I have seen the intro often, but for some reason never watched the actual anime. Not sure if I will watch it in Japanese or English. I will start watching it today (already watched the first few minutes).

Edited by Illusion of Terra
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm currently reading One Piece online(that's the only one tht's like a weekly recurrence) but I have been loving "The Way of the House Husband" and I'm collecting the graphic novels of that and I just started one called Stupid Crazy Love... It's premise was a girl who can't get anything done has a new editor who don't take no GUFF and she tries to be better and get work actually done on time. I can super relate to that and it is a rom com so I'm hoping to see some working adults being rom commy kinda cute.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

I've been reading "Leveling up, by only eating" with the mentality of watching a random korean solo-leveling be like manhwa, but surprisingly it was a fun read with quite a  variety of points that make it unique. Fun read as I said, don't read if you're hungry now!

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Uh moderator please delete my previous post I sent it in the middle of my sentence... Anyways I started reading Brutal Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku and it's amazing so far, I love it and I read it on mangago but where the hell is the rest? There's only like 8 chapters on their I really need information about it's current state.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/21/2019 at 5:37 AM, efaardvark said:

Ok, so here's a question...  For a while now I've thought about getting into manga as a way to learn to read Japanese.  I can handle most spoken Japanese in anime - "anime Japanese" is easy(er) anyway - and I can do a decent enough job sight-reading kana.  With a little practice I could probably read it pretty well.  (I'm very good at reading English material btw.. I can read a whole novel between bedtime and breakfast and have absolutely no trouble keeping up with subtitles in anime.)   My only real problem reading Japanese seems to be the kanji.  I've tried reading regular Japanese text, like in a novel or newspaper.  It is not pretty.  Every kanji character becomes a speedbump or pothole and getting through a page of that is exhausting. 

OTOH, a lot of Japanese-language manga is aimed at younger, school-aged people and often either avoids kanji altogether or uses "hint mode".  (aka furigana.)  I'm thinking that might be a fun way to practice reading Japanese for someone at my level.  I did once impulse-buy a copy of Toradora that had furigana but the text was a little too small for my eyes so that experiment turned into something of an exercise in frustration.  It almost worked though.  I just need to find an engaging story that has easier-to-read text.  And/or uses only kana, though I think I'd actually prefer it if it had kanji+furigana, since that way I can get used to seeing/reading manga the kanji as well.  As long as the rubi text isn't too small I should be ok.  :)

Anyway, if any of you manga-readers are reading the Japanese versions and knows of such please feel free to make suggestions.  Unfortunately that's not the kind of information that is typically available in online stores, and the nearest good brick-and-mortar store with anything like a decent selection of Japanese-language manga & graphic novels is far enough away that I don't go there much.  ISBN #s would be super appreciated if you have them so people/I can order it online and still make sure to get the right version.

Currently a big fan of Chainsaw man and Jujutsu kaisen right now. I don’t get your critique of them. Also currently reading and loving: Radiant, Kengan Omega, Out, Kemono Jihen, Gleipnir, Jigokuraku, Ragna Crimson, Aposimz, Made in Abyss, Mononogatari, One punch man, Tsugumomo and alot more but those are the best right now

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On 3/22/2021 at 3:29 AM, extra skater said:

Started re-reading Eyeshield 21 volume 1 today.

Probably will read this volume only. I like the beginning of the story.

I usually read and re-read a lot some of my manga.

Good day. Why do you like just the beginning? I liked it entirely. I also like to re-read my beloved. Probably, many do this in order to immerse themselves in their favorite environment with the heroes of the story. I usually read on Novel-Sempai, and what is your source? Will you provide a link? Maybe your directory contains something that I have not read yet. Share?

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  • 3 months later...

I've started a few new ones recently:

I picked up the Seven Deadly Sins sequel, Four Knights of the Apocalypse, and it seems really good so far. 

I'm trying a couple of the new JUMP series too - Blue Box and Neru: Way of the Martial Artist. There's some other really interesting new titles coming out too!

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