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Ethernet or Wifi?


Ethernet or Wifi?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Ethernet or Wifi?

    • Ethernet
    • Wifi

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I use powerline ethernet, as its overall faster, and doesn't randomly cut off and turn back on which is really annoying when trying to stream something. Wifi also has lower speed caps than ethernet as well, but I hear that using 5GHz Wifi helps the problem as there is much less noice on the channel compared to 2.4GHz Wifi. Even so, I still prefer ethernet.

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Unfortunately. I don't use Wifi or Ethernet. What do I use you ask.

Once upon a time, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, there was this form of internet called Dial-Up. It is sometimes slower than a herd of snails stampeding through peanut butter but it allowed for an internet connection for basic internet things. Surprisingly enough, IRC chats work on it. Videos/streaming don't work at all. This is what I have. Whenever I have the opportunity, I prefer Ethernet over wifi.

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Wow, dial up didn't even cross my mind when I made this thread :P I'm surprised that Anime Forums even loads for you. I actually remember dial up several years back, and yeah, it was pretty bad.

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I prefer using a cable, really. Way faster than using whatever wifi connection I have.


Although there's a port on my router called "Ethenet", I don't really know how to use it... nor do I know what the difference between Eternet and Wifi is. Currently, I'm using wifi... I think. It's pretty slow, at 5mb/s or less, but it works, so whatever.

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Wow, dial up didn't even cross my mind when I made this thread :P I'm surprised that Anime Forums even loads for you. I actually remember dial up several years back, and yeah, it was pretty bad.

It is still pretty bad. I make due with what I have. I can even get on IRC chats....that surprised me more than anything.

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Unfortunately. I don't use Wifi or Ethernet. What do I use you ask.

Once upon a time, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, there was this form of internet called Dial-Up. It is sometimes slower than a herd of snails stampeding through peanut butter but it allowed for an internet connection for basic internet things. Surprisingly enough, IRC chats work on it. Videos/streaming don't work at all. This is what I have. Whenever I have the opportunity, I prefer Ethernet over wifi.

Why include the dinosaurs? Lels xD


I would prefer wifi. No buts and whys.

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Ethernet without a doubt.


Go for CAT6 Gigabit if you can - you'll need a switch and router that supports it but well worth it if you're transferring lots of big files around your network (e.g. to a NAS or file server)


For work, Gigabit is an absolute must as we often deploy large packages remotely - the full Adobe suite is 35 GB for example. On a Gigabit connection that doesn't take long at all to transfer at ideally 125 MB/s. But on a normal 100 MB Ethernet connection that would take forever at 12.5 MB/s.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...

I use ethernet as I am too lazy to go out and purchase a wireless adapter. Makes sense right? Still from the 1000s of people that say ethernet is faster. I will go with that assumption only because my office is around 7 meters from the Router and it can vary with wireless strengths (Mobile)

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  • 4 months later...

I'll happily use wireless 95% of the time, I use a laptop and the last thing I want is bulky ethernet cable floating around. My laptop is pretty old so the speed in which it can process any information it recieves is pretty low anyway so I don't believe it makes a difference, especially browsing.


The other 5% though, is if I want to transfer files around my house server or something else that can be sped up a lot by an increase in transfer speed. My router is across the hall however, so I use these Devolo Powerline adapters to send the ethernet signal from my router to where ever I need a connection.




They are miles speedier than WiFi and I notice zero difference between true wired ethernet and using these.

Really practical for when I need the extra speed boost.

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Ethernet! I would CHOOSE ethernet over wifi because its a direct link to wifi and wifi can lag a tad so ethernet.

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  • 9 months later...

It depends really. If I'm browsing the Web on my laptop or tablet, WiFi is good enough, even for streaming. If I'm gaming, I use a MOCA connection instead. More affordable than installing ethernet in the house and very fast. Never lags.

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Depends.  Nothing beats a wire for speed, except maybe a fiber.  My 'Net connection at home is less than 10Mbit though, so for surfing, streaming, etc. it doesn't really matter.  All my mobile devices have faster wifi than my DSL modem can hope to beat.  When I need to back up my laptop I plug in the gigabit ethernet cable or an external drive.  Otherwise I use wifi for the portability and comfort.

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  • 1 month later...

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