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  1. *Has nothing to do with anime but i was just bored, feedback is appreciated :) *


    I'll call this "Series A" incase i decide to continue the story at a later date. 



    Somehow it happened, on a cold day, in a warm room, where the blinds hid any sign that there was more to life than the school i was sitting in. I was sleeping peacefully on my desk, blissfully unaware of whatever my teacher was talking about... things were perfect. I was dreaming of colors. There was no plot, no characters, no setting... just feeling. It was the type of nap that only comes around once or twice a year. The type where you question if your even sleeping. 

    I awoke with a jolt like a soldier with ptsd... then i scanned the room as i waited for my breathing to slow down. The room is empty, but i could have sworn that somebody tapped my shoulder. Its as if i can still feel their hand there, as if they only moved away a moment ago... i guess stranger things have happened. I pinned it on my overactive imagination and made my way into the hallway. It was empty and in the simplest terms creepy. The red lockers flashed in and out of my vision due to the light at the end of the hall that was having a spaz attack... that was normal though, me and my friends had  even nicknamed it the murder corridor because we figured if there was ever i killer on the loose, he'd want to set the scene....Everything was still blurry from my tired eyes and although i kept rubbing them i couldn't seem to get them out of their murky fog. I've never regretted not bringing my glasses to school more than i have in this moment. Then i heard something shatter... glass? I wonder what broke? I start walking down the hallway somewhat frantically, checking the classrooms as i went by... what time was it? Where was everyone? All the blinds were shut so there was no telling what time of day it was, and there was no way i was going to open them to find out. I don't know why... something just seemed off about the whole thing.


    Finally, I'm at the main stairs. Its a big spiral staircase in the center of the school and if you look down you can see the lobby four floors away. I feel stupid, like a little kid who's running form their own shadow....whoever is monitoring the security cameras must be having a blast right now. I shake my head at the idea, causing my long braided pigtails to slap me back into reality... I really hope that i don't get killed... its not that I'm not ready to die, i just really don't want to die with smudges mascara and the same hairstyle i wore on my first day of kindergarten... I realize I'm getting side tracked and start running down the stairs, the pitter-patter of my shoes echoing through each floor as i pass it. 3....2....1 

    I'm in the lobby. I slow to a walk as a catch my breath and make my way toward the door. The sun looks as though I've been looking for it for an eternity. I cant help but kind of smile at myself, at the stupid idea of there actually being a killer on the loose, at the fact that i fell asleep in class and nobody bothered to wake me up. I open the door and feel the rush or fresh air. It feels so crisp and clean, as if I'm taking my first breath after almost drowning. I take my first step outside only to find the earth crumbling beneath me.

    The breeze is now hot with flaming embers in its grasp. I'm trying to cover my eyes.... i cant help but look down... I wish i hadn't looked. The earth has cracked and i can see every layer, the most distinct being the lava below me. The heat is unbearable. The air smells stale and brings the suffocating feeling of claustrophobia to my lungs and suddenly i widen my eyes and realize that these are the colors of destruction... suddenly everything slows and the heat subsides to the point where its tolerable. I look up to see the embers, falling like snowflakes, turning to ash before they hit the ground... suddenly i feel like I'm in grade school again. I'm happy and playful and smiling. The crack has almost closed up and i jump over it as if i were jumping over a puddle. I'm on the other side now, frolicking in the ash... I've forgotten it was ash thou, by now I'm convinced it is snow. It peppers my hair in a way that is gentle and kind... its been so long since I've felt so childish, so free. I look up again and as i do so i stick out my tongue to catch a snowflake...it lands... it burns. I feel the fire creeping down my throat and dropping down to my stomach, I'm being burned from the inside out. I open my mouth, only to release black smoke like a chimney and then begin coughing uncontrollably from the flames inside me. In the distance i see a shadowy figure in the window of the school, their watching me burn... i cant see their face but somehow i know their smiling, i cant feel it. I gasp for air in an effort to save myself and suddenly i wake up...


    I wake up coughing like crazy in the middle of class. People are looking at me funny. There's a movie on about the civil war and the teacher has stepped out for a minute. Once i finally get my cough under control my best friend leans in to tell me that I've been talking in my sleep for about 10 minutes, and that they didn't wake me because apparently its bad luck to wake someone up during a nightmare... some best friend... at least I'm not dead though. that's always a plus.... This is the story of my first day of high school... this is how i became branded a weirdo for the next 4 years..

  2. Deeath
    Latest Entry


    Summer school has been...a journey, I started my first day today..which means, dread.
    Although, I see some of my friends in here, so all is well.
    But I will say, I have no idea what Im doing...

    Math is what Im recovering for my credit recovery, and its no fun...anyways...

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    Ok so maybe we all had been ignored by someone or at least once. Or maybe some people never got ignored ( those who are luck). Sometimes it feels like i am the only person on earth. Sometimes It seems like no one can't even see you!! Or they just don't know you. The reason why  i am writing this to tell you all how a person feels when someone ignores him or her. So there  a girl who writes about me in her diary. My read her diary before so they told what was going on.... she Wrote that i am weird..ok so maybe i am little bit weird and she wrote that i i have a wicked plan. People just think that i am just annoying! Well sometimes people play jokes and that goes a bit too far. Ok so Once i went to one of my friend and said, "hi whaat are you doing?" She just ignored, then i waved my hand in front of her face but it seemed couldn't see me...

    I FEEL LIKE I AM JUST INVISIBLE NO ONE CAN SEE ME! people who are having the same problem i want to say that if someone ignores you should ignore them too! Cause someone doesn't give you credit! You are you no one has to tell who you are! 

    Love yourself and others who are kind hearted!😊

  3. i'll go first


    Show Name: Desert Punk

    Character Name: Desert Punk / Kanta Mizuno

    Reason why I Relate So Much Because i am A Total Pervert ☠😂, My Sex Drive Levels Is Insane


    myReviewer.com - Review - Desert Punk: Volume 1

    توییتر \ Ecchi San در توییتر: «Nothing feels nicer in the hand... 「Anime: Desert  Punk!」 https://t.co/U67D0N9t4l»




    Click Me To Checkout Best Anime Accessories

  4. Killing Bites is based off of the manga of the same name. People have created human-animal hybrids called jujin, and powerful businesses bet on the outcome of their duels.

    The show wastes no time explaining things and I could wrap up the first half of the episode pretty fast. Hitomi Uzaki, while walking down a street late at night, is forced into a car so that the passengers can have their way with her, but she kills everyone but the driver, Yuuya Nomoto, who didn't know that this was what his friends wanted him to do. He is then told to drive her to a place that turns out to be a graveyard of human bodies, which causes him to flee in terror but he accidentally stumbles upon a open arena for the Killing Bites death matches, here he meets a man by the name of Leo and doesn't question what he might be doing here, but tells him what happened as he pleas for help. Leo tells him that Hitomi is likely a jujin and explains what that is.
    After Yuuya calls him stupid, he transforms into one himself, but Hitomi comes to his rescue and transform himself. The thing about jujin is that male ones are fully covered in fur while female ones only have their limbs and ears change, another thing to note is that she only has her bra and underwear on at this point. In other words, fanservice.

    Now the fight itself is pretty well animated, but apparently their bodies are made out of steel since they can withstand being thrown into cars multiple times but still rip off eachother's appendages with ease. Yuuya is grateful of Hitomi and wants to take her to a hospital so as to get her wounds treated, but she tells him that she can't go there and ends up treating her wounds himself.
    The next day, they go out for pancakes because she wanted some and that is where we are properly introduced to Reiichi Shidoh, who Hitomi has been calling since after they arrived at the graveyard because he wanted her to protect Yuuya, and now says to be his bodyguard. He recites all the information he has about Yuuya, I wonder if he how long it took for him to get it memorized? So Reiichi is the director of Killing Bites and tells him that there are four zaibatsu that still have dominion over japan's economy and they use this death match as a proxy war with each having their own representative, and he further states that he wants him to be the investor for Hitomi and that's why she has to protect him, otherwise she won't be able to participate in any more matches.

    Hitomi acts pretty moe and not like herself at all around Reiichi, she adores him pretty much. After getting into his limo, Reiichi's secretary states how it doesn't make any sense to entrust some random guy with their money and I agree, can't these type of shows come up with better reasons for a character's harem existing?
    When they get back and Yuuya counts the money he received until night falls, Hitomi tells him to go out and buy her some stuff. I'm not sure why she told him to do this when she's supposed to be protecting him, but maybe she realized this and that is why she appeared later.
    On his way back, another jujin appears and flashes him in order to gain the upper hand and force him to talk, do you really expect this show to give a reason why she would need to do this when he didn't even notice her before? And do you expect it to give a reason why she didn't notice Hitomi even though she was right not to her the whole time she was lying in wait to ambush him?

    All in all, this show doesn't have a very good plot, it might not even have very good characters. The action is well animated, but will simply be fast paced and not contain too much logic. This anime is clearly geared towards people who like adult content though, so it won't be enjoyable by people who don't. That's it for now, please be sure to check out my look at Beatless. I will return in a week on february the 4th for my last two impressions, I promised to do Clear Card-hen but unless I can find it somewhere online, I'll likely have to give my impressions on the manga instead unfortunately. Thank you for reading, and have yourself a wonderful day.

  5. Persona
    Latest Entry

    Superheroe Landing GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

    1. What if one day an accident happens and suddenly had an awesome superpower?! 
    2. What role would you play with this newfound power?


    1. I'd want the ability to heal. The healing power would work on others and me.
    2. I'd play the slightly mischievous heroine! I'm not a saint, but I have a warm loving soul.
    I'll be best support gal! Kidding. I'd make sure to build strength, stay healthy, learn martial arts and whatever else. 

  6. The character portrayed by Matt Frewer on British television whose consciousness was transferred into an AI program following his fatal accident is possibly the most anime non-anime character ever.



  7. It's been a long time since I've written here in my blog. I really write writing and somehow it's my way of venting out my feelings, emotions and especially my frustrations. Speaking of frustrations let's talk about my frustration about cooking. So if you knew me for like quite some time maybe way back December 18 or something I've written this blog about living on my own in college and so here I am today still unable to cook a single grain of rice for dinner. We all have that feeling heroic moments when you just suddenly woke up from an 8-hour slumber induced by no sleep late last night due to a long quiz that never happened caused by your teacher feeling like, "Oh, I'm not gonna give a quiz today just cause I don't want to." and think that you could do everything you want to do cause you think you're the most capable being on earth. So here you were, washing some rice, readying for your first ever cooking show and humming to yourself while putting it over your rice cooker.  You take out your phone taking the most epic picture possible just cause it's your first time cooking rice and its expected in your country to know how to cook rice at the age of 10 and you're already 18 and ambitious enough. You take this little stroll in insta until you smell something burning and this time it's not your hair. It's your nonexistent work of art. You forgot to add in some water and all you had to do was wait for that rice cooker to just say keep warm! 

    So College life is going well for me aside from the fact that I had to buy my Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner from the Cafeteria. Good job self! You're going to survive it all so come at me life! *notice the potato sarcasm* So if you're having a bad day out there cause you're crush can't notice you, or your being bullied by someone who doesn't really know your true self at school, or you're bored all the time just cause you have all the time in the world and time is your slave or you're just plain frustrated with life's problems and hurdles remember there's a girl out there that is supposedly  expected to capable of cooking rice at the age of 10 and is now 18 but still can't have dinner due to her own clumsiness, negligence plain old stupidity. Don't be too harsh on yourself. We learn from mistakes but for me I think I'm going to learn from youtube since Mum's not here. 😛 

    Keep Breathing~ 

  8. So this will be a short blog post because I just want to announce that my webtoon, "Geisha Epic" is now available online.

    I just uploaded chapter one to webtoons.com. I thought of uploading to Tapas too but I got turned off that they only allowed 10 MB for a chapter. And chapter 1 of my webtoon is pretty big at 20 MB. Since it's the first chapter I decided not to keep it short and just go for it.

    If I want to upload to Tapas, I have to divide chapter one into two. And I don't want to do that because I feel like I'm cheating the reader. Making it look like it's longer than it actually is. So I'm passing on Tapas for now.

    But someday I want to make a webtoon that is exclusively only to Tapas. Because they have some interesting features that webtoons.com doesn't have.

    If you've been following this blog, thank you so much. I really appreciate it. And no it's not ending. I will still make blog psots as I continue to work on Geisha Epic. I will just switch to my visual novel for now.

    Check out the debut chapter of my webtoon here: https://cutt.ly/IQpeahC

    See you in the next blog.

  9. Welcome back to confirmation biases. Last time, I explained that to avoid confirmation bias, you'd have to view a perspective on both sides. If you haven't read it yet, I suggest you do.
    So, what did I mean by viewing a perspective on both sides?

    Well, simply put, I meant what I said. You find both proving and disproving evidence of a topic. Well, how do you do this?
    Think of it this way - "Does this evidence give clear evidence that this might be right? If not, is there any counter evidence?"
    If the answer to this is yes, congratulations - You've found sound evidence that does not confirm that your belief is 100% right. At the most, you've most likely only confirmed a very small portion of your claim.

    If the answer to this is no, however, you then look for counter evidence. Counter evidence to see if your not-clear evidence is incorrect.
    Let's use an example, again.

    You're investigating a murder. You have solid evidence that the murderer is a 15-year old child from... I don't know, Kentucky. However, you know that this one piece of evidence doesn't confirm it, and therefore, look for counter-evidence.
    Then, you do find counter-evidence. You find counter-evidence that they're not from Kentucky, and that they're actually from New Jersey. So, you put both of these aside and begin battling out which seems more likely.
    If, however, you can't find a conclusion, then set them aside for later until you find more evidence/counter-evidence. Once you have enough, argue with yourself, then make your case.

    This has been Week One of Logic Lessons with L, stay tuned for Week Two, which we'll be discussing about planning and unplanned executions of... anything.

  10. EnviousEnvy
    Latest Entry

    Just had a meeting at work last Thursday mainly on the updates of the Corona Virus and at that specific time only the schools had the potential to be affected. However, steadily it's been getting worse and worse and the U.S. Government is now creating more restrictions and bans making it extremely difficult for most people to even continue working. Apparently the Governor in my state changed our restrictions and bans 15 times within a few short hours today. So far it hasn't effected my job to where I won't be able to work but most of those around me are now without work because everything is closing down. Supposedly there aren't any plans with my job shutting down but honestly, who knows anymore?? Could be tonight, could be tomorrow or it could be next week. So far though we aren't shut down which is a good thing but like I said, now we are all waiting for the when.

  11. There is a much memed anime clip going around. You may recognize it below.


    Toho Studio. WIT Studio. (2023). 【荒木哲郎×SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Hata Motohiro】『COLORs』/TOHO animation ミュージックフィルムズ. Youtube.


    If you’ve looked beyond the memes, you might know that this is actually not from an anime series, but a music video for the song COLORs by Sawano Hiroyuki and Hato Motohiro. The anime stylings from the video are recognizable as the work of Toho Studios (Your Name, Jujutsu Kaisen) and WIT Studio (Attack on Titan, Spy x Family).

    If you have not seen the original music video, it is worth a watch and a listen. What I do understand from three and a half minute animation is the dark haired protagonist’s fascination with the iconic pink-haired individual, and some sort of military situation that seems like a mix of Neon Genesis Evangelion and Extinction (2018). I don’t know enough to comment about the exploration of gender that occurs in the music video, but it is another prominent point, and element that many of the memes using the clip focus on. The translated lyrics do not do much more to elucidate the plot of the video, speaking only appreciating a unreachable and transient sense of beauty in another person.


    If you have your own theories on the meaning of the animation and song, I’d love to hear them and I’m sure folks around these parts would too.

  12. Before we get into this I just wanted to say hi guys. Just checking in to let you know I'm still alive 😂. It's been a year or two and I forgot this place existed if I'm being completely honest with you so I wanted to come back on here and pick up where we left off. I'm pleasantly surprised to see that this place has grown significantly since the last time I was on here, but with that out of the way let's continue. So to get back into the swing of things I wanted to start with a two way versus battle to figure out who's winning. Chunin Exam Sasuke (while copying Lee's Taijutsu) and Gaara vs Neji and Rock Lee (Without weights). I have my own answers for this, but I want to mainly see what you guys have to say about it and I'll chip in where I can. Let me know what you're thinking!

    Screen Shot 2023-02-07 at 1.12.15 PM.png

  13. txGemgal3084
    Latest Entry

    So I like to take the time to talk about reading manga/comics.  This entry isn't so much about something specific I am currently reading but more about reading apps on my phone. I'll be quite honest I have a few (10 to be exact). That might be excessive or for some not enough. I started with one from an ad on  facebook or instagram not sure and it spiraled out.  I will divulge i mostly read romance and bl on the sites.  I have the following: webcomics, mangatoon, tapas, patreon, torycomics, tappytoon, manga renta, webtoon, coolmic(XXX), webnovel(not a good one but i can't find the comic im currently reading anywhere else).

    Webcomics, mangatoon have a point system along with buying coins to read. Some comics need money to read I'll be honest but the free coins do help

    Patreon is really good if you want to help artist in my opinion by directly funding and in doing so you do get perks. Also to can also read uncensored versions.

    My 3 favorites though thus far are tapas, tappytoon, and webtoon all are which are paying types.  Though I have to say its worth it especially tappytoon. The stories and graphics are on point. There really isn't bad translations that you get from other sites. They don't have a big collection but what they do have is great well in my opinion. 

    One of my favorites on Tappytoon is Light and Shadow was such a good story so much I would really love a hard copy. The Knight and Her Emperor is also quite excellent.

    That's all I have to say for now. As I am intrupted by a nasty thunderstorm so I'm going to get going if you have any questions about today's blog please feel free to ask. 

    The pics attached are screen shots of app icons on my phone, the 2 in the middle are tappytoon, and the last one is webtoon





  14. CasseyFujiwara
    Latest Entry

    Yooo Minna~SAN!!

    Current Anime being watched: Steins;Gate

    Genre: Sci-Fi, Romance, Mystery (from what I've seen)

    Recommend it? OF COURSE!

    It tells the story of Okabe Rintarou a self-proclaimed mad scientist along with his fellow "Lab Members" as they fight an organization in the future (terminator vibes eh), well anyways.. this is a must watch for everyone, though some may not understand it then watch it and you'll understand why I'm saying that this anime is outstanding (you could already understand what I'm saying just by looking at the show's ratings.) There's also some romance, that's pretty awesome if you ask me, though I've already watched the movie and have not watched the series full yet (which is pretty much one of the most stupid things that could happen) but I guess I have a Spoiler Paradox if that's what it's called, or maybe it was just my stupidity cause actually I thought the I was watching the first thing and I really thought that it was a movie, and the thing is I discovered that it was really the last of the franchise.

    Rating: 9/10 (I wanna stay true to the MAL Rating, though what I wanted was 10/10, but see for yourself. .


    [mal type=anime id=9253]



  15. So I was finally able to stop procrastinating and get stuff done. And here is 30+ seconds of my animated webcomic.

    30 seconds is a lot of work for an animator. Although this isn't full animation just limited animation. And to be honest this is the easy part.

    It gets harder from here.

    It also feels weird as I don't know where to categorize it. It's a motion comic. But it's not Marvel or DC. There are no super heroes here.

    It's not a web anime series as it's not 100% animated. It's not a web manga either as it's colored and has some animation.

    It's not a webtoon as most webtoons have Asian settings. And focuses mostly on Romance. 

    But yeah I think I've rambled on long enough. Here is the link to the first 30+ seconds: (Let me know what you think)



  16. =UZUMAKI=
    Latest Entry


    Hi guys! I have been watching anime more so, here it comes!



    Genre: Time Travel, Romance

    Recommend it? YES

    Guys, this anime was fabulous, if you are interested in time travel, this anime is something outstanding. It's basically about a group of people who want to look beyond the time using D - mails and primitive time leaping machine. It's also very psychological and I should also mention that it is also has many funny moments.



    GENRE: Yc, HS

    Recommend it? YES

    A cute love story about two HS boys. The story is very sweet a adorable. It has also a very unique art! 


    I have read so many mangas I will write them some other time :)



  17. So... @SoullessMarshmallow already did an entry on this topic, but thank god it wasn't copyrighted. So here I go.

    There was this guy I met online. He's an AWESOME friend, and when it comes to anime we're basically best buds. So I finally met him in real life after discovering that he was in the same school as I was in. So we kinda started talking, but the convo lasted only a minute. Afterwards I literally ignored him and he ignored me too. All he would do was stare at me. Finally, one day I couldn't take it anymore and asked him why he only stares at me but doesn't talk. And he just responded that he doesn't stare at me, but somebody else. Seriously, I mean, who  DOES THAT?!

    After that we kinda just ignored each other at school but online I was literally telling him EVERYTHING that has been going on with my life. And yeah, we were literally awesome friends online, but in real life... Well, it gets really awkward when he's even ten feet near me.

    Then this one day at school I confessed to him and like everyone, and I literally mean EVERYONE, heard my confession. Now I'm literally being laughed at and it's really hard to avoid those guys.

    So I kinda lost my Instagram (aka I cannot DM anyone anymore since I use Instagram on PC instead of my phone) and now I got "someone" (*cough* @I.Zara2006 *cough*) to talk to him. Now this "someone" told him that I want to talk to him in school. And... Things got REALLY out of hand. Everyday I'm LITERALLY playing Hide 'n Seek with him after we're done with our exams and everyone's just, like, milling around the campus. This was really embarrassing for me.

    After he rejected me I kinda backed out. But now, I feel like I'm not in his "friend circle" or "trustworthy circle" anymore. I just want to be good friends with him. But now, I'm so stressed out about this situation that I CAN'T. THINK. STRAIGHT.

    I did not put any "important" details in here, since he MIGHT be reading this. Who knows?

  18. Yanushi-Chan
    Latest Entry

    Greetings and Salutations lovelies,

    After hibernating in the hyperbolic time chamber, I have returned! There is so much going with anime, that I am dumbfounded as to where to start! Tell me what's going on in the anime world, what's new? What's back? What do you like so far? What should I look into?


    Your friendly neighborhood Weeb Witch,

    Yanu ❤️

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    Wow, it’s been some time since I made a blog. Things have changed a lot since then, I met new people and made some new friends. And lost some along the way but hey that’s life. Anyway my life has been a bumpy ride, I had a job and got fired. I went to a fan con last year, I had tons of fun!

    I also had a crush on someone, we tried it out but it didn’t work. Also someone told me she liked me but I turned her down because I had feelings for someone else. Yeah romance hasn’t been going too good for me. Maybe one day i’ll find someone special.

    My mental health has improved greatly since my little incident back in 2017. I nearly died from my own hands but I got help and got better slowly. I still have dark thoughts rarely but I just ignore them. I’m just happy I decided to stay you know. Mental illness effects anyone. 

    Lastly I just wanted to say i’m happy I found this place, I know i’m not here and don’t post often. I want to work on that since I consider some here friends, I feel they need my time because that’s how friendships can grow. 

  19. I've been away for quite awhile, mostly because I don't know what to do with the state of my health. I'm used to being chronically ill, but ever since December I've had acute illness after illness, as soon as one leaves I get another. My lungs still have not fully recovered from the bronchitis I developed before Christmas, even. Just this past week I had a stomach virus, and the very day the virus started to improve I came down with a sinus infection which resulted in my face swelling as if a golf ball had grown in it and I was completely unable to chew food. I decided to stop waiting until I "feel better" to get online, because I no longer have any idea of if or when that will be.

    Along with my health there have been a couple other factors that have kept me from getting online, one being that we've started having frequent power outages due to storms, where the power will go out sometimes multiple times a week for 20-36 hours. And, because one of my hedgehogs, Wendy, passed away three weeks ago. It's been really hard. She passed away much younger than expected, most likely due to some hidden health complications due to an infection she had as a baby. I am a person who gets majorly attached to animals, especially my own pets, so it's hit me hard. For the first week and a half I just completely isolated myself while I dealt with the grief. But, I'm trying to push myself to get back out there, because I know it's not good for my depression to stay like that.

    However, there is some good news! Five weeks ago my family adopted three cats:


    Pooka is goofball who always wants to either cuddle, play, or find some trouble to get into. He's my younger sister's cat and he will wake her up by biting her face, she has taught him to sit on command, he doesn't quite know how to meow but chirps instead, get stuck behind the dryer, tries to jump into the spinning ceiling fan, and enjoys scaring me by running up and wrapping himself around my legs to hear me scream.


    Hunk is a sweet big boy, who is largely bonded to my older sister and parents. He's 15lbs and a healthy weight, but on a strict diet because he is obsessed with food and will gorge himself if you let him. After finishing his own serving of food he will search the house for more, often trying to steal the hedgehog's food. While he doesn't like to be held, and doesn't like to be petted too much he does enjoy chin and face scratches. He also loves to sit beside people on the couch while they read or watch TV. He gets scared easily, and if an object is reflecting the least bit of light he will bop it with his paw, sometimes jumping away before bopping it again, until he is satisfied it won't attack him.


    Izuku is my baby and I am absolutely in love with him. He is the sweetest darling who would never hurt or scratch anyone. He loves to talk, he's always having a conversation loudly meowing. Most mornings he is my alarm clock. He is happiest cuddled up in bed sleeping with his head resting on my legs, but he also loves looking out the window, sleeping under the bed, or on top of the piano or bookcase. He will come running if I shake the treat bag. He loves to play, especially with his brothers. He will try to coax them to play by bopping or wrestling with them. He has the loudest purr, and getting attention makes him beyond happy. He's such a darling! <3 

    Anyways, guys, that's all for now! I hope I can catch up on the forums tomorrow, goodnight!

  20. Hello and welcome to my Kanon 2006 Article! I can’t remember the last time I had enough time to write an Article for Anime Forums. Life has been crazy but it has slowed down for the time being for me. So here I am, back with another Article! This Article will be different from my previous Articles. (if anybody who has read those is still here xP) I will not be doing an episode guide. Instead, I’m going to discuss the main characters of Kanon 2006.

    Do NOT open the spoiler tags unless you’ve already watched Kanon 2006 as they contain MAJOR SPOILERS.

    Aizawa Yuuichi

    kanon-2.png.0fdfb6f97e0f1751d96c42df844cee6a.pngAizawa Yuuichi is the main character of Kanon. He used to visit the city but, after a terrible tragedy, he leaves and doesn’t return for seven years. When he finally goes back, he hardly remembers anything from seven years prior. He lives with his cousin, Nayuki and her mother. As he interacts with the people he met in the past, he slowly starts to regain his memory. Yuuichi is this fun guy who teases all the main girls but he has a good heart and often acts like an older brother and protects them. He does choose a girl towards the end which I’ll discuss later on.

    This whole person going to a city, leaving for seven years and returning with few memories really reminded me of the anime Celestial Method which I absolutely loved so that alone instantly got me hooked on Kanon. I seriously would love to be Yuuichi. All he does is go to school and then wander around talking to beautiful girls xP He’s a really great guy.

    Yuuichi’s Ending

    kanon-3.png.f065cde108dee239d5ad71ad47e60dd5.pngLater on, Yuuichi realizes he is in love with Ayu. They share a kiss. Ayu’s ending occurs and after lots of tears, heartaches and a miracle, they end up together.

    I’m not going to go into this too much since most of it involves Ayu’s route and I’m going to discuss it later. It’s really sweet and a good pair up for Yuuichi. (although not the best in my opinion but I’ll get to that later. xP)



    Nayuki Minase

    kanon-4.png.0d29aab5093a34867dba10b0e2e47734.pngNayuki is Yuuichi’s cousin. She loves strawberry sundaes. She’s such a heavy sleeper that she has to have a plethora of alarm clocks and even then, they don’t always wake her up and Yuuichi or her mother has to get her up. Even when she gets up, she is often in such a sleepy daze that, she can eat, get dressed for school and head out to school with Yuuichi before she even wakes up. Then she’s confused as to how she got to where she was fully dressed xP This often causes her to be late for school and she often ends up running. She runs to school so much that she became the school’s star runner and captain of the track team. She loves cats despite being highly allergic to them.

    Nayuki is an extremely fun character to watch. Her sleepy dazes are always so amusing to watch because she usually passes out again, often while eating or walking. xP  Her “neko mode” is pretty adorable as well. She easily has the best facial expressions out of every character in Kanon.

    Nayuki’s Ending

    kanon-5.png.e6dd2b3bbe676a0579b2420b17066d33.pngAfter a request for strawberry cake leads to Nayuki’s mother getting in an accident, Nayuki shuts down and completely blames herself for what happens. She tries to pretty much cut herself off from all her friends saying that she doesn’t deserve to be happy since it was her fault that her mother was in the hospital. It’s mainly due to the intervention by Yuuichi and some of her other friends that snap her out of it. Her mother survives the incident. It is also revealed that Nayuki is in love with Yuuichi.

    Seeing that expression on Nayuki’s face, in the above picture, nearly destroyed me the first time I was watching Kanon. She’s such a sweet girl that I just want to save her from the pain although that pain does make her stronger in the end. With this being based on a Key VN, I was soooo afraid Nayuki’s mother was going to die. I was so relieved when it was revealed that her mother didn’t die.



    Mai Kawasumi

    kanon-6.png.e26724dd8b63b7608c975c160f3ad065.pngMai Kawasumi is a mysterious girl. Due to her disregard for what’s considered “normal behavior”, she’s viewed as a delinquent by the other students. She can usually be found with her best and only friend Sayuri. She doesn’t talk much and even when she does, it’s usually brief responses. After meeting Mai in the hallway of the school at night, Yuuichi starts eating lunch with Mai and Sayuri and Mai slowly warms up to him.

    Mai is the cute, quiet type in Kanon. Don’t let that disguise fool you though because she’s a badass with a sword. She is extremely protective of Sayuri and let’s just say you wouldn’t want Mai to catch you being mean to or hurting Sayuri. It won’t end well for you xP.

    Mai’s Ending

    kanon-7.png.85b5b6b964f36f5e30c6ed592ca764b4.pngIt is revealed that Mai’s mother became ill when Mai was younger. After her mother is miraculously healed, we find out that Mai has the power to heal anybody and anything.  This power made the townspeople fear her and as a result everybody except her mother ostracized her. Mai was told that she would meet someone who would be able to put aside her powers and become a great friend and that friend was Yuuichi. Soon after, Yuuichi had to leave town and return home. This made Mai sad and, out of desperation, she made up a story about demons invading the field of wheat where they played together. Soon afterwards, a school was built on that field and Mai started walking the grounds at night, sword in hand, fighting off the demons. It is revealed that the demons are the manifestation of Mai’s power. Together with Yuuchi, Mai defeats each of the demons and afterwards, she tries to commit suicide but fails which lands her in the hospital.

    Mai’s ending is okay. You basically just find out that the destruction is caused by Mai not accepting her healing powers and the fact that she missed Yuuichi. Each time a demon was killed it hurt Mai. She survives her suicide attempt due to something I’ll discuss later.


    Shiori Misaka

    kanon-8.png.ee89e93e87c8ba5783bbeba0f62a9941.pngOne day, while adventuring with Ayu, Yuuichi meets Shiori, although during the first encounter, Yuuichi doesn’t get her name. A few days later, as Yuuichi is staring outside the window during class, he notices that Shiori is standing out in the snow right outside the school. When lunch comes, Yuuichi goes outside to talk to Shiori and learns her name and that she is outside waiting for somebody. He also learns that she is a student there but she is sick with a cold and that is why she isn’t in class. Yuuichi tells her to go home since she is sick and it’s snowing which isn’t going to help her get better. Nevertheless, she shows up every day waiting for somebody.

    Shiori reminds me a lot of Nagisa from Clannad (Nagisa’s character may have been based on Shiori since they are both Key titles) She’s sick, sicker than what she tells Yuuichi at first. She has a dream and that’s why she’s waiting for someone everyday at school even though she is too sick to actually attend. She’s a really sweet girl.

    Shiori’s Ending

    kanon-9.png.1f9cb7077f2b1f1d8077250560c51842.pngShiori is expected to die before her next birthday. We also find out that Kaori Misaka (Yuuichi’s classmate) is Shiori’s older sister but because she knows Shiori is going to die, she acts like Shiori doesn’t exist. Yuuichi eventually gets Kaori to acknowledge and to spend time with Shiori which makes both girls much happier. The person Shiori was waiting for was her sister Kaori. It was her dream to go to school with her sister. However, Shiori does not die and starts to get better due to the same reason Mai didn’t die which I’ll discuss later. This leads to Shiori returning to school and fulfilling her dream.

    Now you see why Shiori reminds me of Nagisa: the lasting sickness, potential death and wanting to fulfill her dream. I was so happy she didn’t die. Her playful personality despite the fact she knew she was dying was beautiful.



    Makoto Sawatari

    kanon-10.png.2936d6042b4e7890b6cdd0b1ec92a350.pngYuuichi meets Makoto when she attacks him out-of-the-blue in the middle of town. She was then carried her back to his cousin’s house (where he is living), where she lives as a guest for the remainder of her story. Despite having lost her memories, she eventually remembers her name and is sure that she holds a grudge against Yuuichi from the past when he visited the city back when he was younger. Makoto’s amnesia, is much more severe than Yuuichi’s or Ayu’s, but from an entirely different source. It takes her a while to warm up to a stray cat she finds and taking Yuuichi’s suggestion, names it Piro. Makoto loves Piro very much and will often carry the cat around on her head. Makoto has a mischievous personality which leads to her performing various pranks exclusively on Yuuichi during the middle of the night due to her strong dislike for him, something she constantly reaffirms. Her pranks vary in severity, such as simply dropping food on him or once even throwing lit firecrackers into his room. Yuuichi always counters them and as a result, Makoto is the one upset in the end. As time passes and Makoto starts feeling more like a member of the Minase family rather than a stranger, she honestly grows to like Yuuichi, effectively looking beyond her latent distaste for him. Makoto has an idiosyncratic expression, “auu~”, which she says when she is frustrated or sad. It has no real meaning. Another unique speech pattern of hers is that she always refers to herself in the third person. Near the end of her story, Yuuichi buys a present for Makoto, which she chooses. It’s a bracelet with two bells on it. Makoto enjoys the sound they make.

    Finally! I’ve gotten to my favorite girl in all of Kanon! Makoto is so adorable and her failed attempts at pranks usually in up with adorable scenes with her. Auuuu~ She’s so adorable when she says Auuuu~ I just LOVE IT!!! Her interactions with Piro are always super adorable too! She’s easily the best character in all of Kanon in my opinion. I don’t think I mentioned it earlier but she eventually becomes addicted to manga and meat buns and she eventually gets Yuuichi to read to her. So adorable I could die xP

    kanon-11.png.be7f64b60595648f529abdc72a40e294.pngMakoto’s Ending

    We find out that Makoto is not a human but instead a fox that Yuuichi found ten years ago when he came to the city as a child. Yuuichi first found Makoto, back then a young fox, injured on Monomi Hill and he took the fox back and kept it in his room for the rest of the summer. One day, Yuuichi tells the fox about an older girl that he had a crush on named Makoto Sawatari, which is where Makoto’s name is derived from. At the end of summer break, Yuuichi takes the fox back to the hill and he runs away soon after releasing her, leading her to be angry with Yuuichi. Her desire to see Yuuichi again was so strong that her wish was granted…..at the cost of her memories….and later…..after her humanistic qualities start to fade and all she can say is Auuuu~, Yuuichi takes Makoto to Monomi Hill and pretends to marry her,  making her final wish come true. Soon after, Makoto dies fulfilling the final requirement of the miracle.

    Makoto has the saddest route in Kanon because she actually dies. My heart broke and I hated that the cost of her miracle was her memories and later her life….Even now, I can barely type my thoughts on the matter because being reminded of it just makes me want to cry :’( :’( :’( :’( :’(



    Ayu Tsukimiya

    kanon-12.png.75156ccb87be0ec4dbc08975669d3069.pngAyu is a rather short, strange, energetic, and a very mysterious girl who literally bumps into Yuuichi early on in the story. She is easily recognizable by her winged backpack, and her red hairband. Ayu is left handed and loves to eat taiyaki. Ayu often takes out her frustration by using the idiosyncratic expression “uguu” much like Makoto with her “Auuu.” She is searching for an item that is important to her but she doesn’t remember what it is only that she’ll know it when she sees it. She has a severe lack of present day knowledge such as she doesn’t know what a cell phone is. She has memory loss as well.

    Ayu is really adorable and my second favorite girl in Kanon. Her “Uguuu” makes me die of adorableness just like Makoto’s “Auuuu~” did. Encounters with Ayu are pretty funny because she usually runs toward Yuuichi trying to hug him and he dodges which leads to her hitting a tree or falling over. She never stays mad at Yuuichi for too long though because he buys her taiyaki which she loves. And now onto the final ending of Kanon.

    Ayu’s Ending

    kanon-13.png.f6416f49b2b0164c9953405a84936c7a.pngSeven years before the story begins, Ayu falls out of a tree and hits her head on the last day Yuichi was going to be in town. At first, he believes she died, but Akiko reveals she is in the hospital and has been in a coma for the past seven years. The Ayu Yuichi has been meeting in town is actually an astral projection of herself (similar to Fuuko in Clannad). Later on in the series, with Yuuichi’s help, she breaks out of her coma, and gets her hair inadvertently cut too short when she goes to a barber shop, leading him to comment how much she looks like a boy like he did before. The item she had been looking for was a small angel doll that Yuuichi had given her telling her that it would grant three wishes as long as Yuuichi could make the wishes come true. She uses two of them and then her and Yuuichi bury the doll in a jar as a kind of time capsule. While Ayu is in her coma, she gains the ability to have one wish granted and she chooses for the one she cares deeply for to always be happy; that’s why Nayuki’s mother, Mai and Shiori didn’t die.

    I was heartbroken when I thought Ayu was dead. I was so relieved to find out she was in a coma and when she finally awoke. If Yuuichi couldn’t have Makoto, I would settle for him loving Ayu. I don’t know why Ayu’s wish didn’t extend to saving Makoto….maybe the cost of the Makoto’s miracle overrode the effects of Ayu’s wish. I just don’t know…..

    It was a pretty good ending to a great anime!



    I hope you’ve enjoyed this journey I’ve taken you on through the lives of the main cast of Kanon and I hope that you’ve either watched it or that this Article will inspire you to watch it! Thank you so much for taking the time to read it! I hope you have a great day!


  21. So, here is my episode 4 review. Let's go!

    We start with the Principal talking to Mrs Sakurai about discipline and the need to better enforce it. This is the setup for the first half of the episode and is quickly delivered before going to the OP.

    After that, Mrs Sakurai is motivating herself in regards to new task of enforcing rules. She bumps into Sasahara, who is eating a cooked meal layed out on a tray he has hung from his neck. There's also wine, because eating in the halls is something Sasahara does with sophistication. Naturally, Mrs Sakurai freaks out. But she tries to take Sasahara on. It works, amazingly. This is the first time Mrs Sakurai has done this telling a student off thing successfully and with Sasahara of all people. Of course, Sasahara feels the need to loudly declare that those who prepared his food should be notified that he found it delicious. Instantly, Misato is behind Sasahara with a minigun. So, she too has a special power. Everyone seems to do in this anime, but I guess that's to be expected in this shounen ani...wait, this is slice of life? Whar?

    Well, I hope Misato has better amunition this time. Mrs Sakurai nervously reprimands Misato on the minigun she has. But a person suddenly calls Misato over, so Mrs Sakurai doesn't have to deal with that. She then asks Sasahara about his cravat, which she calls a frilly thing. He first responds with a random bit about how their ordinary days might be a series of miracles, with Sasahara and Sakurai being shot as though this is some super meaningful moment. Then Mrs Sakurai asks Sasahara aboiut the cravat again, since she doesn't know it's name. He laughs and says he'll tell her it's name. He then leaves without finishing the sentence of “It's name is...” with a actual name. But this is actually better than usual, so Mrs Sakurai is happy. This is very good day for her in terms of accomplishments. Well done! So it has to finish off with Sakurai asking a student about their hair and that student becoming upset, loudly confessing after being pushed by Mrs Sakurai that their hair doesn't grow on the sides.

    We get a random bit where a student is counting for a game. When he turns around from the wall he was facing, he gets told by another student that the others involved in the game have gone home. Oh, the transition bit for at this point is a shot of a urinal. That's odd.

    Nano and the Professor are doing food shopping. Nano's dealing with the problem of taking a young child around shopping. The Professor wants snacks and has zero interest in healthy foods. Plus, she already has snacks back home. But Nano does accept that they can get some snacks for Sakamoto. While looking for those, the two notice a snowman on the sehelves and Nano asks a store worker about it. It's actually made of ice and some other people express interest in it. But Nano decides to buy it. You know, because it's cute. Yeah, that makes total sense in regards to buying something that'll melt and that you'll be shaving ice off for shaved ice treats. The Professor uses this brash impulse purchase to leverage some snacks out of Nano. It is understandable when Nano got a snowman for herself. Well, Sakamoto is stunned by this. He doesn't care much, as long as he has his own food. 

    Yeah, Nano forgot that, thanks to the distraction of the snowman. So, your meal is shaved ice, Sakamoto. Enjoy! Hmm, are there actual frozen treats for cats? I wonder.

    We get the rock paper scissors game between Nano and the Professor again. This time, her hand launches into the air, with a cord attached to it that links to to Nano. It stops extending after a point and pulls Nano up into the air. Come back, Nano! We still need to do the rest of the episode!

    Okay, next bit. All the students are in class and working. Mrs Sakurai has fallen asleep. Yukko is looked freaked out at something. That turns out to be Mai standing on her desk while no one pays any attention to that, apart from Yukko. Then Mai is suddenly gone, Yukko looks around and then finds Mai behind her, lying on top of the lockers. She then lifts her hand up and has a finger touch a hand drawn behind her with it's own finger extended, like that famous painting with man reaching out to god. Hmm, perhaps it is Mai who is meant to be God. Yes, that makes perfect sense! God is an anime girl who does random stuff to screw with people.

    Yukko tries to get Mio's attention, but Mio just thinks it's an eraser Yukko's after and hands one over without even looking at Yukko. Then Mai is back at her desk, but is taking off her hair. Yukko freaks out at this. So does the Principal, who we see through the class window. Then the bell rings, stirring Mrs Sakurai and getting her to end to test. We then cut to Mai and Yukko on the rooftop with Mai holding the wig she wore for the whole no hair thing.

    We get a bit with Mrs Sakurai in the office, musing on thinking about what others want and what you want. It's not a joke, but it's short and nice.

    We get another bit with that person playing the game from earlier. He is still trying it with no one around playing with him and the person who told him the others had gone just telling him to stop already.

    Yukko goes up to a window, tired. Then a bird, some sort of exotic bird, appears and tells her that it has gotten used to this form. Yukko freaks out.

    Nano is cooking umeboshi. Sakamoto tries one, but they aren't cooked yet. The Professor gets a foxtail from the garden and says she can play with Sakamoto with it. Sakamoto isn't pleased with the way he is adressed and the Professor keeps using the undesired form of address while trying to apologise, annoying him further. Nano goes shopping, leaving Sakamoto with the Professor. She annoys him further, though the way she sways the foxtail left and right begins to distract him. Then the Professor leaves him to got to the loo, giving him a moment to think. He thinks about how he is the only adult there in the house and will have to take a parent role, an attempt at being mature which is hard to take seriously when Sakamoto starts playing with an eraser part way through his inner monologue and gets seriously into playing with it. Then the Professor pops back and wonders what he was doing. So save his dignity as the self-proclaimed parent, he says he was sleeping. Then he gets distracted by a fly while trying to explain himself and starts trying to swat it. He then gets distracted again by the foxtail and leaps at it. Yeah, mission accomplished, Sakamoto. The Professor will surely take you seriously now that you've gone full cute kittie in front of her.

    *sighs* Why won't cats ever go full cute kittie for me in real life? Whyyyy?!

    After that, we see the hair guy from before at home, trying to arrange his hair to look more normal. It works, but his mum pops in and both of them freak out.

    Yukko and Mai are outside, after school. Yukko spots Mai reading a book hidden by a book. Yukko says this is likely part of Mai working to her role as the funny man. But she decides to poke fun at 4this anyway. This annoys Mai, who says her good jab effectively overshadows her funny man act. It's amusing in a way, since Mai is the most serious in the way she acts. But I'd say Mio is the straight man of the group, while funny man of the group is potentially applicable to Mai. Anyway, Yukko is actually a bit confused about what Mai is doing. Mai says she doesn't need to explain and thought Yukko would just understand, since she;s quick on the uptake. Then it gets briefly tense with Mai saying they aren't friends. Mai clarifies a moment later that they are best friends and thus don't need words. Yukko says some words are okay and tries to hug Mai. Mai pushes her back and it's tense again, with Mai saying she shouldn't do that. Then it gets odd, with Mai saying she'll fall further in love with Yukko. Yukko thinks this is a best friend sort of love, but Mai tries to clarify. It's the romantic sort of love thaty girls normally have for guys. Yeah, so Yukko freaks out at this.

    It was a joke. Yukko says she believed it, then tries to lie her way out of that. Mai then says, very seriously, that she hates people who try to lie their way out of situations. Yukko apologises.

    It was another joke. Yukko is just utterly confused at this point. Also, the comment about Yukko being quick on the uptake was meant to have Yukko respond with “No I'm not” as an alternative setup for a joke than the whole sudden love thing.

    Well, in my opinion, that was an improvement over episode 3. It was very funny. There was no super animation moment, but all the jokes worked wonderfully.

  22. Beocat
    Latest Entry

    So, lately bad luck just seems to be stalking me...like a yandere nipping at my heels. Well, now my car won't start. I suppose the silver lining is that I wasn't 400 miles away. Doesn't make the cost to fix it any easier to swallow. This seems to be one thing after another for me. What could happen next?


    Guess I am home bound until my husband is done teaching class. At least the kittens are loving this turn of events. 

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